The Best Camera For Overlanding


Autism Family Travellers!
for sure. I had an underwater kit for my Olympus e series. It was awesome. I cant remember the brand off hand but I got some awesome photos while scuba diving around NL.


lost on the mainland
I taught and lead diving for 15 years of my life :) not sure how many dives well over 5000
did a few years of cold water diving to but preferred the tropical places :) hahahaahhaha

had some fun places I got to work one of my favs was Truk Lagoon or Chuuk as it should be :)

most memorable dive was the USS Arizona which is so so so rare to do and on top to take photos of it underwater :) that little icon thing in my profile there is from Chuuk the dude near the tail of the plane was Gene Hackman :) got to certify him for the movie "The Firm" when it came out some time ago :) had a great dive career

nice to see another diver :)


Autism Family Travellers!
I was 3/4 my way through dive instructor. I have cave, wreck, ice diving, night as well as deep water diving under my belt. Just needed some extra hrs. No such thing as diving without a dry suit here. water is 40 deg in summer.... bbbrrrrrrr.

the Dive shop closed up here because of mis management. It was awesome. I did a school work term there in 94, and started working there after. I fast tracked my open water and advanced diving training because I went to every session instead of just one per week. I got all my dive gear for graduation instead of a new car. that was ice regulator and second stage, dive computer , dry suit, camera, light etc.

Diving for scallops and eating them fresh is a treat I tell ya.

Awesome, Gene is a cool guy.

I also did commercial diving for the government here for a year.


lost on the mainland
Never did commercial did rescue recovery for the FD but did not like it did that along the same time 2 years taught in cold water all dry suit of course :)

Choices live in tropics work on dive boats or commercial work on oil rigs with a bunch of guys was not a tough choice give me boats and bikinis and blue water and beaches :)

Agree on fresh food I miss that used to fish pretty much every day lobster and fish and others would bring down rice and meat other would bring desert another drinks etc... would get a few families together each contributing did that about 5-6 days a week was awesome google up hulopoe beach on island of Lanai my old home also was on Maui and a island called Utila that was a blast if ya like fun backpack euro crowd :)
No complaints for sure :)


Autism Family Travellers!
We want to live in florida, however, due to us being Canadian I have no chance in hell to move there for more than 6 months of the year.


lost on the mainland
my wife is Canadian Vancouver area :) met her when I lived on Maui and had to twist her arm to come live with me there if we got married hmmmm
Vancouver is a pretty place though but not Maui :) but now we live in AZ ? not the same :) ahahahahah
we knew a few Canadians that did the 6 month back and forth thing stayed up there in summer came to the islands in winter but all were retire age of course


Autism Family Travellers!
That's when you can do it easier beacause your kid are grown and no one but you and the missus then. My parents goto florida every winter. WE go for the summer "rush". ha ha....florida is empty in summer and we love it that way.


I use a canon t4i and a gopro hero3+ ( with the optional lcd display) I love this combo! And the gopro impress me all the time!


lost on the mainland
for sure the go pro stuff I see done well shows its not the gear its the subject :) I love go pro setups excited about the new 4 also :)

I use a canon t4i and a gopro hero3+ ( with the optional lcd display) I love this combo! And the gopro impress me all the time!


Autism Family Travellers!
I use a Kodak HD water resistant Digital video cam mounted on my dash. It works great for dash cam duties.


Part time fulltimer
Here's my current portable rig - Nikon CX system, 18 to 810mm range in these 3 lenses. I may be looking for a waterproof AW1 body to go with these and the waterproof zoom - throw it all in a Pelican 1450 and it's ready for Overlanding duty :)

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lost on the mainland
some of the 1 inch sensor stuff the nikon 1 series the sony and the panny are doing incredible things with them for sure :)
I did think it was neat they also have that one lens that is equiv to 85 in fov but in a 1.2 f-stop was a good move on nikon IMHO :)

Here's my current portable rig - Nikon CX system, 18 to 810mm range in these 3 lenses. I may be looking for a waterproof AW1 body to go with these and the waterproof zoom - throw it all in a Pelican 1450 and it's ready for Overlanding duty :)


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