The CrowsWing Teardrop Finally Lands in Baja!


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We also just posted the first video of our trip on youtube. If anyone is interested in watching. The first covers our border crossing and our first few nights camped on a beach north of San Felipe.

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Part 2 of our Baja trip on video. We spent several days on a rocky beach that we had all to ourselves, well that's if you don't count the pelicans, ravens, vultures, and coyotes

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Part 3 of our Baja adventure. We spent a week at Bahia de Los Angeles. We found a quiet beach south of town (not near LaGringa and all the van lifers that were there). We only saw a few locals come in and use the beach, and there was only one other person camping on the beach at all. Fishing, kayaking and bird watching. A great way to spend a week at a great place.

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South to Baja part 4
Ojo de Liebre
Camping, bird watching, and early season Whale watching?

The fourth episode to go along with the written story is live on our youtube channel.

In this episode we spend 6 days over Christmas camping at Laguna Ojo de Liebre hoping for an early season Whale to visit. The birds did not disappoint us and put on a great show. The whales, well, let's just say we'll need to make a return trip....

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Follow along on Part 5 of our trip to Baja Mexico. We take a wrong turn in the small town of Mulege that results in a 37 point turn-around. Then we find a campsite on the windy side of Bahia de Concepcion that sends us packing and looking for a calmer site to camp.

With Wrong Turns, Death Winds, Kitchen Conflagrations and Venomous Monsters from the Deep this show has it all!

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South to Baja Part 6
Thieves in the Night
and the Secret Enclave

What's your reaction when someone steals something from your beach campsite overnight? You shrug it off and go find a more remote beach, possibly a beach with an enclave of Canadians. Canadians that consider the beach "theirs" because they've been visiting it for three months every year for the last 30 years. After passing the vibe check they "let" us stay and we spent the next week fishing, hiking, snorkeling, and building a stone sofa. Please, enjoy another rock solid (like our sofa) video from our Baja adventure.

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South to Baja Part 7
Big Trouble Outside Santa Rosalia

Nearly everyone has asked about the scene in our opening credits of the Baja series where I'm removing the axle from the teardrop. Here's the video with the answer!

Have you ever had a vehicle malfunction miles from nowhere? We've had a few over the years, but this one took our cake. We lost a bearing and spindle in the desert! Follow along to see if we managed to escape from the baja desert, or if we're still living where we parked the teardrop in the desert...

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Great trip report...beign solo on your trip, did you at any time feel a FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY?
Thank you. Not sure that I understand your question though.

If you mean, did I feel safe at a place but then something made me feel unsafe at that place?
No, I felt safe enough to sleep at night and never left a camp spot due to an insecure feeling.

If you mean, was I just be-bopping down baja unaware of all the dangers that could possibly befall me feeling absolutely safe and secure, but as an American tourist I could be killed for my truck tires?
Again, no, I wasn't unaware of all the dangers but I wasn't going to let that stop me from enjoying the life I have to live.

Obviously, we had a false sense of security at Loreto beach. We left our Campfire in a Can out, thinking we'd hear someone walk up that close to the trailer to steal something. Apparently, we snore too loudly to hear someone walking in the soft sand, so that was a mistake.

Baja was fun and felt safe enough. I've certainly felt like I was in more potential danger in a very methy area of Oregon, or in Tates Hell in Florida (locals were upset that their late night drinking spot was our designated campsite) and most recently going through Besham City in Pakistan waiting for multiple police escorts while crowds formed trying to see the Americans.

None of this is to say that Baja (or anywhere one visits) is absolutely safe. I did spend a few hours pretending to read while keeping an eye on two truckloads worth of armed military men (they looked military at least) walking the beach at Bahia de Los Angeles.

I guess what I'm saying is dangers are everywhere, keep your eyes open, and pay attention to your surroundings. But don't let paranoia ruin your travels.

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I come in Peace
I'm really enjoying the report and videos.

I've had a number of fixes in Mexico and Baja and always amazed at what can be done.

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