Great idea with the shelves and the amo cans Mr Plethora. I can also see that your rig flexes nicely. Are you always going to be running the same size tires? Thanks for posting up. Cheers Chilli...

Oh yes, it flexes well. I'm sure your rig flexes just as good. Good ole' Chevy square bodies...

Already over-flexed it once, don't wanna do that again... :squint:
But since I had installed the overdrive unit, I no longer required the taller tires to gain higher top speed. So I swapped out the 37" STA's for 33" Treadwright AT's.

The Treadwright's are a recycled retread. My brother runs them on his diesel pickup and his Jeep. A bunch of my friends run them on various other vehicles. So far, nothing but good things from them. My friend had one of his tires develop a funny bubble under the tread. They sent him a new one no questions asked, really nice customer service and they are very well priced. Plus, these tires have a big recycling symbol on the side, so I can just tell everyone that this big old diesel is indeed helping the environment!

I like them so far. My braking inreased also from the old tires. When I would really hammer on the brakes, the old tires would just lockup and slide. This rubber actually grabs the road, it's quite safer to drive with these.

With the new tire a bit smaller, I lose overall speed due to the ratio difference, but that loss is taken up with the overdrive unit. So I can keep up that higher speed, but I get my torque values back that I lost due to the oversized tires. You should see the looks you get from all your offroading buddies when you tell them that you went down in tire size.