I love carnage! It's all about finding the vehicles weak points and limits, and not hitting those limits again, haha. And hey, being a butcher is a lot more fun than going vegan! That would be a boring ride. This ride was a lot more fun. Came off a rock, landed on a tree stump, made horrible bang, figured it was already under there and I was already as deep as I was gonna get so I kept going forward. Well, that left a trail destruction from the oil pan back. Oh well, that was a stupid move. I'll accept responsibility and move on.

Fixed the shock mount, that was easy just cleaning it up, bend back into shape, and weld it back on. As you can tell, this may have not been the first time it has been ripped off...

Unfortunately, the oil pan just had to come off. Everyone said just go buy a new one, but hey, it's steel, and it got bent, so just bend it back!

Sometimes hammers just won't cut it.

Now the transmission mount was a lot more fun. Removed the old mount and found out that the mounting bolts ha sheared off.

The one bolt was easy, just drilled a pilot hole, tapped in an extractor thingy, heated up the metal around bolt cherry red and took it right out. This was after a few hours of letting it sit with several coats of penetrating oil of course.

The second bolt was a bit more stubborn. The extractor tool technique wasn't working. Vise grips just laughed at me. So we have to get the welder back out and do the old "turn a stud into a bolt" technique.

Never had this technique not work! So there ya go, all fixed and back on the road.