The CUCV Build-1986 M1031 Mobile Field Maintenance Assault Vehicle


"SEVE" (not sure of spelling tho you get it) mjmcdowell

Good call! Grab yourself a :beer:. It's a Swedish stove called the SVEA 123. They started making them back in the 1950's and are very unique and simple compared to modern stoves. One sketchy thing is that you have to pour fuel directly on the fuel tank and light it on fire to pressurize the fuel. Good stuff...


Senior Curmudgeon
...I think it's more of a bushings gone bad scenario rather than poor design. The aluminum chassis is pretty thick, but if those old rubber bushings go bad, the aluminum gets over stressed. Add in some offroading that the vehicle is not designed to do and you have a recipe for disaster. You wouldn't happen to have or know a source for replacement bushings for the contact body do you? I kind of made my own polyurethane ones.

Sorry for the late reply, but I've been on the road for a couple of weeks. I checked my truck and I can find no evidence of any bushings. The bed was mounted directly to the frame.


I really like your 2" receiver set up, I've been meaning to knock that out on my cucv as well. I have an old 90's hitch from a Chevy pick up so i figure some cutting and welding and I can bolt it right up. Like you I only need it to do the log splitter and little utility trailers around the property so it doesn't need to be too crazy. Well done on the extra jerry cans, hard to go wrong on those. Having more fuel has never been a bad thing for me while out on overland trips.

Matter of fact I need to come up with a method to store some of those scepter cans in all my pickups asap. Keep up the good work sir!


Sorry for the late reply, but I've been on the road for a couple of weeks. I checked my truck and I can find no evidence of any bushings. The bed was mounted directly to the frame.

Hmmm, your not getting any bimetal corrosion? That body must be under all kinds of stress without bushings. How about the pto belt for the generator? If I didn't have any bushings, that belt would be too loose to operate properly.


I really like your 2" receiver set up, I've been meaning to knock that out on my cucv as well. I have an old 90's hitch from a Chevy pick up so i figure some cutting and welding and I can bolt it right up. Like you I only need it to do the log splitter and little utility trailers around the property so it doesn't need to be too crazy. Well done on the extra jerry cans, hard to go wrong on those. Having more fuel has never been a bad thing for me while out on overland trips.

Matter of fact I need to come up with a method to store some of those scepter cans in all my pickups asap. Keep up the good work sir!

Those can holders are military surplus. You can pretty much get those anywhere. And you can them from the bottom or the rear/side.


In the words of Ricky Bobby, I wanna go fast! Well, at least the speed limit. These military trucks were only designed to go convoy speed, which is only 55mph. I think the truck shifts into it's 3rd and final gear at 32-35mph. So at 40mph it will get 25mpg, which is great. But who wants to drive down the highway at 40mph? at 60mph, that fuel economy drops down to around 18 mpg. At 70mph, with the engine redlining, I don't want to know. 9mpg? It be nice if we could go 65mph, with at least 20mpg, and the engine somewhat quiet so two can have a conversation in the cab.

Sure, there are a few solutions.

#1 Man up and deal with it.
-I guess I lost my man card when I lost my hearing from the screaming engine.
#2 Change the speedometer gear to a different ration so it says the truck is going faster than it really is.
-This would be great if someone did it and never told me about it. I'd just assume everyone passing me is just really really speeding.
#3 Swap in an electronic 4L80E transmission.
-Too much work just to be stuck with another automatic.
#4 Actually man up and drop in a manual transmission with overdrive, like a NV4500.
-Now we're talking! If only the engine was old and no good, then we could throw in a Cummins 6bt! But really, with the whole pto generator setup, I really just don't want to mess with that stuff because it just works and it's awesome the way it is.
#5 Find another way to get overdrive.
They sell bolt on units to get this extra gear. But they aren't cheap...

But hey, can't beat free! It's a Gear Vendors overdrive unit, fresh out of the garbage! This unit came out of a Ford van, so it's not exactly going to bolt right up. But we can make it work. This unit will automatically engage around 45-50mph, giving us that nice, relaxing overdrive that everyone with newer vehicles keep raving about.

First thing to do is see how we're gonna attach this thing. It bolts to the back of the transfer case, so we took that out. Here you can see the back of the TH400 transmission.

The old overdrive is going to have to be taken apart. The old adapter is useless, will need new one for the NP205. We're even teaching the local youth all about auto mechanics and drivetrain components. It's good to start them early.

Here is the NP205 transfer case we removed. You can see in the lower right hand corner, the pto for the generator. In the upper right hand corner, there is the new adapter needed to mate the overdrive to the back of the NP205.

One big hiccup we ran across is that the overdrive only bolts up to a fixed yoke NP205. This truck has a slip yoke NP205. Well, we can fix that too, just need to open up the case and change out the rear output shaft. Don't need the rear housing or yoke or anything because the overdrive bolts right up to the back of the NP205. Found this used output shaft on the interwebs, should be an easy replacement.

Don't lose these!

Old slip yoke shaft...

New fixed yoke shaft...

Now we just gotta get this giant thing back into the truck...

Well, it fits, barely. Due to the added length of the drivetrain, the outputyoke for the driveshaft almost hits a bracket for the generator belt. It should probably be fine. :peepwall:

Had a driveshaft laying around. Got it cut down to the right length and bolted her up. Here's a video of the whole thing bolted and wired up, and some unexpected guests came to see what was going on.
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Expedition Leader
Wow:Wow1: that overdrive unit looks cool Plethora. I would like to hear what you think of it when you drive it on the highway...:)
Awesome! I'm also very curious to hear your impressions after taking it out for a cruise...

I'm going to need to do something like that for my ambulance (although hopefully I'll have a few more options since I don't have the PTO). Just got back from a ~100mile round trip and my ears are still ringing!

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Hey guys, thanks, it really is coming along. Love the overdrive! We're doing 65-70mph instead of 55mph. Rpm's drop and you can actually talk to your passenger! Mpg is obviously better, but need more drive time to get an idea of the average gains. I think that without the pto setup, there are better options. But this is a great option. I get all giggly inside when I hear it engage and the green light come on in the dash! Stand by for more pictures soon...


Still loving the overdrive!

Here you can see a bank of switches I installed. Under the dash you can barely see the overdrive control box. And yes, those are cup holders. Anyone have a better idea for these square body Chevy's, let me know. Even have a compass now so we don't get lost! GPS is for noobs...

The control box. Everything is plug and play. Real easy hooking up the electronics.

Cut the overdrive indicator lights and manual override switch into the dashboard. Also have a foot switch on the floor as a secondary shutoff switch to really make sure this system doesn't get turned on accidentally like when you have 4wd engaged or going in reverse.

Night shot with everything illuminated. The left switch activates the overdrive. The center switch engages the glow plugs. And the right switch turns on the water pump in the back. All these things are important not to come on at certain times, so these flip up cover switches work perfect to prevent accidental engaging.

Before I start driving, if I'm going to need the overdrive, I switch the green switch to on. Then the red indicator light comes on.

When the truck reaches about 45-50mph, you hear a clunk, the overdrive engages, and the green light comes on. When you slow down, it automatically disengages around 25mph.

Now the truck goes to 11!


New member
As one who used to ride around in one of these, in the woods, in Europe, in a woodland camouflaged "play suit"---I'm glad some of these wee beasties are being repurposed to fun...I'm looking for one to fix up myself...Retirement needs a hobby, and "Expeditioning" a CUCV would be a lot of fun...A lot of the ones I've seen are in really terrible shape, but I shall persevere...I appreciate your thread, and I'm subscribed...


That dash looks awfully familiar, glad I'm not the only one sporting the mean green steel dashboard. The dash on my CUCV was falling apart (plus it was a sunfaded shade of purple), so it's sitting in the shed while I figure out what to do with it. I guess one advantage of the bare steel dash is that you can mount all kinds of doodads to it pretty easily.

I was thinking having the dash back on might reduce some of the noise in the cab, but I may be fooling myself.


Expedition Leader
Plethora this is so awesome! Thats the kind of fool proof set-up I would love in my rig.. Wicked, and thanks for posting those pics. It gives everyone a cool idea of whats going on in your rig... Cheers, Chilli...:Wow1::Wow1::Wow1:

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