Two vehicles may be the solution. There were a few times you mentioned Mike (I think, red Tacoma) went first because he had diff locks in back and front. Did anyone have a diff lock in the back only and couldn't make it?
I just finished reviewing turbodb's review of the trip. Holy cow you guys had a lot of fun. I hope to do a trip like this so bad and am a bit jealous turbodb got to do it with seasoned pro's. I am sure that was a huge benefit in learning. Not to mention being able to take risks you just can't take alone. Great write up and pictures by both of you. I am looking forward to your next adventures.
Dan(turbodb) had a rear locker. I was unlocked. Have been for years. Frankenstein has only had lockers for about 2 years but has only been operational for like 1.5 trips haha
The timing worked out great for Dan and he opening admitted that he would have turned around many times had he done his usual solo style. But he followed and had a blast! His truck then went home..promptly got some 33s, regeared and dual lockers hahahahaha we are a bad influence..
The only spot that was like that though was the Cisco wash. Which if you go back and read my other reports, I've done it the same truck dubbed Igor. The only reason why it was not good this time was it was wet and muddy in the bottom. So conditions play a role. We avoided the more difficult sections in part that Dan was there. But still had a good time and pushed Dan into new comfort zones. Was fun!
It is always great to do it with people you are comfortable with. Dan lucky fit in great with our group. Still does. We've since done 3 other trips with him this year alone.
Thanks for reading! Glad you've enjoyed them. There are links in the last post of the write up to my other adventures if you so desire. The SOS is a classic one and the others are still pretty sweet! Plenty to read and kill hours at work