Had a good 220 mile shakedown run out to FWC and back today. Had her up to 80 mph with no issues at all, handles like a champ. FWC is backed up 3 to 4 weeks so I offered the gal who sews the soft walls $100 if she could have it for me next Friday. We'll see what happens. Took a quick tour of the shop and had a look at a cool custom they are getting ready to deliver built on a Fuso chassis. The folks at FWC are a nice bunch of people for sure.
Made a bummer of a discovery when I got home. Some time last night a branch fell out of the tree above where I have been storing my exterior trim and slammed one of the pieces of trim the goes around the roof at the top of the soft wall. Really pisses me off. It has been sitting there for 6 month or more, and here I am a couple of weeks away from finally using it and now I need to buy more when I go out to FWC to pick up the soft wall. It's not the cost that pisses me off. It's the headache of transporting an 18' piece of trim 110 miles on a truck with a 5'-8" bed. Oh well, at least I'm far enough along to have to worry about it.
Also picked up the roll over brackets for the dinette seating so I can start to get that all figured out.
Here's a shot of the Sherpa in the FWC shop after being measured.