That is very excellent- water cooled stick shift, I hope? The one I grew up camping in was tan. Look for the "smuggler's box" under the driver's seat- perfect for a second battery or just a hidey-hole.
I also fell out of the upper bunk more than once as a youth. Might want to make sure there isn't anything sharp or hard located below.
My Dad and I built a neat jump seat that went back-to-back with the passenger seat, with storage underneath.
We had an '81 which had an issue with the gas tank rusting out very early in life, but above the fuel level. If you smell gas fumes and can't find a leak elsewhere, look there.
Edit with more tips: In the cubby under the rear table is an access plate to get to a cleanout for the water tank- good to know about.
I also fell out of the upper bunk more than once as a youth. Might want to make sure there isn't anything sharp or hard located below.
My Dad and I built a neat jump seat that went back-to-back with the passenger seat, with storage underneath.
We had an '81 which had an issue with the gas tank rusting out very early in life, but above the fuel level. If you smell gas fumes and can't find a leak elsewhere, look there.
Edit with more tips: In the cubby under the rear table is an access plate to get to a cleanout for the water tank- good to know about.