Yeah I was too, but after 2 of the same hat's going belly-up I decided not to use their hats anymore. I use their over mits almost exclusively in the winter and am MASSIVLY imperssed with them and alot of other gear of theirs I own... the Hats, not so much. Part of it could be from UV breakdown (my hats spend ALOT of time in the sun) or just literaly being ridden hard and put up wet (as in stuffing them in myu dry-bag's/Gamma cans after a days run's) but they flat out failed the test IMO. hate to say it cause I'm a HUGE fan of OR products.I am surprised about your quality problems with OR hats. My oldest Seattle Sombrerro shows signs of Goretex delamination (typical early generation tex problem), but the OR sewing has held up fine. A newer (10 years?) SS looks fine. A lighter weight Sonora Sombrerro, probably made from breathable nylon, is also in good shape, despite having been lost at the curb of a bus stop for several weeks. I think I've also mentioned an OR drape hat.
While I use hats regularly, I wouldn't say I'm a hard user. I'm not sure 'hard use' means, assuming it is being used as a hat, as opposed to a water bucket, fly swatter, or oil rag. The main sign of wear on my hats is the sweat stain on the front brim and band.
Voodoo, those OR hats just fall aprt after a few hard use's (had 2 and I'll never buy a 3rd), might want to look into something a bit more substantialy built.