Scott Brady
Charlie is doing fine, it is just his first experience with a manual trans. I am quite proud of his progress and we are working on skills every day. He will no doubt come tearing into Ulaanbaatar and do a power slide into the finish
We are in Tblisi, and it is beautiful. A wonderful old part of the city. We nabbed a nice little hotel (very nice actually) for $80 and are going out for some food. Georgia has been a complete shocker to me. Wonderful people (we hung out with another team playing soccer with the locals earlier) and much more developed than expected. More developed than Bulgaria, probably on par with Romania.
The drivers in Georgia are the worst yet. Based on what I saw today, the typical Georgian driver has no skill (for the speed they are traveling), no fear and do whatever they want in that moment, regardless of who is around. Their driving behavior is completely contrary to their behavior on the street- odd. The condition of their bumpers reflect the failed attempts. But it kept the day interesting - I live for those types of challenges. . .
We are in Tblisi, and it is beautiful. A wonderful old part of the city. We nabbed a nice little hotel (very nice actually) for $80 and are going out for some food. Georgia has been a complete shocker to me. Wonderful people (we hung out with another team playing soccer with the locals earlier) and much more developed than expected. More developed than Bulgaria, probably on par with Romania.
The drivers in Georgia are the worst yet. Based on what I saw today, the typical Georgian driver has no skill (for the speed they are traveling), no fear and do whatever they want in that moment, regardless of who is around. Their driving behavior is completely contrary to their behavior on the street- odd. The condition of their bumpers reflect the failed attempts. But it kept the day interesting - I live for those types of challenges. . .