Cyclist and I were both upgrading our rough country kits at the same time he went with the 5100's I ended up using the 4600's both fit and we both seem to be happy with ride quality. So pick you poison as far as shocks I guess.
For the springs they are 2900# from a 3/4t suburban. Credit goes to 86cj for researching the spring shock combo I used.
Hope that helps!
Don't fret about the difference, Bilstein assured me the only diff between 4600 and 5100 is the body material and more options for lifted vehicles. The rear shocks Cyclist used 24- 18615 were my second choice as they are a little longer, but have softer valving.
Stock height rear 4600 bilsteins 24- 024815.............................20.9" ext. 13.3" collapsed.... 361-68 valving...................
Stock 3/4 ton van 4600............24-025706 New #24-221948....23.23"......14.8"...................389-73...............................
Lifted 92-99 Tahoe Etc 5100......24-185615............................26.2"........16.18".................287-77...not valved for a van..
Bilstein does not make front shocks for the AWD 1500 van: these will fit but are not valved for a van....
The front shocks seem to limited to 4600 stock replacement 99-06 1/2T.. 24-065009 15.43" extended 10.9" collapsed...... 292-119 valving
Lifted 99-06 GM 1/2 ton front 5100.....................................................#24-186643 16.3"...............12.54"...................366-240..........I will try these........
Cyclist those longer rear shocks should get alot of droop so check your rubber brake lines for length, mine are snug just like boardriders in a pic here. I have not extended my bumpstops yet with no issues, those shocks are even longer collapsed. I wonder if that is what caused boardriders adapter failure, the van smashing the shock closed.
Just a comment on the 22-907 HD replacement 3/4 ton 92-99 suburban rear spring pack, this 2900lb spring has a similar arc to the 1/2 ton van spring and is very thick which has the benefit of added lift giving me 3". I have been getting minor clicking as pack works, lube works for a while .
If your van is heavy #22-1175 a 3700lb 3 leaf tapered (A good thing) 3/4-1 ton van replacement spring may be a better choice, it has less arc and is thinner but should not compress as much. The springs bolt on and a small O.E.M. lift block could be used to set desired height such as the factory 92-99 1/2 ton P.U. 4x4 rear block 1 3/8" or 99-06 1/2 ton 7/8" block and matching U-bolts.
How much lift does a 3710lb #22-1175 rear spring give a 1500 AWD and how does it ride?????
My alignment guy says crank your bars as much as you can and see if you need new keys, he says alot of keys have same index as stock.