Since when was Tread Lightly not meant for roads? Isn't a trail simply a less travelled road? Either way, driving through mud can cause rutting in the road.. Which is not good.
Right from Tread Lightly:
I'm certainly not trying to pick an arguement. More just trying to provide tips on proper travel habits. I can understand filming the Mitsubishi drive the road once, maybe twice if you had to come back the way you came.. But it sure seemed like there was alot of unnecessary turning around, driving off the road, and frolicking through the mud.
i agree here. sorry guys. We portal'rs likely can see that this is not a sensitive "natural", "wilderness" area.
But that doesn't really matter does it?
Displaying excessive un-needed forays OFF-TRAIL is irresponsible. This is a well-made video that was very entertaining, and if I were a kid that was being introduced to offroading, I would likely understand that driving off-trail is "ok" without knowing the difference.
I honestly think you should either either edit the forays off-trail or remove your video from the portal.
p.s. And understand, I find no problem with mud-driving or water-crossings like sami's photo, or in the video, before the u-turns and big sweeps through the grass. When done responsibly, there really are no ill-effects that i find objectionable.