The Greatest Pajero Video Ever Made!


Automotive ADHD is fun!
Okay, if he doesn't do it in a place where he is obviously not causing permanent harm, where should he do it?

I live near Hollister Hills SVRA. This is a place that is designated for playing in the mud and dirt. Should I take down the following pictures because someone could possibly find them and therefore assume that they can do what my friend is doing anywhere? Or should we instead train people to understand that they should USE the grey stuff between their ears to determine when it is and isn't okay to do stuff like this?

Put more bluntly, I refuse to curtail my (reasonable and responsible) fun because some idiot might get the wrong idea from photos of my actions. For the record, all three of the below pictures show absolutely no illegal, immoral, environmentally unfriendly, or otherwise heinous acts. Though I guess someone could complain about my wanton burning of fossil fuels.



EDIT: Man I miss this car... The odo stopped at 250k sometime in 1995 and was daily driven for at least another 100k on the same engine with no major repairs up to and well beyond the point this photo was taken. Ah, memories...
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Automotive ADHD is fun!
Oh - and Robinsvoyage - welcome to ExPo! I promise not every thread is quite so politically charged :wings:


Expedition Leader
Oh - and Robinsvoyage - welcome to ExPo! I promise not every thread is quite so politically charged :wings:

lol...true dat. Sorry for no welcome first, RV.

BKCow, like I said in my post, I'd have no issue with your photo's because

a. you're on a marked trail
b. you're in an area setup for such activities
c. even in b wasn't satisfied, you're likely maintaining the correct
speed to clear the obstacle...(it just happens to be fun as heck!)

egghead response, I know, I just want to be clear about what I'm saying. I HATE off trail use, because it leaves lasting evidence that the greenies can use to close our trails. I have to hardline this, cuz I've lost too many of my favorite trails here in San Diego County due to blatent misuse documented with photo's and video.

word. -B


Loved the video! I got a big grin out of it. Reminds me of my younger years on the ranch in E. Texas trying to get into town after a big rain, except I was in my Mom's Mercedes Benz 240 Diesel, red clay slicker than armadillo ******t on lanolium! Afterwards when the road had dried I would hop on the John Deere and run a drag on the road to level things out.

Welcome to the forum!


Automotive ADHD is fun!
lol...true dat. Sorry for no welcome first, RV.

BKCow, like I said in my post, I'd have no issue with your photo's because

a. you're on a marked trail
b. you're in an area setup for such activities
c. even in b wasn't satisfied, you're likely maintaining the correct
speed to clear the obstacle...(it just happens to be fun as heck!)

egghead response, I know, I just want to be clear about what I'm saying. I HATE off trail use, because it leaves lasting evidence that the greenies can use to close our trails. I have to hardline this, cuz I've lost too many of my favorite trails here in San Diego County due to blatent misuse documented with photo's and video.

word. -B

I totally agree with your sentiment, Big D. It's just that I looked through some of my photos and realize that ANYTHING can be taken badly out of context. If you didn't know I was on a track, photo 3 especially could reflect very badly on my driving habits and decision making skills... At some point we have to stop taking responsibility for the actions of others.


Expedition Leader
I totally agree with your sentiment, Big D. It's just that I looked through some of my photos and realize that ANYTHING can be taken badly out of context. If you didn't know I was on a track, photo 3 especially could reflect very badly on my driving habits and decision making skills... At some point we have to stop taking responsibility for the actions of others.


Like I said in my original post, Its obvious to us, that RV is on a farm road between two fields. Thats the type of road, I would wheel on, too, back in the day in Ventura/Camarillo.

But, its those "actions of others" that have gotten trails around here closed. It wasn't me who did anything, but its me who suffers the consequences.

Just wait till someone gets that video stuck in their craw, finds some freakin' "endangered-midwestern-flightless-songbird" who only nests in
that area. Boom, locked gates, where only farmers and county workers get keys. It happens here all the time. My favorite in-town access road was just graded and gated due to vandelism and mis-use two weeks ago. :Wow1:


Expedition Leader

Like I said in my original post, Its obvious to us, that RV is on a farm road between two fields. Thats the type of road, I would wheel on, too, back in the day in Ventura/Camarillo.

But, its those "actions of others" that have gotten trails around here closed. It wasn't me who did anything, but its me who suffers the consequences.

Just wait till someone gets that video stuck in their craw, finds some freakin' "endangered-midwestern-flightless-songbird" who only nests in
that area. Boom, locked gates, where only farmers and county workers get keys. It happens here all the time. My favorite in-town access road was just graded and gated due to vandelism and mis-use two weeks ago. :Wow1:

So now you are are going to give in to the envirowacks whining and become Tread Lightly Nazi for a little 225/75 15 AT playing in the grease on a farm road that hay bailers will drive down and never notice the Mistsu was even there. You have let them neuter you of your common sense, man!

Its a frikin farmers field in Nebraska! Thats what people do when it rains! My mom would think I was sick if I wasn't playing in the mud when it rained. I know, you think it would be better for the environment if he were inside playing fantasy baseball or Air Guitar Hero or surfing the PETA website. But most of here have common sense enough to know the difference between harming a fragile ecosystem and when we're playing in the farmers greasey weeds.

The propaganda has been even more effective than I thought. Sheesh. (rolls eyes, shakes head slowly).


New member
They hardly ever close any roads in Nebraska, from what I see after living a year here, any body with Mud Tires goes out after rain/snow and tears up the road. In fact I would say farmers kids are the first, I think they have better things to do out here in Nebraska than close a road because a handful of high School teens got out and went mudding on a road.

Haha My First post!

I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
Well...just because other people do it doesn't make it right..or wrong for that matter.
Now, the fields next to the road are pilaged and raped multiple times by large farm equipment every year. Are you really worried about a little muddy track that was made to be driven on?????


Expedition Leader
Well...just because other people do it doesn't make it right..or wrong for that matter.
Now, the fields next to the road are pilaged and raped multiple times by large farm equipment every year. Are you really worried about a little muddy track that was made to be driven on?????

you call farming pilaging and raping? lol

I honestly don't know what you are talking about. Re-read my posts if you have questions, brother...


I Leak Oil

Expedition Leader
you call farming pilaging and raping? lol

I honestly don't know what you are talking about. Re-read my posts if you have questions, brother...


I'm overexagertaing for sure, but my point stands. Large farm equipment mow down everything in that field, then dig it up to plant it again. How can anyone be worried about a little raider leaving some tracks off the edge of the muddy road next to it?
No questions from


I'm overexagertaing for sure, but my point stands. Large farm equipment mow down everything in that field, then dig it up to plant it again. How can anyone be worried about a little raider leaving some tracks off the edge of the muddy road next to it?
No questions from

Apples to oranges.. I see the point that you are trying to make, but you're bringing up two completely different scenarios.

Farming vs. a small 4x4 driving off the road.. Hmm, which creates jobs, food, and revenue? The 4x4 will lose..

Here in Utah we have extreme enviro groups who want everything closed.. Everything. Atv's, bikes, trucks, sleds, RANCHING (grasing land/leases), you name it.. So yes, your 4x4 off the road can (and will if in Utah in most cases) affect a much, MUCH larger group of land users than just that 5% that ruin it for the rest..

.. Just sayin.


So now you are are going to give in to the envirowacks whining and become Tread Lightly Nazi for a little 225/75 15 AT playing in the grease on a farm road that hay bailers will drive down and never notice the Mistsu was even there. You have let them neuter you of your common sense, man!

Its a frikin farmers field in Nebraska! Thats what people do when it rains! My mom would think I was sick if I wasn't playing in the mud when it rained. I know, you think it would be better for the environment if he were inside playing fantasy baseball or Air Guitar Hero or surfing the PETA website. But most of here have common sense enough to know the difference between harming a fragile ecosystem and when we're playing in the farmers greasey weeds.

The propaganda has been even more effective than I thought. Sheesh. (rolls eyes, shakes head slowly).

One tire off the trail, is one tire closer to widening the road/trail.. It's a matter of principle. Might not damage an ecosystem, but for every rig that runs a tire (or two since one usually follows the other ;) ) that road is slowly widening..

Once again, Utah has some extremely delicate situations where open roads/trails run along unfenced WSA (Wilderness Study Areas). You better believe that the BLM and enviro group keep very close watch on the extra tire marks here and there. Even bypasses on some of Utah's most recognizable trail (Pritchett Canyon) run right alongside WSA. One of the bypasses actually skirt right on this WSA land.. The BLM watches this like hawks, but is forgiving to a degree due to the amount of support from the fullsized 4x4 users. The local 4x4 groups baby, and patrol that trail because of how close it could be to being closed.

Think about it... A closed trail/road is far easier, and cost effective than an open one. Don't give land managers reasons to close roads... EVEN if it was just 'one' tire off the road.

I'll stop now :)

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