Well, I got the transmission and transfercase rebuilt, adapted, and stuck together, so I'm making progress. It's a nice little package, although compared to the stock drivetrain it's kinda bloated. With the 1" adapter length, overall length is right around 30" from the rear yoke to the tip of the input shaft. Not too bad. The girth and weight of this transmission is pretty impressive, and it's amazing how the transfercase shifter mount tucked neatly between the cast ribs on the transmission. I'll have to try to get some pictures posted.
Novak is waiting on my clutch disc, and then will be sending me the new bellhousing and the rest of the conversion pieces. I'm still finalizing the engine deal, but it looks like I'll be getting a '91 Jeep YJ 2.5L (OBDI MPFI) with around 90K on the clock, and the entire wiring harness and various other required parts (fuel pump...). Depending on how the engine runs, I may tear it down and clean it up a bit just to know what I'm dealing with. The starter will have to be replaced with a Mean Green unit, but I'm not too worried about it. The motor mounts are interesting, since the engine is offset to the other side in a YJ, but I think I can make them work with a little fabrication.
Work continues on the springs. I have 1 pack completed and the other curing before I apply the tape. Burning out the bushings took a while, as did bending the spring clamps into a U shape. Hopefully this will all be worth it in the long run. My snot it brown from all of the rust I'm grinding, which I never fail to gross my wife out with. "Look honey!"