The Jack Wagon


Agree with Paul above, the Gwagen accessories rock sliders will both hide and protect the exhaust. I had them on my first G500 after pulling the running boards for the same reasons.
They are super stout and he ships quick.

I appreciate y'all trying to help but have something else in store!
Expect an update next week! :D


Introducing the bf goodrich KM3 tires! Just got these put on last weekend and so far I have been very impressed! As they are a mud terrain, they appear much more aggressive being thick and blocky. This more boxy design actually has improved the driving on the highway against the KO2as the KO2 likes to roll when turning. These don't do that. They are much stiffer on the road in the sense that they don't wobble the entire vehicle when making your lane change and don't make the vehicle rock after recentering. They appear to be much more stable. I haven't put many miles on yet so this is still a raw opinion. Will be doing a more thorough review once I have tested them out a bit more. They seem more stable and look awesome. The only negative here is they do start to make a little hum around 65-70 mph. This can be heard with the radio off but only barely over the exhaust. It never gets any louder but starts to change pitch as you increase speed. With the radio on at all, you can't hear either.

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View attachment 483949

Great looking tire. I am currently running 20inch wheels on mine. I believe this tire comes in a 285/55/20. Do you think I will have rubbing issues on a G63?

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Great looking tire. I am currently running 20inch wheels on mine. I believe this tire comes in a 285/55/20. Do you think I will have rubbing issues on a G63?

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So the 285/55/20 compared to the 275/70/18 is going to be slightly wider by about .4" but shorter by nearly a full inch. You shouldn't have any problem rubbing the wheel well as it's only about a 32" tire. The one caution with the wider tire is you have a chance of rubbing the control arm with the driver front tire when fully turning to the right (or passenger) side but the 63s allow for a bit wider tire than the 550s and in fact taller/wider have been suggested before for the 63. I think you're in a very safe zone for a non lifted G with no spacers and these tires are an absolutely fantastic choice. They have run very well.


So the 285/55/20 compared to the 275/70/18 is going to be slightly wider by about .4" but shorter by nearly a full inch. You shouldn't have any problem rubbing the wheel well as it's only about a 32" tire. The one caution with the wider tire is you have a chance of rubbing the control arm with the driver front tire when fully turning to the right (or passenger) side but the 63s allow for a bit wider tire than the 550s and in fact taller/wider have been suggested before for the 63. I think you're in a very safe zone for a non lifted G with no spacers and these tires are an absolutely fantastic choice. They have run very well.

Thanks for the response and confidence. How is the hwy road noise with these tires?

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Thanks for the response and confidence. How is the hwy road noise with these tires?

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Around 65-70 mph you hear a little hum from them. As you speed up the pitch of the hum gets a bit higher but not louder. Your exhaust will most likely overtake the sound of the tires. They're not silent but compared to other mud tires I've heard, they're fairly quiet. I believe they handle better than the KO2s on road. They're blocky and more square which makes them roll less which is a comfortable feeling when driving at high speeds. Very stable relative to KO2. Also, to prevent humming long term, be sure to rotate them regularly (every so many thousand miles).


After a few weeks of running with no side steps, the product we've been developing and fabricating is finally finished! The Jack Wagon Overlanding original Skid Step is here! A combination of a rock slider and side step, the Skid Step gives protection to the underbody and allows easy access in and out of the G.

Made 100% of steel, the Skid Step is as solid as they come. The rock slider runs 1/2 inch below the exhaust system to protect the frame and prevent scraping or snagging the low hanging exhaust. The side steps feature a side tube that functions as a kick out that prevents obstacle contact to wheels and tires. Side steps include two side plates with the JWO logo to allow stability when entering and exiting the vehicle.

The Skid Steps follow perfectly in line with the fender flares for an aesthetic finish that ties together with the rest of the vehicle. Three stringers run diagonally to redirect hazards away from the vehicle. Powder coated in a two layer, rugged, textured, black finish adds extra traction for stepping on the side steps and increased durability to prolong the life of the steel.

Available on our website:
*Ships free to lower 48 states


Happy New Year everyone! Hope it's off to a great start! To kick this year off, Jack Wagon Overlanding would like to share the love on all G Wagon parts.
Check out our website where you can find the best prices online for roof racks, lights bars, and reverse spare tire mounts. Also available are the JWO original Skid Steps.
If you have questions, PM or email us at .
We are also open to any custom fab job. Anything you want, we'll try our best to make it happen!


Hey there folks, just a little update! Added a couple new things to the G and the product catalog lately and wanted to fill everyone in!

For the Jack Wagon:

As we're preparing for a journey up to Moab and are traveling on the highway more, I decided it was time to throw in a CB Radio. Went with the Cobra 75 and Magnetic Cobra mount onto the roof.

Install was very straight forward. Wired to battery under back seat cup holder, around the center console to the driver foot well, through the fire wall into the engine bay, squeezing underneath the hood, up the gutter and onto the roof. No drilling. Radio rests on the E Brake for now and will eventually mount above the ignition but works fine where it is. Gets pretty clear reception. Has noise cancelling to help with the incoming signal. Not modded to talk overseas or anything crazy like that but definitely able to talk to truck drivers and off roaders in their respective terrains up to a couple miles apart.

With the "Black Jack" powder coated wheels, it was time to complete the look in the front with the grille and bull bar.
Decided to wrap the grille as it is plastic and won't see too much abuse but the bull bar acting as the "lead blocker" and also being tubular, it was best to go ahead and powder coat it. Wrapping the bull bar would leave a line where the wrap overlaps at points and that didn't look very clean IMO.

I was hesitant for a while to mess with the bull bar and grille because I had fear of the bull bar being difficult to remove and didn't want to spend $50 on a tool to remove it that even some close MB mechanics had rarely seen..
After some examination of the part and talking over with a fellow G Wagon owner, we realized that using an adjustable pin wrench would work just fine.

To uninstall the bull bar:
Set the adjustable pin wrench in the star slots behind the bull bar and turn counter clockwise. There's one behind each of the two vertical bars.


Once those are off, you simply release the bull bar slightly forward and pull it off to the side as the two pins at the bottom are not bolted on but just holding it up.



You'll have to excuse the dirty truck, lots of rain lately. Hard to keep it clean over a day..

Having decided on blacking out the grille and bar to match the rest of the vehicle there was only one decision in question: Black or Chrome MB emblem.

Took a vote on Instagram and about 2/3 wanted it to go black. However, some shared the vision I already had in mind. Leaving the logo chrome pays tribute to the G Professional and early model G Wagons when the grilles were black and the logo remained chrome. I love the idea of letting that star shine bright. We're proud to drive our MB's and don't want to "mask" that in any sense. Furthermore, it ties together with the center caps on the wheels and the "V8" and "G550" on the side and rear of the truck.

As the wrap went a lot faster than powder coating, I got the chance to drive around with the bull bar off.


While it is a clean look, something just didn't feel right as I've always had the bull bar on. Kind of felt like the G's eyebrows or mustache got waxed off.. I also like having that extra bit of protection up front (should I ever need it).
Finally the powder coating was done and I was able to pop the bull bar back on in no time.
An interesting thing to note (excuse non technical terms): The star bolt receiver inside of the bull bar is adjustable in the sense that it screws in and out of the bull bar itself. If your bull bar seems off kilter (which mine did upon first install), you can twist those receivers to adjust the distance each side of the bull bar sits from the truck.

BOOM! Here it is:


Very happy with the way it came out and can't wait to get it out in its natural habitat to get some better shots! Aesthetically, I think the color way is exactly where it should be.

As for the website, we are now a proud partner of 463 Industries who makes wheels and accessories for the G. Two new products we have added are the front air vent cupholder and the auto-up window module. You can check both of those out on our website: !

Let us know what you think. We're really happy with the way the Jack Wagon is coming along!


Took a road trip last month! Went from Texas to Moab via New Mexico and Arizona. Logged about 2,700 miles total counting overlanding sections. Wanted to share the experience with you guys!
A little scene setting - we took this trip the week the massive wall of rain came through the Southwest including 70 mph winds for a couple of days.

The journey started out of North Texas heading west on 20. We cut up in Sweetwater onto 84 and then shifted onto 180 heading west into NM. West Texas is always a fun site to see with the wind turbines spinning around. The sunrise out there in a wind storm maximized this experience. Those puppies were spinnin'!
180 turned into 82 in NM which we continued following. The wind was blowing so hard, all of the street signs were blowing over sideways.
We were driving head on into the wind for most of the trip (the picture above was around a bend) and it was definitely showing with gas mileage. Only got about 9.5 mpg on the way out. Got 12.6 on the way back!! (it was a big deal to us?) We then neared Mayhill in the Lincoln National Forest and expected some rain to start falling as it was about 65 degrees that morning. Much to our surprise, we entered a mountain bowl and saw the temperature drop down to 25 in a matter of 30 minutes. Sleet turned to snow and we found ourselves in a blizzard in Cloudcroft!
30 minutes or so later, we were out of the bowl and onto the White Sands side. Temperature goes back up and the once blue then cloudy sky now goes white and beige. Amidst a sandstorm, we enter the White Sands Missile Range. To the naked eye, you could not distinguish ground from sky, everything was just WHITE. We got out to mess around on the dunes and get pictures (of course) and were literally sand blasted. We grabbed bandannas and covered our faces in an effort to avoid too much contact but the little grains still found a way into our eyes, hair, underneath our clothes, and all over the G. Was such a great photo op though and WSMR is a pretty cool historical marker.
We got all the sand we could ask for so we continued North up 54 to 285. In those next few hours, we went in and out of two more snow storms before settling into the beautiful city of Santa Fe. You could make a trip alone out of Santa Fe, all adobe buildings, lots of good food, and a great community. It was cool that evening so we had a nice bowl of soup and some drinks at one of the local restaurants and settled in for our next early morning. Well what do you know, we woke up and it snowed again.
A hop, skip, and a jump, we went through Cuba on 550 onto 64 into Ship Rock. It took several miles of driving around the monument to finally find an opening into it. It wasn't until after the trip we found out why. Ship Rock is sacred ground to the Navajo people and getting too close is unlawful and disrespectful to the them. Take note if you decide to venture out there. Let me tell ya, it was beautiful and massive. Drove for 45 minutes on a dirt path to get closer and closer as the mud grew thicker and thicker. Being on a one truck convoy with no tow points, we figured we got close enough, turned back around, and headed on.
We decided we'd come this far so we rode 64 out onto 160 to 163 in Arizona to hit Monument Valley and boy are we glad we did. We had a misconception that it was mixed in with the Forrest Gump point and it was just going to be something to pass by. It turned into a 4 hour trip around the park and taking home some awesome Native American merchandise. Everyone at the Navajo Tribal park was welcome to sharing the culture and stories and the setting was breath taking. More pictures available on the instagram @jacwagn but here's a "peak"
And finally, we were into Moab up 191. We'd finally made it. lol.. You'd think we'd seen enough already and we probably did but Moab blew us away. It was like driving around in a John Wayne movie for two days. Red clay, prairies, mud, rocky mountains, and snow capped mountains in the distance. It's a place you have to go to to fully understand. It's like an off roader's dream come true. Every vehicle there is off road/overland ready. People rafting and free climbing. Campers everywhere. It's a getaway. Everyone there for the same reasons: Peace of mind and FUN. In total, we have around 1500 photos from all of the cameras together. I'm not one to get caught up in the picture taking but there was just that much to see and do, we had plenty of opportunities to take pictures and still more time to just drive and enjoy.



As always, more pictures up on the instagram and more parts being put onto our website
This is just a hint of the incredible journey we had and for those that travel, you know pictures can never do it justice. Highly recommend this destination to all off roaders and overlanders. It's worth it.


Always good to see another G wagon out there tearing it up. I'm also glad mine is now beat to ******** - that way I don't have to cry like I would if my '14 G550 got murdered by the mother earth.


Always good to see another G wagon out there tearing it up. I'm also glad mine is now beat to **** - that way I don't have to cry like I would if my '14 G550 got murdered by the mother earth.

Haha you have a beautiful G! I love the color of it and we're always proud of fellow G owners getting out and using them. We're very happy with the '14. It's everything we could ask for and capable as heck. Jeep and Toyota owners hate on it and try to pick out flaws when they see it on trails but really, deep down, they're wishing they were getting to ride in it. Relatively equipped, it holds its own very well. Have made several friends on the trails that admire the ballsy-ness of off roading in it. There's that risk of messing up, and we have in the past, and it's costly. But man, it sure is fun getting the opportunities! Each time is a learning experience. I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger (or smarter at least). Mother Earth can be a beast but she's also a beauty to experience. Getting to see more than we ever imagined before owning this thing!

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