The Jeep "things"... One and two.


Expedition Leader
I figured its probably about time I start a thread of my own relating to my jeep(s) build. I'm active duty Army and currently stationed in Germany so I'm going to lump all my project in one condensed thread. Why? Well... Like everyone, finding time and funds (and getting them to overlap) is a difficult thing to do. And to add a little extra hurdle, getting parts here is often slow, expensive, and... well, slow and expensive! So I mainly tinker on whatever that I have either gotten parts already or maybe something that costs me nothing but time and effort. I'm also a pretty good scrounger so its not uncommon to find me hacking up something I pulled out to the recycle center to use on a Jeep in some completely different manner. :)
Here is the short version of things up to now as far as me in Germany is concerned. When I was sent here I had just bought my 1983 Scrambler CJ8. My orders left me very little time to get the Jeep how I wanted it so I basically threw it together in about a month and a half. Any parts not yet attached to the Jeep got packed in my House hold goods (and made the movers probably hate me!) and shipped via Uncle Sam. I had my Jeep here and running for about 4 or 5 months before I was cruising down the Autobahn and had the transmission explode. Seems a stock T5 with 100+K on it doesn't like a slightly warmed up AMC 360! Who would have known? :elkgrin: Thankfully I brought its replacement in my "luggage".. one of the reasons the movers hated me I suppose. But it has been a very slow process getting it all back together. Getting an NV4500 with a NorthWest Fab works crawl box in where it was never intended to go has been...interesting. ALmost there but not quite yet.
While the "8" was down I was driving around in a beater '95 VW Golf. While not a Jeep by any stretch of the imagination.. that little $500 POS served me well for over a year. And I am at least the 5th or 10th GI to have owned, neglected, and driven the wheels off that car! But in the end its still a car. And I am a Jeep guy beyond any doubt. So...
One day while looking on the local classifieds site I found what I have come to call Thing one (or T1). Its a 1991 Jeep Cherokee XJ. 4.0, 5 speed, 231, HP Dana 30/Dana 35 rear. Seems the Jeep turned out to be a larger project than he thought and his Smarter half told him it had to go and I seemed to be in the right place at the right time. Sorta. As many vehicles here in Germany the poor Jeep had a bad case of cancer. But the main reason it was being sold is the oil leaks. The seller had thought it to be simply a pan gasket when he bought it but quickly realized it was much more. He had gone to the trouble of finding a junked XJ and cutting (sort of) replacement patch panels for the rusted areas so I plunked down my 500 bones and signed the devils contract. More on this in a little bit....
Less than a week after buying thing one I was once again on the online classifieds site (yeah...I should probably get help for that) and spotted yet another XJ, this one a 2001 2WD sport. On a whim I shot the seller an email and we "talked" a little. We made arangments for me to just come look...Honest! I had no intention of buying ANOTHER Jeep in less than 2 weeks! Really! But sure as death and taxes... the dang thing followed me home! Its story? The sellers were leaving Germany soon and it hadn't passed inspection due to a couple oil leaks and the tail pipe needing a hanger. Uh... OK! So now here I am in Germany and the (proud but somewhat embarrassed) owner of not just one but THREE Jeeps!
Its a sickness I tell you!
So skipping ahead to actual build type stuff (if you haven't fallen asleep or died of old age yet reading this, sorry for being long winded)...
The Scrambler is on a hold status and pulling duty as more or less a storage facility for my tools and whatever other parts or junk that needs storing. I'll likely get back to it soon enough since its close to being on the road again.
Thing two, the 01 black XJ is going to be repaired and become my daily driver. I've already fixed the tail pipe and a couple of the seals but am waiting for gaskets to someday get here.
To that end I have spent the last couple weeks of vacation in the DIY auto skills center working mostly on T1. I'll stop here for a breather and to post some general pictures to get ya'll caught up. But get comfy and prepare to see all these words slam to a screeching halt once I get caught up to today's progress. After tomorrow things will go slower as I head back to work and am still waiting on lots of parts that are in limbo.


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Shout out from another Active Duty Army member in Germany. I tried and tried as I might but the finance company wouldn't let me bring my LJ out of the states a couple years ago. I have to live vicariously through other Jeepers. Luckily, I shall be reunited with my Jeep in about a weeks time for good.

Back on track; why on EARTH haven't you gotten that CJ running man?! I'd be out there everyday spending every cent I had to get it running! (probably why I'm still single, haha).


Expedition Leader
Hey Brotha! Thanks for the "Howdy". :) I can't wait to PCS back stateside myself but I have a little while left to go. Germany has been...interesting, but it sure not the good 'ol US of A! And that sucks you couldn't bring your LJ but honestly, had I known then what I do now, my Scrambler would have stayed in the states too. The winter rust is abysmal and the wheeling here is so complicated just to do, ya know? But it is what it is and could be worse.
As for fixing the 8. Well, it gets between 4 and 6MPG so driving it anywhere costs a fortune. LOL! Plus I was held up several months playing find the part that makes it all fit together. Deviating from stock is one thing in the US, but here...Oh Geez! Nightmare. I'm close to getting it on the road again though. Waiting on some ball joints, a new pitman arm, and trying to let my stones swell enough to let me hack into the floor so the drivetrain will fit. From there it will just be hooking up cables, measuring for drive shafts, Hydro clutch stuff...etc. :) The big stumper as why the crawl box wouldn't fit correctly between the NV4500 and the Dana 300. Got that fingered out now but have to get it up high enough to build the cross member.
Do you know where your headed from here? Do you ever get over to the MJ site?
Gotta go for now... back later.


I feel ya on the gas mileage part out here. I had an older F150 and was running through about $100 in gas a week in that thing. Not to mention getting all the parts to fix it. As far as I could tell, it could have been the only '95 F-150 in Germany! Haha.

I'm headed off to Ft. Hood. Outta here next week and will be reporting in later this month. Gotta go visit family and pick up the Jeep before I go somewhere else without him. And no, I don't know about MJ.


Expedition Leader
Best of luck at Hood brotha! I was there in the early 90s. Was at Bliss before coming here to Germany.
MJ= Military Jeepers. Basically any place you go there is a chapter. Lots of good guys, they will usually try and get together a run a month depending on the location. Here in Europe there isn't a lot of activity and getting folks together is hard, if not sometimes impossible. :( Give it a look when you get time. I'm the same there as here, Jeepdreamer. Hoe to see you on the trails sometime!


Glad to see you started a thread, and yes, you my friend have a problem! HAHAHA. Best of luck with your rigs, I'll be watching :)


Expedition Leader
Glad to see you started a thread, and yes, you my friend have a problem! HAHAHA. Best of luck with your rigs, I'll be watching :)

Yeah... Finally broke down and started. No need to keep muddying up yours. Haha! And yes... that "problem" has been mine for many years. :) Glad you found it and I'll try update it soon. its 0145 and I'm just got called into work. Typing on this lousy Gubment computer is aweful! And it won't let me add pics so I'll just wait until later when I'm home. I got to admit that you sure make building a bumper look easy. So far I've only gotten a little done and spent a lot of time scratching my head. hahaha. I'll get a little more done to it on Saturday so then you can see how far behind the power curve I am. :)

Hill Bill E.

Oath Keeper
I'm headed off to Ft. Hood. Outta here next week and will be reporting in later this month. Gotta go visit family and pick up the Jeep before I go somewhere else without him. And no, I don't know about MJ.

Down to 'the Hood'! I was there back in the mid '90's. Check out MJ SquareLJ, great bunch of folks, and a good size chapter at Hood.

I go by the same handle there also.

JD, get that 8 going! XJ's are fun, but nothing like driving a good old CJ! :coffeedrink:


Expedition Leader
Yes sir! Thats the plan..well, one of the plans. LOL! I got to admit I got a little burned out working on the 8 for a while. It was more the waiting for parts and then finding them still not correct. I'll be getting back to it soon though. Being single means I can spend all my time and money on my metal "kids''... but sometimes you have to give tough love to one of them. :) More than anything I hope to get sent to Colorado after here. I'm ready to be where people speak Jeep... and without an accent. :)


As a 15 yr Army vet i want to thank u for your service. We were stationed at both Hood and Bliss as well. Then finished up my last yr and a half in Carson. Good luck in Germany. My little brother was there for 3 yrs. We miss wheelin out west. I used to wheel on Hood and Bliss both. Also used to go out to Red Sands recreation area. Well best of luck and God Bless.


Expedition Leader
As a 15 yr Army vet I want to thank u for your service. We were stationed at both Hood and Bliss as well. Then finished up my last yr and a half in Carson. Good luck in Germany. My little brother was there for 3 yrs. We miss wheelin' out west. I used to wheel on Hood and Bliss both. Also used to go out to Red Sands recreation area. Well best of luck and God Bless.

Thank YOU sir! I hit my 15yr mark this year as well and sometimes it seems like 50. Haha! I remember when I was at Hood, going behind the Kileen mall to do some light "wheeling"...I'll have to see if I can scan some old pics. Had an 85 Scrambler way back then too. ;) Bliss offers a lot of choices for wheeling which was nice. I'm pretty "over" the desert scene at this point though. At this point in life I'm ready to start building my house. And Colorado seems to be where I'd like to be. Guess that sorta depends on where the Army sends me next though. I'll have to try and put a bug in Branch's ear and see if Carson can be had.
Typing on this government computer is driving me nuts...stupid cursor keeps hopping all over the place on its own. I'll add to the thread more later. :)
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Expedition Leader
Pics galore...

I'm home on lunch and thought I'd toss up some in progress T1 pics. Details will follow. :)

As you can see it has some pretty good rust going on. The stuff in the back I kinda didn't expect but discovered when I found the carpet was wet. The rocker areas I'm not to concerned about as it can be cut away and made far more stout with a little more effort and some various tubing and plate. The rear area however..not looking very forward to fixing all that. Lots of wire wheel, grinder, and spot weld work just to get it out...then there are some fairly complex angles and tight corners to deal with. But my A.D.D always fights with my get it done. :)
And so you know, the pick where it looks like I'm pointing at a huge turd.. Well, That was someone's idea of a fix. Expanding foam sprayed in the rusty rocker. Nice coating of body undercoating to make it hide. I literally pushed on it with my finger and it fell off the Jeep. That should have been an omen for me.!. :O


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Expedition Leader
progress slow

Making it live and stop drooling/leaking.
These are pics of the first days I had it in the shop. My goal was to make it run so I could see if I had just wasted 500 bucks or not. The previous owner had pulled the pan gasket thinking that was its oil leak issue. Well, it may have been ONE of them but there were several others! I ended up pulling the front off to reseal as much as I could with the few parts I got with the jeep and a couple in the mail. The rear main seal, timing cover, harmonic bal seal, oil pan, and valve cover all got new gaskets. Then the last fix was the dreaded oil filter adapter. Thankfully this is a 91 XJ and it has an actual 6pt bolt. They get semi-welded in place over the years and are notorious for being a bear to get off. This but one didn't put up much of a fight my 01 (thing 2) sure did! Once I had the adapter off I couldn't locate the correct size replacement O rings. One I scrounged up that was close. One I just cleaned up and reused after inspecting it. The last, and largest one was the tuffy. Its a special square shouldered O ring that has to fit in a groove in the adapter. That could not be found here and I didn't want to wait a month to get one. So I cleaned it all up super well, applied some RTV to the inside of the groove and let it set up for a while. After it had semi-cured I gently pressed the old O ring back into it. The hope was the RTV would create just enough displacement to force the O ring to reseal. Wouldn't you Worked! Dry as a bone. :) I also had to scrounge to find a replacement alternator as the previous one's main power stud had snapped off while trying to remove it. Found another factory one and got the motor all back together. Added some oil and antifreeze and then turned the key....
It fired right up! VaRooooom! WaHooo! Its ALIVE!
And surprisingly it runs really well. Considering one of the things I discovered was that the O2 sensor was missing and I replaced it with a used one from a Grand Cherokee in the junkyard... :)
After that I felt much better about any further effort sunk into this ol beater.


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Expedition Leader

Rust bad. :(
After a short couple of test drives I learned few things. The brakes are awful and the rear has some issue that makes it only move easy in reverse. Figured that was a rear brake issue so I set to working on them. Like any Jeep worth its rust, T1 resisted at every turn! Seems someone had previously had issues getting the wheels off and had rounded off a few of the rusted in place lug nuts. Its amazing how much effort it took to just get the wheels off the Jeep! Got all the front finished up and moved to the back. More bad lugs and lots of hammer and drilling and BFH work. But in the end the brakes were not really bad, they just had some dried mud all cracked inside the drums. Spent some time cleaning them and then put it all back also. No more dragging and it stops ok now at least.
Since I had originally thought to start on repairing the rockers I got to cutting out bad metal. And boy was there a lot of that! Sadly I didn't do enough researh and had bought 2x4 tubing when I should have gotten 2x6. So since I was at an impasse I decided to move to the rear and start looking at the bumper idea...


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Expedition Leader


This is the end result of when the shop employee "helped" me push T1 into the bay and onto the lift. He used the shop forklift and guess he lost control. The end result was T1 went off the other end of the lift and was sandwiched between the wall and the pushing forklift. :O It was kinda one of those "did that just happen'' moments but kinda funny afterwards. Damage was minor, gouge in the gas tank skid, dent in the tank itself. And the few remaining bolts that were kinda holding the beer can bumpers in place mostly failed. No major harm and I can now give that guy ******** when I feel like it. :)


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