The lighter side of owning a Rover


I get similar reactions at my kids' schools - most of the parents have either BMWs or Chelsea tractors (the English term for modern flashy but inept SUVs), and while my '95 RRC is not rare enough over here to be appreciated by many, the 109 and Lightweight draw a lot of envious looks from the kids and fathers (and a couple of mums too).

That's a very tidy looking RRC - lose the bullbar and it'll look wonderful!

my bull bar just saved me from replacing my bonnet and front left quarter panel, turn signal, etc on a cliff face going up the step on cliff hanger (one of the pictures of my rig coming down is that step). There is a 600 ft drop to the right so I stayed a bit left... so the bull bar stays.


Expedition Leader
I can't go anywhere without some kind of overt reaction to my truck. Morning drop off at my daughter's school has a parental lineup with a dismount area manned by 5th graders, who open the parent's car doors to let the student out. Each morning when I drop my daughter off, as I approach the dismount point, all the 5th graders are pointing and getting excited as I pull forward, like it's some pending lottery. When that moment comes where a 5th grader realizes that they will be the one to open my car door, they get excited and start jumping up and down. Boy or girl, it doesn't matter. When they close the door, they are required to say "have a nice day", but 1 in 4 will add in "awesome truck!"

I also get at least once a week someone in a parking lot or storefront that will say to me, "you probably get a lot of compliments on your truck?" (or some variant of that). I also get from other people I regularly interact with the standard "I saw you earlier this week somewhere" and/or "You're kind of hard to miss".

Finally, at least once a quarter, someone is a store somewhere, after seeing me pull up, has to be the one to ask me "are you going on safari?" at which I always respond, "Not today".


Expedition Leader
Isn't it fun!

"yes I always get my safari provisions from Target!"

My daughter is always after me to take her to school in the IIa-which her mother hates the idea of as it still lacks seatbelts but how do not do everything you can to help your kids?

I had the same reaction when I had a Mini Cooper S-I was one of the first in town to have one and all the drop off line parents always commented on how it was there favorite.

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