The Maze and the Mesa (April 2011)



Red and Black Wall by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Here's another ruin that appears to have had the back wall painted red and black.

Long Fingers by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Here's the set of hand petroglyphs with very long fingers from where the canyon gets it's name.

Bird Tracks by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

A couple of bird feet or tracks.

Metate Rock by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

There were plenty of boulders around in the alcoves containing many metate grooves, but this one had more grooves than a lot of the others.

Small Man by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

A few small pictographs in another alcove.

Spiral Hands by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

A closeup of some spiral design handprints.

Many Hands by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

This alcove contained a whole bunch of handprints.

Long Fingers Ruins by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

An overview of the canyon and the Long Fingers Ruins…..some above and some below.

Green Target by IntrepidXJ, on Flickr

Up by the higher set of ruins are a few green pictographs. I took this photo from below before we exited the canyon.

After we exited the canyon we climbed up comb Ridge to try and access the higher set of ruins, but the route to reach them was a bit too much for us, so we headed back down to the Jeep and called it a day. Jared and I parted ways and a few hours later I was back home and unloading the Jeep.

We hiked a lot of miles….my legs were tired….I spent some time with good friends….we explored many new places….it was a great trip!

The End.
I hope to do a trip to some of these parks in UT some day. I'm thinking of doing like one park per state (except for Texas, which I want to do all because I can reach them).

The photos are absolutely killer. I don't have an expensive camera like I see in this thread, a Canon PowerShot SX120. Just a point and shoot camera I could afford, but I love it better than the previous camera I replaced. I'm always in manual mode, as I like to adjust the aperture and shutter speed to get the light and depth I want, and there's the macro and manual focus mode that comes in handy sometimes. Once in a while, I change film speed, like when going from along a river to a bridge running underground. It's been a really nice camera with more features than I really need. I can only imagine the capabilities that your camera has in regards to ability to control the parameters manually if you choose.

I started using this camera about the time, I went off to Galveston Island last fall.

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