So I dragged the mattress, and the water tanks out to the truck. Sure enough, the down the middle approach just felt too claustrophobic considering there would be no walkway with the bed deployed. I tested seated height of the mattress using the portable toiilet and the mattress on top with me on it, yeah there was a good amount of squish, but I figure no more height than just the one layer of mattress on top of a bed platform. I had LOTS of headroom for sitting and working, and I had plenty of storage space / walkway space...
I am considering the wood approach to framing though. I need XPS foam and old bedsheets and I am going to at least try a cube of PMF, let it cure and weight test it with my substantial load to see if I need framing, I suspect I do, and if I do, maybe go with riveted aluminum instead of wood to cut down the weight.
Again half ton truck fat driver, and I like my camp luxuries. My 12V fridge is actually turning out to be kind of huge for one person. I can hold like 2+ weeks of cold foods in it... I might have been better off with a smaller model, but if I end up with a travel partner later on... Not saying romantic partner, but say friends that rely on coolers, I can do a better job with the fridge...
I am considering replacing the front bumper, Go Rhino brush guard / winch mount and Engo E9000 winch with one of those Ebay knockoff off road bumpers, everyone has seen the type I am talking about, rated for a 12K winch. My OEM bumper is damaged and needs to be replaced anyway, and I would prefer a higher capacity winch, the Go Rhino mount is limited to 9K lbs max... Just leery of the Ebay bumpers, although I do NOT want to spend $1,500.00 on a bumper either...
Also planning on taking out the Pro Comp 6" stainless steel off road lights from 2006. They have LEDs now after all...