In support of landy89
After reading through landy89 numerous posts I thought I would like to comment:
Thanks you for sharing your experience, I think many of your points are valid and should be considered when selecting the correct vehicle for whatever adventure is planned.
My comment is that you have chosen a very inflammatory writing style, some folks have even found it insulting! Personally I think you have given us all a very clear insight into your attitudes to fellow adventurers.
In my experience such a negative attitude is (thankfully) very rare, most travellers that I have met are helpful, considerate and generous to fellow adventurers and would never knowingly allow someone to get into difficulty. Why would anyone behave so badly?
I have considered carefully the "Big, heavy V Small, light" question and decided to address all options/compromises that my budget would allow, therefore I have just finished building a 10 ton 4X4 camper (ex military, simple, easy to repair and get spare parts) with storage for a 4x4 quad bike also a 4m inflatable boat and 20hp outboard.
The plan is to travel in comfort on Asphalt and rough roads in the camper, go off roading with my quad bike and explore rivers etc in the boat. If things work the way I have planned at the end of a tough day exploring I will have a shower, enjoy a gin and tonic with ice, sleep in a comfortable bed and if its hot put on the aircon. I will also have the choice to be sociable and meet the locals or shut the windows and doors and have some privacy - very important in some parts of the world!
Adventure travel has been part of my life for more than 30 years, I have found it to be a personal journey with no "right way - wrong way" my biggest learning is that a positive, happy attitude to life is the most important thing to carry on any journey.
I may be mistaken but I did not get that feeling from reading the previous posts!