"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


The Oasis of my Soul..

How true... no more favorites for me!!! They all are...


Bad weather is here… Utah.
Suddenly outdoor activities are a bit curtailed. We have been so fortunate throughout all this time to not really having bad weather which would hold us back from the road. But here it is… Still, not getting to adventurous, we managed to ride a bit of Hole in the Rock Road where we did not even make it to Devil’s Garden… The washboard situation almost becomes a nightmare… fast or slow the fear comes up that something is definitely going to break! Slow turns out to be a better solution and then we have a bit of engine overheat.
Will be going back to Moab in a couple days to meet a Friend which we have never met… Hope that makes sense… the wonders of the Internet! All should be cleared up by then and I think even Spirit will be ready… he is always ready!
Some dark clouds… followed by a downpour all night… That is what we got!
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul...


A visit in Moab with my Friend Paul, Utah

The heat, the humidity and jungle like bugs made our stay in Moab a difficult experience for the both of us. We talked much, cooked much and saw a few sights including getting ourselves up to some cooler elevations doing the loop through La Salle mountains. I would however, difficult or not, do it again as I took away with me some valuable perspective about my own insight regarding how to deal with Life within these times where the heart will never be complete but the mind and spirit needs to go on. It is as a new chapter has made its way into my days, a challenge that needs to be won…
A couple Blogs actually have been posted since I have written here as time did not allow it.
You be well… till next time, enjoy.
Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul...


A familiar face and a bit of Bryce Canyon, Utah

Always nice to see a familiar face specially when one cannot remember when was the last time… It seems that it was Naples, Florida, while cooking a special dinner for some Friends we have in common. On his own Journey from Canada, Louis and a couple of his riding Friends stopped by overnight… for an evening of true comedy, laughter and a local dinner.
Awaiting for another Friend from Louisiana this time we could not go too far. Bryce Canyon was the perfect place to spend a day riding and taking pictures before the daily monsoon arrived. Of course we barely got wet as usual, just a nice needed cooling off.
It truly felt more being in Europe while in the Park, it is an amazing feeling not to hear English being spoken anymore!
Enjoy the pictures and a bit of Geology…
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul...



Another Friend, a new Slot Canyon and an abused Spirit! Utah…
Yes, I am enjoying entertaining and playing the guide, the cook and bottle washer… all at the same time. As myself when in a new area I like to discover my surrounding through my own senses, I don’t say much, only make a route and let Mother Nature do the rest. As we are slower than two wheels, specially in the curves, I told Brian to go ahead till he reached a meeting point. But he stayed behind for most of the time finding out that “it is nice to slow down and actually see the surroundings…”. A mental and physical break for sure only leaving some good memories.
The ride, the day and the meals including another form of stew and breakfast with great coffee was memorable for the both of us. Always a stew?… a one pan meal? There is not much around here at the local Grocery store… really not much.
Not to be mean… I love Spirit… but we were in laughter when 6 other dogs started abusing him… His reaction? A firm “enough is enough!” as the little guys flew away… literally!
That picture is on the Blog…Be well… always. Ara & Spirit

Scenic WonderRunner

Major Sniff.......................!


Ara.........I answered your email but never heard back from you.

Still lookin' good! ......Thanks for All you do!:26_7_2:

Aloha! Mark............."SWR"


A Major Sniff......going on!



The Oasis of my Soul...

I am sorry... it escaped me... blame it on being over 60 now!!! But I will... I think it is going back to Texas instead...


On the road to “Cedar Breaks”, Utah…
Some feel good at home, in an “established” environment… walls… windows and doors. More and more I feel as my “home” is the road and its shoulders. We cannot forget the shoulders! They are meeting points, they are as sightseeing platforms for the multitude of personalities and vehicles going by. A shoulder is where I met Joe rollerblading across the country, also Joff on his penny-farthing around the world, bicyclists, walkers… you name it. The shoulders have been where names and e mail addresses have been exchanged, hands shaken. They are the spots where Spirit makes himself comfortable, drinks his water and does his thing! Sometimes we will even meet a reader and surprise them… sometimes another rider with a flat and even as a few days ago the Goldwing riders all set up for lunch with table and all! You add a beautiful road as the one we took passing by Lake Penguitch to Cedar break and that about sums it up… The roads are “Home”!
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul...


More of Cedar Breaks, Utah…
The longer we are on the road, the more I want to go back to older technology. Honestly. I have been on WI FI lately and today trying out my normal connection through the Dish as we will use this winter when headed south to more… Desert, well, it is slow compared. I have been spoiled… All has changed so much it seems like. I would even settle for a couple horses and a buggy if needed. But those are dreams, I think.
The cause of it might be all the sights we are seeing lately, specially Cedar Breaks… such beauty in such an unexpected place which suddenly is there with no warning as was the Grand Canyon and many other wonders.
We also went to our first Farmer’s Market the other day… not much available yet and… expensive! What are they thinking I wonder… but we bought a couple things and the ride sure was nice in this cool early morning and a sky guiding us with the sun rays.
Some colorful times!
Be well… Ara & Spirit

Scenic WonderRunner


I love this last shot of Cedar Breaks! One of my favorite areas.

I love Duck Creek Village!

I couple years back I took my son up to Duck Creek and we rented a snowmobile. The road you were on in the pic is closed in winter. Can you imagine how beautiful those cliffs are with snow on them?!!

We rode the snomobile on that road all the way to Brain Head for lunch and back to Duck Creek in the afternoon......for a 110 mile round trip snowmobile day!

Wow! It was awesome!

Thanks for sharing!



The Oasis of my Soul...

Yes, I would love to be here in the winter time... not with the sidecar however!!!


More Friends visiting, Utah…
Even for those that have seen Utah, this area astonishes them with its incredibly vast spaces and raw beauty. I am even myself starting to feel isolated from the rest of the country when trying to ride roads we have yet to be on. There are just so many and when Friends visit, it is always such a big choice. Burr Trail has become a Classic in my book and every time we leave I am already thinking about coming back. I am glad that they left yesterday as suddenly the weather has changed and I learned from other travelers that the roads I took them on already had knee high water from flash floods.
Thinking about slowly heading south. The food situation here is pathetic… One store, which has truly nothing! Not even a decent potato! I wonder what the locals do? I was going to ask the owner, but then again what for!
Spirit even is into his down time. I don’t like it as he needs the exercise, as I myself do. Maybe a couple more days and all will clear up. Glad to have taken this ride, now a memory on the Blog.
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul...


Calf Creek hike, Utah
We have been camped out at the same spot for a while now. Considering there are so many destinations within a few hundred miles with the ability to travel lightly, the past few weeks have been great. But southern heat or not, untraveled roads, it is time to move on and bite into deeply the adventures and new horizons waiting for us. The feeling for so many taking roots I know is always a comfort, it only works the other way for us. How strange, moving on is comfortable. Always curious what is over the next Mountain, the end of that road facing us, the other side of the curve we cannot quite see from here.
The weather pattern has always been fine in the mornings and severely dark by afternoon. We both finally got soaked yesterday from the rain and the hail riding back from the 6 mile hike to the Lower Falls of Calf Creek. Too lazy to put on the rain pants!
Live and learn. Enjoy the hike…
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul...


Will this makes us Texans and Big Benders???

In a month or so from now we will be camping on “The Oasis of my Soul”… You will have to read the Blog to find out how all this has come about. It will be our winter own slice of Heaven, 25 miles north of Big Bend on some away from the road 10 acres of pristine land made of hard limestone with an all weather accessible road. It will be yours also to be shared for anyone wanting to camp or a comfy bed, good food and conversations around a campfire. It will be another facet of the Journey with much emphasize on developing some Photographic skills to try to make something out of it… amongst thousands of other great Photographers!… Hand in hand with the Blog with much more riding throughout the country the rest of the year, these thoughts and dreams becoming reality have me going with renewed energy. Hope to see you there sometime experiencing as we have done in the past and will in the near future the astonishing vast open spaces of the Big Bend area.
Be well… Ara & Spirit


beemerchef said:

Calf Creek hike, Utah
We have been camped out at the same spot for a while now. Considering there are so many destinations within a few hundred miles with the ability to travel lightly, the past few weeks have been great. But southern heat or not, untraveled roads, it is time to move on and bite into deeply the adventures and new horizons waiting for us. The feeling for so many taking roots I know is always a comfort, it only works the other way for us. How strange, moving on is comfortable. Always curious what is over the next Mountain, the end of that road facing us, the other side of the curve we cannot quite see from here.
The weather pattern has always been fine in the mornings and severely dark by afternoon. We both finally got soaked yesterday from the rain and the hail riding back from the 6 mile hike to the Lower Falls of Calf Creek. Too lazy to put on the rain pants!
Live and learn. Enjoy the hike…
Be well… Ara & Spirit

See Ara, if you would have hiked with us (the "Love Birds" as you call us) to the Lower Falls on Monday, you wouldn't need to worry about hail and getting soaked...Thanks again for a very good coffee and great company (Spirit's of course). We will see you in Texas in December, Marianne and Tomas


The Oasis of my Soul...

Will see you then!

The intimate Devil’s Garden… Escalante/Utah
If you like to play amongst the Hoodos and the Goblins this is your playground! A nice washboard road to get there, early morning will make you the star witness of the change of colors on those free standing weathered by time rock structures. Hiking the easy loop over and over is like every time hiking it for the first time as the sun rising is constantly changing the scenes on this stage empty of visitors. We were lucky with the weather that day, a weather a bit crazy mixed with unpredictable rains and sunshine constantly switching with no warnings.
We are headed south tomorrow morning, its time and as every space we get attached to, it is with regrets and excitement all at the same time. This is one area we will return to fill in the blanks, I hope, in the meantime the thrill of seeing Zion is ahead of us and the golden key awaits for us in Big Bend.
The Hoodos and the Goblins! Some pretty cool characters
Be well… Ara & Spirit


The Oasis of my Soul...


It is 108 degrees in Zion, Utah.
As if the coin has flipped, all changed when arriving here in Zion. From a couple cars a day to mega shuttles trailering other shuttles and a lack of parking spaces within miles, from just a few hikers and intimate conversations to an exodus of tourists stomping the grounds with a thousand feet, from the crisp cool air of Escalante to an over bearing and weight heavy immobile hot air… All this has thrown me off only making me think how can I escape it all. I can’t. Just a phase we have to go through needing to eventually go to St George next week or so, visits that need to be done before diving back into the Texas deserts soon again. Eye exam, dentist, clothing and who knows what else!
I had a few photos left from Devil’s Garden that are now up on the Blog, a couple comments from readers that I wanted to post and overall just trying to keep it together and not be overwhelmed by these sudden changes!
As they say, all things must pass… this will too… They are a couple out of the way areas we will spend some time at.
Be well… Ara & Spirit

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