"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


Dirt Track Traveler
Was wondering if you might be headed this way, glad I checked in.

We are also in motion w/ our 6x6 caravan. Photo Blog here 6x6 Caravan
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In Tucson right now . . . at a friend's "Dry Dock" working out some problems. Planning on doing some test runs out Redington . . . down the San Pedro to Bisbee, maybe Silver City and then back toward J-Tree. Would love to connect w/ you in some camp situation. And I'm sure the "Dry Dock" would be available as a "Urban Safe Yard", kind of like the Caravansary of old. PM me if your interested :sombrero::smiley_drive:


Was wondering if you might be headed this way, glad I checked in.

We are also in motion w/ our 6x6 caravan. Photo Blog here 6x6 Caravan
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In Tucson right now . . . at a friend's "Dry Dock" working out some problems. Planning on doing some test runs out Redington . . . down the San Pedro to Bisbee, maybe Silver City and then back toward J-Tree. Would love to connect w/ you in some camp situation. And I'm sure the "Dry Dock" would be available as a "Urban Safe Yard", kind of like the Caravansary of old. PM me if your interested :sombrero::smiley_drive:

Those are some major vehicles!!! Reddington is a piece of cake.
We cannot leave the Big Bend area till the 16th! Bummed but those are the logistics... Are you going to Overland Expo Appril 1st?
We will be in the tucson area the weekend of the 19th for a couple of days, then on to Death Valley and then back to Amado for the OX.
You can follow our SPOT if you like for those days, would be great to hook up!!! A tiny vehicle... and some big ones!!! That would make some greta Photo ops...
Stay in touch...
Be well... Ara & Spirit


Dirt Track Traveler
Said to say that this is the first I know of it :eek: Maybe I need to come in from the desert more often . . . :peepwall: . . . nope!

I'm going to be basing in Tucs till after the 14th. Elise will not be back from J-Tree till around then. Will just be doing short test runs out from here till then.

We may have to come to the Expo Rally from the Bisbee side. :smiley_drive:


Said to say that this is the first I know of it :eek: Maybe I need to come in from the desert more often . . . :peepwall: . . . nope!

I'm going to be basing in Tucs till after the 14th. Elise will not be back from J-Tree till around then. Will just be doing short test runs out from here till then.

We may have to come to the Expo Rally from the Bisbee side. :smiley_drive:

It is a balance you know. 364 days in the Desert... one day in the Urban Jungle... that would be it, just does not work out that way too foten.
Hoping to see then and there...
Be well... Ara & Spirit



Readiness for the road... TX

Quite often I wonder why I even bother unpacking and yet the answer is always so obvious: winter... cold... At times I feel stuck, stuck in this beautiful area. I project too much, get ahead of the miles and forget the present we rest on when here Mother Nature is and has been so generous to us. It only takes a ride into Big Bend Park to awaken me of such wrongdoings, such thoughts knowing too well unfounded too often. Some chatting with Friends in Terlingua, visiting my neighbors, watching Spirit letting it all out while running freely here off his leash, that leash... a must in other areas. Human Nature can be so complex, maybe it is only me and my thirst to move along continuously. The Sunsets, the Sunrises, all glorious to no end. Cooking outside amongst the three fire pits, riding the dirt with no traffic as I have yet to see a car go by here since September! Besides Friends and UPS that is, the brown four wheel drive truck. But this season is coming to an end, we are indeed leaving early hoping the weathers ahead will not be too striking with us. Thursday morning we are again starting to wander. In the meantime I posted a Video of our last ride into the Park and more photos on the Journal.

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



Trying to blend in with the road. Columbus. NM

The Photo? riding the Border.
The Sun rising is slowly brightening the inner tent this morning through it's yellow material announcing the start of a beautiful new day. Mixed in with early clouds the temperature is still mild, perfect I would say as we sit right on the border, Columbus, New Mexico. It was an easy ride from "The Oasis" with a bit of a hang up in Marfa, we are avoiding freeways at all cost and this is turning out to be a bit of a game while on our way to Death Valley. We arrived here almost in the midst of much turmoil which we missed, a good thing, and yesterday was a great reward being part of the "Columbus Furlong Days". Decided to spend another day here as now all is quiet, cool shade at the “Pancho Villa” State Campground with showers and all, even power as primitive camping along the border is never a very good idea. We are getting into the groove of this aspect which now will last for months as Spirit also is quick to think anywhere we stop is his Home and has a duty to protect it with a growl for anyone coming a bit too close. Best “buddy” ever had...
More on the Journal....

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



“Columbus Furlong Day”, N.M.

Our Karma is good, always while wandering the country without much of a schedule or route. No, we do not know where we will be August 14th 2015... Trust me that some do, some on the road as us thinking they have achieved the freedom desired only to be governed by their perpetual calendar. If it was so, we probably would have not stumbled on this great event in Columbus, New Mexico. Such a wonderful day it was we are thinking about returning next year. Oh! So there goes the planning... contradicting myself here. Smile. Many photos in the Journal about it all, free abundant and delicious food, “Friendship” was the banner throughout the day placed up high for everyone adorning a smile and kind words. Perfect weather, on to the Chiricahuas for a couple days, Portal and on over the Mountain on that very familiar dirt road to the Chiricahua National Monument and back. Moving on forward as now sitting in Tucson for a few days before taking on the road to Death Valley and back for Overland Expo 11 the following weekend where I will be teaching a “one pan” cooking class combined with “traveling without refrigeration”... I think we will take on a vacation after that...
Enjoy the photos...
Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



A cloudy day at the Catalina State Park. AZ.

Not the most cheerful entry written these past days as my long time and close Friend Bill has been checked into the Hospice. An avid motorcycle rider, a Dog Lover, a great Husband and a prankster as I have never experienced. He is the one that has seen me through thick and thin in years past, the one that has never let me get down on my own luck. How can we ever come to terms when such circle breaks off at such an early age? I read about “beauty” being within this World of ours, that door we only have to open as I have these past years and yet, his own page is flying away as it's chapter has yet to be finished. I know we will again live with the memories of a Dear one, sometimes none of this makes any sense. I canceled our outing to Death Valley and from Tucson, after a short hike into Catalina State Park on a cloudy day we are now in Patagonia, AZ. It is a beautiful area, different than what we have seen and experienced before, but the mood is just not there. The mind is 1300 miles away with my Friend who is no more seeing the clear blue skies, the trees, the multicolor rocks, all has now been dimmed in his own World. Not much else to say really.

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



Toward “Overland Expo 11”. Amado. AZ

This time we have not just been invited to this great event but also been asked to give a class. It is actually two subjects combined, the first one being “one pan cooking” and the second one “traveling without refrigeration”, they do go hand in hand as long as you do not care to eat meat, maybe only on days you will see a butcher while riding down the road, not much of a chance while crossing the Sahara. All this has reminded me a bit of the old days when as a Personal Chef to the rich and not so famous, food shopping was a daily ritual besides boxes coming in overnight through mail orders. All is now prepped, 2 meals per 50 minute class, there will not be much time for dicing and chopping, I needed to get a head start. It will be again old Friends we have not seen for a year now, new ones with show up and those off road toys will be the temptation for everyone. “Eye Candy”... Maybe we will see some of you there? Hoping to do so.

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit


Will be arriving today, spent the night on a powerline track.
See you soon,
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It was great meeting you two! Went up Box Canyon (video also!!!) but did not find you in case you were camping there afterwards... See you near by Joshua!!! Soon... Taking off from this area on Sunday...


The big picture, “Overland Expo 11”. AZ

Will try this again! My Journal was being migrated with GoDaddy never telling me it would be down for a few days...
A couple days back from Amado now, rested as I think we are including Spirit who took in quite a bit of heat even if so protected by a hydration coat soaked in water just about on the hour. As usual when within such a crowd, it will take time to sort it all out, sort out the faces and the names and the stories heard, the stories from “on the road”. The such “road fever” is bad this am, we have to stay here a few more days awaiting some mail and a couple other logistical aspects. Hoping to get back on the road this coming Sunday and trying out again toward Death Valley where the weather forecast promises pleasant times.
My three daily classes kept me busy throughout Overland Expo, kept me busy rehearsing it all ahead of time to keep them within a 50 minute presentation. The classes end up being standing room only, luckily their starting time was 11am which meant the lunch hour free for all was also mine for the tasting of the cooked goods and some chatting ensuing.
More photos on the Journal...

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit


so how I missed you at Overland Expo. Looks like all went well.

Where you there?


The sound of a distant Drummer. NV

The road, those blue ribbons, at times liked in browns and rocky or sandy, they have deeply penetrated into my own well being. I am asked often if all is “getting old” or better “am I ready to quit?”... “am I getting tired of it all?” as we are closing in on 5 years of wandering. Amazingly everyday only increases this what I call now “addiction” toward the unknown, the next bend, the next silhouettes so often delicately drawn into the skies always ahead of us. “Death Valley” has in the past always been of a bad timing mainly with snow and much cold. All is now clear as the passage from here to there in itself is filled with the promises of good weather for those 3.3 million acres awaiting for us. The pace is a bit faster than desired only because we are meeting my Friend Brian for a couple of days, we can then fall back into our own timeless search. I often think how well Spirit has adapted to this road, how often his floor is not of wood or tiles or even carpets, but dirt under his own pad. How often he has in seconds felt “at home” on the few square feet we quickly take over to make it our overnight home. There are no schedules, no time frames, as of this moment again I myself have no clue where we will soon be besides in “Death Valley”. “The Road” photos on the Journal...
Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit



A Treasure found: “Gold Point”. NV

I can only hope that for if it was only this time, I have enough credibility to entice you to come to “Gold Point”, Nevada. We have been there already for a few days, returning today as I had to come to town for some errands and Internet usage. “Gold Point”? A live Ghost Town thanks to Herb Robbins for the past 32 years him present conserving it all. The weather has been perfect, it is that time of the year to be in this area as it's elevation is just above 5000 feet. I started thinking the other day with a big smile while making a make shift table as my campsite is widening “I would make a good Homeless...” and realized... we are! But “Gold Point” feels as Home, I feel as belonging to that space so quiet and yet as I am told in the company of 17 Ghosts. The rides into Death Valley, the empty spaces of BLM which are in the millions of acres are plentiful and most are good roads, even freshly graded. We have water, even hot water and sometimes Herb cooks some of those great meals one can only dream of in this vast Desert!
More photos on the Journal...

Be safe and well.
Peace, Love and Courage.

Ara & Spirit


Dirt Track Traveler
Great place.
That was our starting point for last fall's drive through DV. Drove the wash into the main valley, from there we just kept going south :sombrero:

We did have to walk about and check out the other deuces :smiley_drive: before hanging out at the saloon for breakfast and directions through the dirt tracks. Still have the magnet on the dash of Elise's truck

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