Dirt Track Traveler
Was wondering if you might be headed this way, glad I checked in.
We are also in motion w/ our 6x6 caravan. Photo Blog here 6x6 Caravan

In Tucson right now . . . at a friend's "Dry Dock" working out some problems. Planning on doing some test runs out Redington . . . down the San Pedro to Bisbee, maybe Silver City and then back toward J-Tree. Would love to connect w/ you in some camp situation. And I'm sure the "Dry Dock" would be available as a "Urban Safe Yard", kind of like the Caravansary of old. PM me if your interested :sombrero::smiley_drive:
We are also in motion w/ our 6x6 caravan. Photo Blog here 6x6 Caravan

In Tucson right now . . . at a friend's "Dry Dock" working out some problems. Planning on doing some test runs out Redington . . . down the San Pedro to Bisbee, maybe Silver City and then back toward J-Tree. Would love to connect w/ you in some camp situation. And I'm sure the "Dry Dock" would be available as a "Urban Safe Yard", kind of like the Caravansary of old. PM me if your interested :sombrero::smiley_drive: