
I wonder who left the door open? Tucson. AZ
As always, since cooperating weather, a great ride back again to Tucson. This weekend has come and gone by too quickly, we will already be back at “The Oasis” tonight to start filling up the pages of the Books in progress. The City Life for a few days... I so much realize all is a constant compromise being on this path of our Journey. Spending a few hours on a Sunday morning walking tthrough an incredible Farmer's Market was as a kid in a toy store... so much we have been missing. Yet, I did not find what Mother Nature's landscapes and mood offers us day in and day out. We cannot have it all... can we? Another event we attended was the “All Souls Procession” followed by a “Flam Chen” throughout a well behaved crowd they say of over 20,000. It sure did not feel as so many were surrounding us. All with some home cooked meals in the company of my Friend Robin, a couple years after very briefly meeting in Ely, here we were spending time under the same roof discussing our thoughts and the School of Life seemingly the same one we have both and still do attend. Two more... “Audrey”, sweet Dog, “Lovey”, the coolest cat I have ever met, all five of us, and one more “Spirit” of course, it was a refreshing weekend filled with smiles and sentiments I had not felt, none of us actually had felt in a very long time. A few photos on the Journal...
Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage
Ara & Spirit