
A great loop... OR
Of course I am in tune with the fact that we can travel at lightning speeds, even ourselves as slow as I like to move on. Right now, today, it is as we suddenly went through the wall in more ways than one. Yesterday was a great day, today I am trying my best to not much avail. We are in Oregon City amongst seemingly a million other vehicles and three digit temperatures. It is for a good cause to have “Old Faithful's” shocks serviced and be back again on the go Friday. It will then be decision time to head on south or go back west, north west, where the much cooler temperatures prevail with of course at this time of the year also much southerly winds. It is the same winds trying to keep on our tail which made me ride this loop I wrote about, a loop ending up to be one of the greatest rides, including smooth pavements, nicely curved path, scenery always outstanding, nothing short of some day riding it again. Spirit is recuperating, he is passed out, he is not doing so good anymore with the heat. It hit us like a hammer on the head, we are totally spoiled with cooler temperatures.
Enjoy the ride...
Be well.
Ara & Spirit