
Departure. Reminiscing on photos and words. Tx [video]
I think we are leaving at the proper time with the temperature up scaling all the way up to 107 a couple days ago and turning into a normal 100 every afternoon. The time has come, I don't know if Spirit is excited or not, I know I am, even if still in the midst of packing up, making sure we will not be stranded from any inattention only a few miles from here. Strange winter? Short... long... Who knows at this point, what I know is that we made it here another season and the road calls as strong as ever as if we had not gone anywhere lately. Big Bend sure has become a destination, we have met more Friends here than ever on the road, we think it is at the “end of the world” but it is not stopping many from incoming and having a good time within this space. There are still more to come that have e mailed me, we will not be here, I hope they can find some good shade.
Strange enough I know where we are going! Bisbee first through El Paso. Then on to the north shore of Lake Powell to meet the “Carbon Neutral Expedition” and drop back down to Amado for a few days of “Overland Expo”. As usual the last days of April in Valley of the Gods where the balloons fly the last weekend, Muley Point, push on north for more destinations. New ones, old one, seen and unseen.
Till next time, you be well...
Maybe we will see you on the road.Ara & Spirit