
The Roads less traveled. TX
The going to Midland was definitely more exciting than the return yesterday. Never thought I would want to get off the road so often bugged down by pain and medication, as the side effects of anti swelling and anitbiotics are just as bad as anything else including the traces of some anesthesia that will probably linger for a while. All is behind now as I am thinking a bit more of those nostalgic roads we took, adorned quite often with what was once in the past a richer one, today dwindling with old cars and trucks and caved in dwellings left behind. I keep wondering if “all that” will also change some day or will the next traveler 100 years down the road will still witness the same memories.
I think these coming days we will just recupperate and try to gain some strenght back. Spirit on the other hand needs to spend some of that strenght, he has been so patient awaiting and waiting some more, supporting me with his kind temperement, if only those eyes could talk louder.
The weather, besides some very strong winds, is cooperating, a bit of warmth is always good and sunshine has also a way to recharge those batteries depleted these past days. Could have been time on my hands or just feeling the few photos on the Journal would fit the days in black and white better, that is the format they are in.
Enjoy and be well. Ara & Spirit