"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


Keep us updated on the movie! I would love to see it. As I'm sure most of us here would. I love reading your posts every chance I get. I found this site a little late, but I have gone back and read through all of your Archives and loved every minute of it. Keep it up.


It's the Dog you know... Thanks!


A Crystal web... TX

Maybe this weather is getting to me, or was, as now writing this we are in full summer mode. Feels like it anyhow while going through the Park yesterday down to one T shirt and all the vents open through the riding jacket, much more water consumed also. Water is the biggest necessity I always keep an eye on. We can carry at the most six gallons which in the heat of the summer is barely enough for three days for the both of us. Plenty of fuel, eleven gallons I can leave with, but through our rides if ever near a small town the faucets of potable water are my friends. Of course I also have a water purifier that comes along, never had to use it much. In a couple days I will be going through my gear again, feels like a pass time often but I think this time I will make a list of it all, I just have too many compartments to remember where everything is at. Lucky Spirit, he does not have to remember anything but eat, drink and run! It's alright though, he does his share and more, 24/7.
Couple days ago 3 to 5 inches of snow while going to the Dentist. All that gray, all the “being extremely cautious” and another afternoon of poking and dremmel grinding just did not suit me well. I need to learn to stay within my element even in some of my urban dealings, a hard task sometimes for me. My thoughts are always in the Journal...Be well...
Ara & Spirit



A Day in Life and Big Bend Park. TX

Like a giant coin thrown up in the air the weather keeps landing with a surprising fashion. I lifted my head yesterday as all day allowed us to be outside, going through some camping gear, details to patch up on “Old Faithful”, as suddenly I see this gray wall incoming and the smell of dust in the air with already bursts of winds preceding it all. Scrambling and throwing everything in “Big Green”, shut the doors, just in time for what felt like 50+ mph winds which were clocked as such in Panther Junction. A bit north of Ft Davis “92 Mph winds recorded at the Observatory this afternoon”.
A day earlier was a totally different story. Mild temperatures, great ride into the Park to meet some riders from the MotoCamper.com Forum and a ride back under the lit skies from an almost full Moon. It was one of those more than perfect day, the kind we never want it to end including great conversations and an unexpected dinner. Spirit had a blast with two new buddies who also ride, they each have their own sidecar. The ride back under an almost full Moon was one of those rare experiences, a bit as being in Space, a Spaceman and a Space-dog with helmets on cutting through the night, a pleasure hard to describe. This should be the last day of the heavy winds, they wear me out. This too shall pas as they say. More in the Journal...
Be well... always.
Ara & Spirit



The Chinati Hot Springs and more! TX

And more... Only because as the days are getting longer, so are the rides and so are the destinations without Internet. Ah! The Internet... it comes down to sometimes only posting a Journal entry as it's writing and photos are laid out off line and it takes only a couple minutes to, if lucky borrowing a connection, publish it. Such as now, a couple entries later we are back at “The Oasis”. I wanted to document our gear before leaving, which I somehow did realizing it would take hundreds of photos to accomplish it all.
I wanted to mention our presence in Amado, Arizona, on April 16th attending “Overland Expo” where a VIP tag is awaiting Spirit and myself will be part of a panel on questions on how to travel alone. Then on our destination was “The Chinati Hot Springs” through “Pinto Canyon Rd” which could have been a mistake for us due to it's roughness at the present time. It says something when even the locals avoid such a road. We are on the verge of Spring break and all was still very quiet, we had the place to ourselves actually including the communal kitchen, the giant tub, one of them. A bit of excitement also as a forced fire on the Mexican side jumped the river, the winds kept the smoke away from us up to the day we left which was yesterday. I hope this will entice for others to go and spend a few days just being. Truly a great getaway within this present getaway...
Be well...
Ara & Spirit


New member
Hey my old friend!!!

We rode under a full moon once. One of my favorite rides!!!:bike_rider:

I've got a new toy:


And a new dog (Belles'


Pops got a new toy too:


All he want's to do is ride!!!

Everybody at the 'Ridge is fine.

Belle, Hoppy and CoCo said to tell Spirit "woof, woof".

Hope to see you soon.




At “war” with myself. TX

When immersed within such isolated areas, pretty much spending much time by ourselves, the personal thoughts never stop grinding the gears, daily, hourly and often constantly. That is just how it is for me and in words they transfer on the pages of my Journal. Their volume become intense as being more or less in familiar surroundings, they lessen as we go on to then unfamiliar spaces as we will very soon. Early April becomes as another “starting” line and as harsh as winter has been for us, comparatively speaking with the previous ones, time has flown away as a vanished calendar.
With the days getting longer I am finding myself with much less sleep and yet at the same time energized by much sunshine forcing myself eventually to get some shut eyes. Soon the time will again change, it is amazing how temperament can switch in accordance to the amount of daylight and weather.
We have to stay local this week, more Dentist calls coming up this Friday and more likely Monday again, it is getting old, I can't wait to be done and feel with no ties to be anywhere at any time.
The past winds and fire even so hundred or more miles away provided an incredible Sunset. The colors different from any time before. Enjoy the photos on the Journal.

Be well...
Ara & Spirit


Hey my old friend!!!

We rode under a full moon once. One of my favorite rides!!!:bike_rider:

Wow Walt!!! I almost missed your post!!! I emailed you, did you get it? same email? 4x4!!! Of course... Crazy Driver!!! I still remember that drive through the forest!!! Well... I am now a bit that way too. Should have seen that last road we took called Pinto Canyon Rd. Even the locals don't do it...
If I am done with the Dentist by the 15th I want to come your way... need to be back by the 2nd to get ready to take off to OX in Amado...
Kids must have grown! Spirit also is getting older... has lost that puppy face you know...
So glad to see you here!
Hope to see you soon... "Good old Friend"
Ara & Spirit



Only a Phone Call away. TX

We all know, should, the proposition of riding a motorcycle. It is of a dangerous one, no doubt. On two wheels the patches front and rear of two tires is infinitely of a small surface, area, than a car or other vehicles. Quite too often it happens, more or less severely, one of us loosing that grip and the results are often not of or anyone's liking. My Friend Tyler went down that path over last summer, severely, very severely, and yet a couple nights ago as the phone rang her voice was the sweetest sound I could have ever heard. A “miracle” of Life no doubt, but also the tenacity of a Human Being just not ready to get off the path we are all on. The scars acquired throughout our existence come in many forms and shapes as hers and mine. We are not unique, the scars are a side of a coin so many experience, unfortunately. The support toward Tyler has been incredible and yet, as for all of us, the reality is truly that at the end of the day we are just one and it is throughout those moments acquired we have to build up the strength to go on, a strength that needs to come from within us. That is what separates the true survivors from others as we cannot give up the gift that has been loaned to us, the “one more chance” to go on. It was truly an “Honor” to speak with my “Kindred Spirit” and even if we did not say it all, we saved some for the next time and the next time. Human relationships... all part of this Journey.

Be well, and always enjoy and “live” the moment.

Ara & Spirit



A full plate. TX

One would think we are suddenly at a Resort here. Friends dropping by with two huge RV's and the main ingredients for a couple well deserved dinners, breakfast also for that matter. Fresh Tuna, yes, freshly caught, it was a big hit, Dutch Oven Chocolate Cherry Cobbler, same with homemade bread, grilled vegetables, you name it, we had it.
Mother Nature must have known of it as for those two days it was short sleeve T shirts and comfortable presence sitting around the campfire till the eyes were heavily shutting down needing some rest. Suddenly all is so different with the longer days and much less sleep, so different that I am tired needing to re-balance it all up again. It includes some preparations to leave soon for Amado, “The Overland Expo”, which will be our first destination. We hope to meet some faces we have never seen, only have known their names. I feel a certain trepidation within me, the call of the road is making it's mark. A pull so strong, an attraction for the times to come.
In the meantime also was another Dentist visit in Valentine, one more on the 30th and that will be it... I want to use the word “free”... Free to go and savor the new Adventures awaiting for us, the new Friends not yet met and that includes new buddies for Mr Spirit!
Enjoy my Friend's visit...Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit



The Dugout Wells, our Desert. TX

Ready to roll on a bit North of here to visit a few “roadside attractions” as they call it. Mostly on paved roads. The weather however is not going to cooperate for a few days, including snow 400 miles north of here! So... we are staying put for another few days till this front also passes by. With Spring Break in full sequence the Park is full, not a single campsite is available, I imagine so are the Motels everywhere, even in nearby towns. The one space I can count on however to be and stay secluded, calm and serene, is the Dugout Wells. It is after all an “Oasis” where the water presently trickling in from a well forced by a wind mill has designed a lush green sanctuary, not only for us but also for much wildlife as again the red tail fox did take a glance at us, curious more than anything else. No photos! I was not fast enough...
It is an odd stage, only atypical because of it's location surrounded by thousands of acres of Desert, what I call “our Desert”. A couple cars came by, did not stay, I don't think they appreciated the environment present as much as we did, including some very cool temperatures under the trees, in the shade. Not much else is new, trying to put away the couple projects from my “to do list” away before we head out toward Arizona, Utah and most likely California probably by June.
Enjoy the photos...Be well, Ara & Spirit



When Spirit goes MIA. TX

As they say, we are “laying low” right now. Bad circumstances resulted in Spirit taking off a few miles from here till late in the night filled with an incredible amount of feelings encompassing anxiety and more I cannot put into words. They were not “pretty hours”. Coming back with torn front paws and this look in his eyes I think telling out loud “I did not like it out there all alone with no water and no … “. It will be a while till he starts running and jumping again as every step of his way limping in quiet pain has me hurting even more. Myself catching a bad cold or it is a flux? Who knows. How can one get sick in the Desert? We are only waiting for this to also pass by us. My inattention was the cause of it all, amazing how sometimes not thinking through certain situations can have devastating results such as this. Hopefully one lesson will be enough and there will be no need to sign up again for this unpleasant chapter. Roaming the Desert at night in proximity of wildlife present could have had worse results. It all started with a visit to the Porch and then on to the Cowhead Ranch, it was all a pleasant day till all went very wrong. I even posted a short video, a bit rough, I much prefer photography, it is there however, maybe they will get better.
Be well...
Ara & Spirit



Far away destination, short trip! TX

Sometimes it just does not work out and it all happens for the best. As Spirit is healing, even still finding new bruises and skid marks on him, I probably, likely, surely thought wrong planning to go near and around Amarillo for some roadside attractions. We spend the night in Alpine, we left in the morning and turned around within a few miles as the road was just feeling to wobbly. Long story short it is now antibiotics for ten days due to bronchitis. It happens to the best of us, it was in the cards to just stay here and now we can both heal together. Things have changed quite a bit since Spirit's incident. He has changed. He did not run off purposely, he did it from fear as who knows what had happened to him his first year while being abused, but the fact remains that he was out there for hours and he did not like it. He is not a changed Dog, he just is so much closer to me with a look that says a lot only me can understand it's silent words. A good Friend of mine wrote in his own words how it is and what it is to travel with such a Buddy, it hit home so much that I took the liberty to post it in our Journal.Till next time, you be well... we are trying!
Ara & Spirit



On the road to healing. TX

Amazing how one can get sick in one day, bronchitis in this case of mine, and yet takes forever to even start feeling half human. Spirit however is back up and running, incredible healing power. We are a week away from departure to first Northern Arizona, where we will be joining an off road Expedition called “The Carbon Neutral Expedition”, it will be then on to Overland Expo in Amado. It will be time to turn on the SPOT soon which I have intentionally lately turned off due to, I would not say unpleasant surprises but... how would you like to be 100% public about your whereabouts 24/7/365? That share web page brought in some unforeseen phenomenons to say the least. In the meantime it is a couple leisurelyy rides to Terlingua, bumping into the owners of “MotoQuest”, a Motorcycle Tour Company, some search for healthy food and here a visit from some of the riders from San Antonio. The energy just has not been there, but down or not, there is never a dull moment, dull is not something I care for these days as I am internally really excited about new horizons, roads and scenery laid out ahead of us. We are only a tire and oil change away from it all, another final visit to the the Dentist, and that will be it when we can say our good byes to our Dear Friends surrounding us.Till next time...
Be well, Ara & Spirit



From my “hideaway” on River Rd, Big Bend. TX

I keep watching this video we made (yes... we!) riding some back roads around here and I cannot help thinking how crazy this Dog named Spirit is! I sure would never sit in that car as it goes. He loves it and actually it is interesting to see what he really is doing while I am chauffeuring him around. So it hit 100 today and now I am wondering what to do! I forgot what heat was. If it goes up to 104 it will be a “100 degree” difference from just a few weeks ago. Shade and water are again our main ingredients throughout these times. Such was the case yesterday as taking our last ride to River Road while still here. Many ride it, I personally like to find my little hideaways, hike to the bank and with a bit of shade, some water with us, just be listening to the Rio Grande travel by on his own Journey. It is and has been quiet, one could at times hear a car go by, but mainly all is undisturbed, the flowers are up, I thought I was going to miss them, just a beautiful setting when one takes that time to be within. Besides it all just getting ready to take off, taking care of the little “fixings”, better to do it here than there!
Some thoughts about my Friend Bill, some Photos and a video of Spirit riding...Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit

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