"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...



The “Goodness” of People. Utah

Sorry, no photos of cheeseburgers or beer flowing or gas stations today. :). In reality my thoughts did not have any photos. Only this unseen but oh! so much felt feeling emanating from others we have met I call “goodness”. The Journey, the Adventure, they have never only provided a physical enjoyment as truly believing in “mind over matter”, as the moments, without a rest have been, by choice I must say, a never ending uphill climb as I seem to see and discern a bit more with each step of it's summit standing clear and free ahead of me. The spaces we have landed on, they all have had their rewards in more ways than one and so often I am always reminded of the positive exchanges I have with others when only being true with respect and understanding as maybe they themselves do not have as myself this freedom of thought and time I have chosen. It has been day after day while a bit at a stand still having to take care of some logistics, some good moments with others, strangers truly we will probably never see again but remember because of their kindness. This all have reminded me of sometimes hearing stories from others returning from their own Journey with enormous amounts of “complains”, specially when coming back from a Foreign Country. I listen, or read, often with a smile as I know invariably the problem “is” the traveler's lack of respect or the belief that they are still in their own Hometown and all should go according to the daily life they are so used to. It just does not work that way. A couple stories...Be well... Always.
Ara & Spirit



Road trip... Moab. Ut

Whirlwind... that is the only word that right now comes to mind. The weather? Well... we might have seen a few minutes of sunshine, heavy rains right now, photos are with an “all gray” and “dull” feeling. So we have “hang out” as in the old days. Hang out in town and had the best Pizza within I would like to say a couple thousands of miles from a street vendor. We have met travelers riding the country, riding the world. We had dinner with Friends I had not seen in too many years back from my days in the Georgia Mountains. Spirit had a nice visit for his last yearly shot, we are all set now for Canada and Mexico when they present themselves. In other words we have been busy doing seemingly nothing! I forget the chatting part, the socializing which is never ending as in waves new faces appear and all ends up being a good time. Tau, Adam, Rodolfo, Irene and I forget already a few. We have been able however to get up to the land where the Desert Rocks Music Festival will take place in about 10 days. It is at the clearing stage. Will be camping permanently there for a couple of weeks starting Monday most likely, weather permitting. It can only get better from here...

Be well, always.

Ara & Spirit



The Arches, again, and a video from Bisbee. UT

We are now camping out about 10 miles south of Moab, mid way up the Mountains and I myself have to look at the photos of the past couple of days to be reassured that once again this deluge of rain and winds will eventually stop as it has before. Maybe I should be a spotter for the Weather site as I sure have my share of keeping up with it. The two beautiful days past were however glorious and energizing. I could not help going back into the Arches National Park, well filled this time with traffic, trying to dodge the four wheelers on their way seemingly to the finish line of the day's NASCAR race. Honestly.
The masterpieces stood there as they have been for centuries, their hues in constant change from a sky garnished with cotton ball clouds, all and all a setting so magical it never cease to amaze me, as often as we have been present. All is quiet here for now, the stages for the Festival are being set up, everyone is part of a Friendly Community we have been accepted in, specially Spirit who has some new cousins with whom he just does not stop to play with. Sometimes I so much wish we were three instead of two, but then the logistics totally change and the need of a bigger sidecar!!!
Enjoy the Arches...
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit



The Music is landing in Moab, Utah

So busy lately as already camped out at the site of The Desert Rocks Music Festival. Devoting my time taking photographs of the set up as it is quite an undertaking from this group of welcoming volunteers. There is going to be some incredible Live Music for four nights, many here are Artists in many genres with their display of lights, musical montages all powered by roughly 8000 watts of solar panels. In the meantime we have not stopped hanging out in Moab (eating Pizza...) and taking advantage also of the good weather for some local rides. Even trying to render a video of us climbing Shaffer trail, this year not such a good road as all the dirt has washed away leaving rocks protruding and scraping “Old Faithful”. The next leg of the Journey has already made it's mark in my mind. California Lost Coast with the Sierras in between, Oregon, Washington and who knows, might push ourselves into Canada. Will try for the obscure roads, the ones less traveled were pitching a tent is free and hidden...
Suggestions are very welcome...
Not much else is going on, we are almost considered locals now!
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit



Busy week... Moab.UT

This week is all about the Desert Rocks Music Festival. The many volunteers working almost around the clock, there is much courtersy and kindness in the air mixed in with personal artifacts, free minded spirits making a home here for the few remaining days.
Busy photographing the complete event, a different experience with the camera from the usual landscape seen. Yet we took an afternoon ride toward Potash Rd where after a short hike up a hill, we found a plateau overlooking the Colorado River where Spirit and I quietly laid down taking it all in. We even took in an incredible sunset and the nights here right now with almost a full moon are a nightly gift for these present times. Utah is such an incredible State and as usual will be hard to leave next week when we head out toward Wyoming, California Coast and all in between. I managed to upload the video taken while going up Shaffer Trail, it is to this day my favorite one including the Music. Short and sweet (!!!) today, have to get some sleep...
Enjoy and be well. It is after all your choice.
Ara & Spirit



A Friendly foreign Space “Desert Rocks Music Festival”. Utah

No sense denying it, we are exhausted. In a good way however after hours of Music, chatting with new Friends and much Photography as I cannot even begin to figure out how I am going to go through all the photos, only now downloaded on my laptop. We actually moved back to Moab a couple days ago as I could not take camping on site anymore. We went up to the Festival every day and returned to a quieter space. The land had turned into a Village with Music going on till in the morning hours and restarting at noon or so. It became tight as more people than expected showed up, no doubt all has been a success as it will probably move on next year on a larger piece of land. So we are ahead of the wave leaving the premises and today is going to be a lingering resting day as the coming ones will see us on to Wyoming and then on West as I have this fantasy and vision of us sitting on the beach of the “California Lost Coast” as we did 3 years ago. We have not seen an Ocean in years, it will be the perfect setting as also going through the giant redwoods is always spectacular, specially in the early morning hours while the ground is steaming and the sun rays are trying to make their way in through the dense vegetation. I remember.
Have a great day and eventually all the Festival Photos will be in multiple Galleries.
Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit



More Photos of the “Desert Rocks Music Festival”. Moab. Utah

A few days have gone by, the scales seems to be balancing out themselves, almost done going through all the photos as there will be a third round. Just cannot leave the good ones out. Ready to head out to Lander, WY, in the morning, a route we already have done. We will probably get there in a couple of days as heading west from there has me really excited. I feel as we have not traveled lately and come to think of it, we really have not. From Texas it was Overland Expo, now the Festival and the coast is clear till early September when I will be flying to Munich, Germany, for an overdue visit to my Mother. For the first time Spirit will stay behind at my Friend's house, Friends I trust with my Life as the thought of a kennel just truly horrifies me. Mid 90's have made their way here in Moab, it is time to go on and find some cooler temperatures and cooler adventures! Oil has been changed, one more tire (again!) to change and hopefully as she has reached 227K, Old Faithful will takes us around with no hick ups. It is dinner time, our last night in Moab. I think these will be the best times of the year.
Be well... always.
Ara & Spirit



A ride to Thermopolis. WY

I so often feel like the launch of the Space Shuttle. Waiting for a package to arrive in Lander, WY, and now waiting for the rain to pass by. Of course no schedule and yet summer is for me as the precious time of the year with longer days and mild (sometimes!) temperatures. I keep thinking we will head on West tomorrow and so we took advantage yesterday to explore, skim the surface, en route to Thermopolis through Wind River Canyon, a beautiful ride, so much so I could not stop for photos and for that matter lost the light on the way back. Beautiful campsites along the river, peaceful and serene State Park in Thermopolis, a couple Bisons to glance at, the Wyoming Dinosaur Museum, sulfur smell in the air, tourists to stare at... all the ingredients for a great day.
Managed to post a final entry with the remainder of the Music Festival photos, left is cleaning the dust off the cameras as the windy conditions where not the best as I actually decided the cameras will stay in the case in such instances, no sense destroying what there is feeling so fortunate with such equipment. The visit with my Friends Mia and KC here continues, food, conversations, even Spirit likes being in their house, he is not used to so much carpeting and actually sometimes does not quite know what to do. They will be his foster parents the first two weeks in September when I fly by myself to Munich visiting my Mother. It is going to be rough for the both of us.
Enjoy the photos...Be well, always.
Ara & Spirit



A bad start West. Lander.WY

“Lander” I realize is an Island in the sky. All three passes, two westbound and one going east are nearing and one above 9000 feet. Mid June... we got caught in some fierce cold weather, rain, wind and finally snow. We got caught too late, unprepared, turned around, holed up in an expensive Motel room in Dubois to finally make it back to our Friends house back in Lander. Defeated. Normal they say for this time of the year, abnormal I say. Monday will be our window of opportunity to finally be able to make it out. A couple new waterproof bags, some good designed for chemicals rain gloves, the orange ones this time, we are beyond the looks of it all. In the meantime the waistline is taking advantage of the full kitchen here, the naps are longing into hours from just maybe some days a few minutes, Spirit cannot decide which part of the carpet he is going to occupy, in other words... we are just too comfy! It's all fine, we are not on a schedule, only tasting the beaches on the western coast awaiting for us.
The photos for Dinosaur lovers are it on the Journal as we visited the “Wyoming Dinosaur Museum Center” while in Thermopolis a few days ago. Truly a must and spend a few hours if not learning their names, at least reading them wondering who came up with those names.
Till next time, you be well...
Ara & Spirit



Of a beautiful loneliness, Highway 50. Nevada

It has been a long time coming. Highway 50. Over the past years I had been told of it's greatness, solitude, beauty and more as there is much more. It vastness is of an incredible spirituality and yet I only tasted it for a couple of days. The weather just did not cooperate, mainly the winds beat us up severely compounded with glacial cold, rain and even a few flurries of snow. But all is what it is meant to be giving me a taste of northern Nevada, a treasure discovered, a space we will go back to, no doubt for a lengthy stay.
We are in Reno right now, visiting some good Friends probably till Sunday morning as tomorrow we have planned a ride to Pyramid Lake. We have been within way too much comfort lately considering we also stayed with some good Friends in Salt Lake City a few days ago and where treated to a great dinner and breakfast. Spirit is getting use to the nice home carpeting and lawns, I do however know he feels now more at home while we are camping.
My time with Internet connections has diminished, sometimes not allowing me to come here, but since I write my Journal and download my Photos while off line, our Journal continues being posted often.
Be well, always. See you on the road...Ara & Spirit



“On Guard” in California?

We are on our “should be” last leg to this Beach on the California “Lost Coast” I have been so obsessed with. All is calmer today, mentally, physically, as the days leading to this past “Father's Day” have been filled with too much emotions within, surpassing often the beautiful scenery that rolled on past us through the valleys and peaks of California. We rested and caught up on what I always call “I don't know what” in the Valley, as suddenly the elevation is barely 200 feet coming down from the thousands of previous feet. It is getting hot during the days, muggy, I am hoping for cooler weather by the Coast and will probably hug it while going up to Oregon and Washington. Gone is the free camping we are so use to, hoping to always find a safe little corner for us in some desolate space, might be a hard task in this State which is eating at our wallet with no remorse.
Till next time, be well.
Ara & Spirit



California Pacific, Mattole Beach. CA

Summertime is definitely and logistically the other side of the coin throughout the year. Time escapes me specially when we sit on a beach like Matolle Rd south of Eureka. Either way a bad road leading to it, the southern approach being definitely the better and safer one. The prize is worth it, more, much more. Uncrowded, sometimes deserted, it is a space for thinking, meditating, hiking and pure relaxation. We did met a few good people also camping there, but mainly it has been being induced into a lazy state of mind while cooking, reading, photographing the ever changing face of this vast Ocean and writing to no end. Everything as far as gear goes has worked flawlessly including the new Hilleberg tent send to us, it is as a palace keeping us warm on the cool (even cold) nights and cool throughout the day when the sun is beating on us. We are off the beach right now for a couple days as I need to decide which way to go to near by Portland. Maybe even go back to the same beach for a few days after loading up on provisions again. Always a last minute decision.
Enjoy and be well...
Ara & Spirit


new to the forum, but this is an amazing trip!!

Keep it up for all of us who wish we could live the adventure you are, but are trapped in the concretejungle! :bike_rider:


new to the forum, but this is an amazing trip!!

Keep it up for all of us who wish we could live the adventure you are, but are trapped in the concretejungle! :bike_rider:

Get out of it while you can... I call it the Urban Jungle... :)


Life on the Beach... CA

Coffee never tasted so good in this dry vestibule of ours. Coos Bay till Monday, not much sense moving on during the Holidays to only find everything "reserved"!!! It is one aspect I miss, the free camping in the States we have come through. However being now officially a Senior Citizen, 50% off and free access after purchasing my $10 Lifetime Golden Age pass, well, it is a bargain. They will loose money on us.
Today is Library day as it is once a week when the PC opens up. Spirit is laying down at my feet. He is now also officially an "Emotional Support" Service dog. How about that! Not to abuse the situation as he guards Old Faithful all to well, but as today the pressure of waiting for me is off. It is odd... can't wait to take him to Walmart.
You can meet my Dear Friend/Webmaster Brian on the last entry of the Journal, he is the one that does it all having donated his time these past year with no fail.
Till next time.
Be well... Always.
Happy Fourth... get out and enjoy.

Ara & Spirit



Coos Bay. OR

This is when everyone goes home and we come out of behind the “boulder”. Trees by the beach in this scenario for the past days. 4th of July however was a great ride, a great loop through Coquille to Roseburg and back west through 138 and 38. The roads were empty, no traffic, everyone busy with Parades in towns and BBQ's I could see and smell while passing through them. It has been windy, cold with only some rare times of warmth. The heat is inland and tomorrow we are finally leaving the coast for Oregon City and who knows “where” afterward. No plans, probably camp at the base of Mt Hood, somewhere hopefully remote as I was thinking today how crowded this area is. I have been reading “Desert Solitaire” by Edward Abby and I am slowly missing my “Desert”. There is none like it. His words keep transporting me and more and more I am missing it. The food has been good, great and fresh ingredients all around, so much so besides some fresh salmon I have not had any meat at all. That might change when I see a butcher, maybe in a small village on our way north. One more tire tomorrow (it seems as an endless task!) and we will be rolling... again.
Be well...
Ara & Spirit

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