"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


Enjoy yourself in germany if time allows, I will hug our family dog "teddy Bear" and give him an extra hug to send to "spirit

Thanks! This will not happen again to leave Spirit behind... that simple!


Walk, eat, sleep, eat, talk, eat, repeat... Munich.

From Denver today, however the Journal is from Munich, in it the last photos of the “other world”, another one as so many exists, the one I was present into it for a couple of weeks. One that will give me many thoughts for weeks to come. I always want to say “we”, but Spirit is still 375 miles away. One day before leaving I came down with what I now call “The German Flu”, one as never experienced before, sledge hammer on the head would be minimal compared, so much so the Dr prescribed 3000mg Amoxecillin per day. I don't think I was ever prescribed such dosage. The return flight (s) were totally the opposite of going over, unpleasant, the main flight being a 777, some massive airbus that left me speechless. My thoughts are a bit scrambled today, not surprised being ill from riding and breathing this same recirculated
air hundreds other were also breathing. This was just not a healthy way to travel. All is behind, I can only look forward to seeing my Buddy soon I hope, hopefully tomorrow.
Back to sleep now!!! Fortunate to have such good Friends throughout the country to shelter us/me when in such a need.

Be well....

Ara, to be back very soon with Spirit.



We are “ONE” again... Wyoming

I can only wish for everyone to have a set of such brown eyes resting on them with such mutual content. I am not going to hide the fact that this separation was difficult. They talk about Dogs having separation anxiety? Humans do too, big time in my case. We have been together 24/7, a right shoe with a left shoe at all time. It is the eternal compromise situations arising when solutions have a price to pay. The good and the bad, as sometimes it carries on. Besides it all, now a flu caught who knows where, a bit tired, Spirit looking at me wondering why this voice has changed, and headed southbound, all is well. We got the food poisoning and the flu out of the way. We even set aside a whole day of photography without a card in the camera. What more can I do? I truly think it was a plot from Spirit to have some of his past photos in the Journal instead. It worked. He deserves to have them present. We are slowly headed south, dodging the Wyoming winds that could rip my head off if I let it, trying to stay ahead of the colder weather which is making it's appearance lately. I feel as summer is going into hiding, but truly these few days “The Oasis” has been calling, I can smell that pecan wood burning already and those magnificent sunsets and sunrises, much camping this winter in the vicinities including remote areas of Big Bend National and State Park, writing a Book.
Well, enjoy Spirit's few photos from the past, they have great memories.
Be well, always. Glad to be back and “thank you” for the welcome backs.

Ara & Spirit



Behind Closed Doors... Las Vegas ~ New Mexico [Jasmine Rice with Feta and Vegetables]

I always wanted to visit “the other” Las Vegas as we did a day or two ago. I loose track already. Maybe we should have stayed for the Celebration, their 175th Year, but I don't do well with crowds in general. We arrived in a downpour as I have rarely seen and experienced. A KOA was kind enough to take us in and overlook the fact that Spirit is a Pit. He is now a Poodle... it is official. No problem with their Insurance. Tonight we are in Carlsbad where the temperature reached 90 and the humidity 1000%. I think this was the first time we have been hot, will see how all is as we arrive at “The Oasis” early next week. There seem to be time and yet I am scrambling a bit to order the ten prints which will be on display at the Pan Terra Gallery in Bisbee on October 23rd. If all goes well it will be a permanent exposition. I could then look into maybe other Galleries having had a precedent also such as in Alpine with “Kiowa Gallery” where the prints sold well even if unfortunately the owner's ethics were not up to par. So tomorrow are the Caverns as I think I photographed a couple years ago. I am really looking forward to it, I am even going to use a tripod for a change even if I feel they are a royal pain to use...
Enjoy “Las Vegas” and some thoughts I have had these past days... again.
Be well...
Ara & Spirit


Great photo!!! Back there next year!

Lots of “WOWS”... Yosemite, CA.

Hay you came to that point , what road do you use , can you provide detail direction or some helpful info

Really appreciate in advance , Alex

I will look it up on the map and get right back... I remember, but forgot the name... It actually is the only one that goes to the top.


Carlsbad Caverns revisited... NM

Two years had gone by, the opportunity was there, could not miss taking the hike one more time. Funny how things are however, the body did not take it as well this time! Maybe because I was carrying a tripod with a heavier camera? Or was it two years had really gone by and “all” is only getting a bit... older. I rarely use a tripod, this time was the must of opportunities to do so. Very faint lights, long exposures are all the reasons for it. The Caverns are truly unbelievable as one could actually spend days, the “wows” never stop even more so when finding out how it all came about. It has been a combination that took over 250 millions of years, with first the formation of a reef hundreds of feet thick, behind it all at the same rate limestone and sandstone were deposited, eventually all tumbled down, mountains rising, and through more millions of years the caves slowly formed. I have linked a very interesting synopsis of it's formation on the Journal. So that was a couple days ago as we are now back to “The Oasis”, has been 24 hrs of doing nothing in fear of breaking the present sound of silence surrounding us. It is a bit warm, 94 this afternoon, it seems we are always a bit too early for cooler weather. Enjoy the Caverns...
Be well... always.
Ara & Spirit



The return to the Oasis. Texas

Maybe it is a good thing I am devoting much time writing my Book as I have totally lost the sense of days and time. Sleeping when needed, eating when hungry, only slowly putting things away here such as camping gear being reorganized, only soon I know repacking to go on into the Parks. The weather finally these past couple of days has been bearable during the afternoons as even hitting 100, the dry heat in the shade has made it pleasant. Long sleeve already a must as soon as the Sun goes into hiding, maybe after all we did not get here too early. All is the same here, and yet so different from everywhere we have been. The vegetation has overgrown, I like it that way, it will keep the “normal” vehicles away. A couple rides into Alpine and one already into Marfa only because of my mixing of days, always a good lunch at “The Food Shark” as it was my compensation for being out on the wrong day for a Dog Show in Alpine put up by the local SPCA. My discipline is paying off as I watch the Sun dicate the time spend writing. It has been an interesting concept to do so, specially when going back in time as I am not today who I was then, no one truly is. Much cooking, of the healthy kind, posted a Mango Salsa recipe on the Journal which is one of my favorite toppings.
“Onward” as a friend of mine always says...

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

Ara & Spirit



A bit wealthier today... TX

Again we missed an early morning ride. Our days are a bit upside down. Staying up too late while writing, waking up also past nine just is not doing it. By the time breakfast is over, a walk with Spirit, feeding him, should skip my e mails but I don't, it becomes noon. Fortunately the weather is I have to call it “perfection” and being out riding in the afternoon now has become enjoyable these past few days. Everything on my mental and physical checklist is doing well, no crisis, I would almost go as far as saying “nothing exciting”, but the fact alone to be alive and be here is “exciting”. I think. And yet today I am going to do something I have not done in four years. I am sending in an old dear watch to be repaired as for these couple to three coming months I feel the need to wear one if I want to have this book written “now” and not much later. That is just how Life in the “Desert” is, should be as it lingers ignoring time and calendars. I am already feeling this pull to move into the Park for a few days at the time, might be able to squeeze in those couple days as we are leaving in exactly 10 days for Bisbee, the oncoming Photo Show which Poster has already been published, also posted in our Journal. One of the better news however is this Book I started reading which I feel every traveler, everyone for that matter, should read. I wrote about it also in the Journal and there will be more...

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

Ara & Spirit



A sad bridge, “La Linda”. Texas

“La Linda” bridge is everything I do not care to feel and see. It is a symbol, a man made one that jumps up and stands up for everything I do not believe in. Metal gates up high and locked, cement barriers and a ghost town. Empty dwellings, actually an eerie space as we sat there for a while reliving in my mind what was once before. The ride however, first to Terlingua, then on through the Park, a quick stop in Stillwell, was of a great one even if a bit still on the warm side. A wet bandanna, actually I use a “Buff”, does the trick. I think everyone should have a “Buff”. Multipurpose to cover one's face when cold, a cap when needed, this circular bandana has been a Life saver too often. Not much else is new, sitting a lot, writing this Book away with about 12,000 words into it and the fear that it will be too long! Editing will come later, hopefully will be able to cut some chapters off or have more than one Book! Why not. All is calm as ever here on “The Oasis” and besides some rides I have a real hard time leaving this space. Spirit I think shares my thoughts throughout our daily walks on our trail or on one of the main roads around. I yet have to see a car since we have been here except for our neighbors visiting. Nice! Hope it stays that way.
Enjoy the ride...

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

Ara & Spirit

Mad Max

New member
Its great to see you have returned home for a while. Congrats on the showing in Bisbee! I live not too far from Bisbee and would love to come down and see your work as well as meet you and Spirit. I have read much of your blog and admire your ability to photograph the west and arrange words in such a capturing way.

What days will you be showing your art?


Its great to see you have returned home for a while. Congrats on the showing in Bisbee! I live not too far from Bisbee and would love to come down and see your work as well as meet you and Spirit. I have read much of your blog and admire your ability to photograph the west and arrange words in such a capturing way.

What days will you be showing your art?

Mad Max is sometimes what they call me here in the Desert with the Hack and 9 headlight!!!


That is a Saturday. I will probably stay a couple extra days. I don't even know if they are open 7 days a week... (yes, they are!).
Come by... I also know the area pretty well. Love that pass from Portal to the other side or vice versa. There is another pass also more south of it crossing a creek I remember many years ago being stuck for a couple nights...

Be well...

Ara & Spirit



Terlingua and “mind” Bash... TX

Time is moving on and so are the words on the pages of this future book of mine, maybe “books”. What a big time consuming affair and yet a project I am enjoying more and more reliving myself past moments one entry at the time as I am writing it backwards, however will be printed in a normal chronological order.
In the meantime a couple entries have gone on our Journal. Lance's Birthday has come and passed and their own moments weighing me down with such a force it at times makes me loose my breath. “Terlingua Bash” happened last weekend. Music Jams all over town as we witnessed (Spirit likes Music also... and the attention!) such incredible talents back to back with no rest, free for the listener within a Family type environment, as the expression says “egos are left at the door...”. A gathering of “Pirates” at “Passing Winds” and the grand finale, the Sunset overlooking the Chisos, an exceptional one, one I would have not missed for anything. Mother Nature was generous that evening, when will Photographers understand that the only Photoshop needed is patience, admiration and more patience? A couple entries later, here we are on a Monday, preparing to leave for Bisbee, Arizona, on Wednesday for the opening of our Show at Panterra Gallery Saturday evening. Maybe we can see some of you's there...

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

Ara & Spirit

Mad Max

New member
Ara, still plan to make it down to Bisbee Saturday. Hopefully others can make it as well. Have safe travels.....not the most exciting stretch of highway from Big Bend to AZ! It has been chilly here last couple days....plan accordingly. High for Tucson tomorrow is 70!

Mad Max

New member
Ara and Spirit,
It was great meeting you both in Bisbee.... I was a bit disappointed that the gallery didn't have more of you photos on display. Oh well, hope it was worth your drive out; I know its winddown season for you both. Enjoy your time in the Texas desert and look forward to getting a copy of that book your writing!

If your ever passing through Benson, along that dreaded I-10, gives us a shout....free meal and place to stay. I have raced ATVs recently so have a decent place for bike repairs if needed.

Paul, Amber and Logan Maxwell


Ara and Spirit,
It was great meeting you both in Bisbee.... I was a bit disappointed that the gallery didn't have more of you photos on display. Oh well, hope it was worth your drive out; I know its winddown season for you both. Enjoy your time in the Texas desert and look forward to getting a copy of that book your writing!

If your ever passing through Benson, along that dreaded I-10, gives us a shout....free meal and place to stay. I have raced ATVs recently so have a decent place for bike repairs if needed.

Paul, Amber and Logan Maxwell

Great Kid you have! Of course I love children...
The feeling is mutual. Galleries will not put up more than 10 photos. It's all good. We are leaving here friday to attend the "All Souls Procession" and "Flam Chen" in Tucson for this Sunday... Benson is a bit more than we can ride for the day, specially for Spirit. Unless we pulled in late... Probably around 7 or so... a thought. Would be great to see you all.


Is it “Fantasy” or “Reality”. TX.

Bisbee and back. What a physical and mental ride it has been. This Desert here is so calm compared to anywhere else, including this little town we spend a few days in and around. “Riding” is such an incredible pathway to thoughts of the mind as the miles roll on and yet is it all “reality” or “fantasy”? Maybe a bit of both. Bluntly speaking, meeting a beautiful inside out Soul elaborating on a chemistry unlike felt from long ago, at another moment witnessing a tragic accident, it all creates a certain sense of not wanting to put away for later what today can be accomplished and taken steps forward to. The path receives this label called “unknown” and yet, we fool ourselves too often thinking the future is within our control, thinking “we know”. We don't. Either way we do not. What is then the difference from stepping into the ladder ahead when there is no control of it's own height ahead. “Follow your Heart” my Friends have told me, but of course. Emotions are in themselves so beautiful, such a privilege to be Human and feel the depth of it all. There is a story here, coincidentally happens to be my 600th entry. Also a few more Photos from Bisbee, the Show... the “Mystery Lady”...

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

Ara & Spirit



The “Black and White” Boogie Man. Texas

These past chapters are as ending up being much thoughts while riding. The roads are not as demanding on the attention span and the mind allows itself to go on thinking... always with permission! The ride, the space we end up into was the “swimming hole”, always magical when experiencing the forms and shapes carved over these past few gazillion years, it is utmost silence as the road itself leading to it seems to belong to another planet. I say “black and white” within the title of this entry for the reason to have finally these past years opened up to gray areas when encountering others, when being on this stage which passes by now at an alarming speed. There is such an increasing comfort zone when thinking as such. The “Day of the Dead” has now come and gone, today we are packing to go on to Tucson for the “All Souls procession” which will be followed by a “Flam Chen”. Suddenly it is an experience I do not want to miss, be at least a witness of it all once. It will all happen for us on Sunday evening and we should be back here a couple days after, I need to jump back into the disciplined stage of writing this Book and also a Cookbook I decided on. Accordingly, the photos of this entry are also in “black and white”.

Be Safe and well
Peace, Love, Courage

Ara & Spirit

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