"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...



What this is all about, “Riding”. Texas

The prescription for sanity, for the balance in one's Life as ours: “Riding”. Might be other avenues for others, such as driving, sailing, diving, climbing, soaring in the skies and more. So fortunate to be here for these winter times faced with only the decision of which roads to take on. One of my favorite loops came to mind through Alpine, Marfa, Pinto Canyon, Presidio, Terlingua and back up here. Turned out to be a cloudy day, one preferred for fewer stops while the video camera was rolling but not the hand held. It is as the miles can fill void created when not riding. Some paved roads, a bit of unpaved, a stop here and there as it is regardless a must for the both of us, all around a great day only to return when really not wanting to. Those days are near also as Spring seemingly has indeed arrived here, we are just awaiting for it to also make it's mark a bit north of us. “Old Faithful” was purring all day, it was as she has been reborn with an engine only having 30,000 miles on her, not even broken in. A strange concept when actually it's frame has over 300,000 miles.
Enjoy the Photos, the Video.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



A wonderful Life at the “Swimming Hole”. Texas

Another day gone by, timeless zone prevalent at a stand still, the Big Bend spaces call me, one always has in particular which we here is called “The Swimming Hole”. It is on private property, yet shared by the Locals as the owner has basically deputized everyone to be responsible when enjoying the magnificent array of carved rocks from the violent flash floods of two creeks joining in. The road has been impassable till a few days ago, we now have been back already three times. They are Mother Nature's walls, not the kind poured in with man made angles. They are walls which have taken centuries to mold and now present times are exposed to one's imagination. This area does not stop amazing me me. It is as the seed, the center, the hub of all roads forking out toward the different other destinations throughout this so vast Country always calling me back to step up throughout this Mystery of Life we live. Regardless of it's reason for being on such roads, yes, as many have expressed toward us, it is a “Wonderful Life”.
Such choice is always ours.
Since you could not be there yourself, enjoy the few photos and a video.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…


New member
San Antonio is nice, and there are many very good areas, and most are safe for your kids to play, though when my kids were young, I felt better when we lived outside the city at Canyon Lake, and New Braunfels is also nice in the same way, while still being in the San Antonio metropolitan area. Also in the metropolitan area are Boerne, and Comfort, both smaller commuinties, with easy access to the city, but still the small town atmosphere.



Flavors and Healings from this “Space”. TX

Musical winds lately in Terlingua. Not even much time to ride. Amazingly this little town is buzzing non stop. What a change from 5 years ago when we first set foot [wheel?] in this space. From Classical to a Play to all gathered at The Porch or at The Farmer's Market and everything else in between including a huge off road bicycle gathering in Lajitas. I took it all in, we keep the riding for during the week now and even then such incredible talent is popping in from Austin, Dallas and further. Mild winter being, everyone is happy, smiling and feeling good. It is a “win win” situation being here within these times. I caught some on videos, some in Photos, the videos will be around as long as we have such as now a good Internet connection. As we leave here mid April the rendering of them will be much harder and not as frequent. So I take advantage of it right now enjoying myself watching over and over some that have really moved me.
Till next time, enjoy.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



Unstoppable, TX

Amazing fact, nothing much going on, not taking roots yet not moving on. Scratching the door to get out with a resemblance of wanting so, yet, not quite ready. Busy days however with Spirit having had some leg surgery which by now has almost healed since he is again his old “clown” portraying himself, some windy days transforming this stage into one as being from another planet including grinding sand in my teeth, some more Music as the Terlingua season is in full bloom, some riding on “Old Marathon” road and all and all the week has flown by almost overlapping into another month coming up. I am wondering if it is true that with age time goes by faster than ever as it has these past weeks. I feel as belonging to a dear community surrounding us, at the same time enjoying the peacefulness, serenity and silence of “The Oasis” which has only a sundial throughout the days mixed in with some long walks with Spirit, some cooking, staying in touch with Friends. My gear review this time around is about my “One~Pan” recipes trying to explain what they are all about with the hope they will help others in their Home or while camping. I find them interesting “templates”. I think next time will be my kitchen gear.
Photos and videos [while they last] on the Journal, as always.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



Escaping Big Bend Park! TX

What is really in a Title? Not much when a week goes on with so many activities. So much so that an escape to Big Bend Park became a must only to feel invaded by the mega Tourists and escape within such little time spend. Spring Break is around the corner, I should know better, will have to be patient for another 10 days or so. Yet in Terlingua, surrounded by familiar faces, the Music goes on. This time around was a Classical Music Quartet with an unusual and very funny opening monologue and a contemporary piece ending the encore. It is that time however to as I call it “tighten up” and organize some order so we can leave sooner than later. Little details while Internet is present in profusion, moving hundreds of Gigabytes of footage of videos and photos from one space to another, catching up on some e mails, maintenance, once a year the list goes on and on and seems to be greater than the year before as much as I try to keep all so simple. It is a bit like an invasion wondering where all this “stuff” and “chores” came from! There is no escape.
Enjoy the videos, there are a few.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7th Year, the Stars, living under them…



“Live Life” or “Social Media”? TX

Some might find my writing being at times controversial, it is not it's purpose or object to be as such. Sometimes thoughts have a tendency to crawl in and agitate a present situation as it happened not so long ago. I only know about these two sides of a wall when loosing touch with Friends too busy trying to gain a spot so seeked by too many within this saturated arena of the “Social Media Saloon” for a “throne” of an unfounded importance so superficial it made me wonder why?
I still don't know about those “why's”! Why give up one's own Life, the riding it could be, the hiking or for that matter any other self indulged activity to instead “do it” to only bring on the advertising as such of a “look at me” syndrome.
The “screen warriors” are of so many, at one point they will and do loose touch with themselves only caring for that seat so seeked perched up there in the middle of nowhere having lost the true feel of a ground, of an Earth bouncing back so intimate it's own feelings.
Just some thoughts, nothing else.
The “balance” of it all I find as the daily key for a smooth path mapped with much self awareness. Sometimes it is hard as the turmoil of the fonts can too easily absorb one's mind versus just “being out there” for one's self with much growth and true feelings slowly imprinting the present mind.

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



The Faith of a wounded Warrior [Fiction]

How did some fiction made it's way into this Journal? How did writing in a previous chapter entailed my thoughts about cuddling?
Many aspects of this Luxurious Life make their ways into words I feel freely expressing. Maybe they have no convergence of parallel with riding or other aspects of what many might think, yet, they do. Time, “that” luxury, that one, makes the mind run into so many different directions while riding, camping, cooking, playing with Spirit, spending time with true Friends, attending some Music played so freely never too far, watching the skies painted by Mother Nature throughout Sunrises and Sunsets, calendar and clock having vanished long time ago, all conductive for such thoughts.
It is Life to the fullest. They are the inner thoughts taking place as maybe I do not have room for a dry “ride report” not being too concerned how many miles and hours we have ridden, what time we last ate.
Sometimes it is a question asked by a Friend such as “Don't you miss cuddling?”, or maybe it is the heat of this Desert which made me think about a short fictional story. Then again, is it truly all fiction?

Be well, always.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



One more “Star” is shining. Munich. Germany

I will be here in Munich for another couple weeks. Life is indeed a ride, sometimes as now absent of words I can barely pronounce. It only takes one phone call when part of a Family as ours scattered around the World. Last Monday was of a somber one my Mother having had a stroke and a heart attack. Yesterday, on the 12th of April, in Peace, in Dignity, with no pain and long good byes I can now watch for another Star in the skies.
Not much else to share within these times besides some thoughts which I always continue writing for myself and now to share with my Friends.

You stay well, an extra hug for your Family today, don't ever let the present escape you.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…


Thank You.


What to say?

The inevitable happens as we all so well know.I heard this short story the other day. They were the thoughts of a departed one. "I was happy before I was born within that space none of us remember. My Mother then on gave me Birth and I lived daily going through the Chapters of this Life and it's endless lessons, it's peaks and valleys and all in between. I am gone now, again, having done my time, happy to have rejoined my previous space and my loved ones awaiting for me in the meantime". It is a good sensible story, no harm believing it. It helps me thinking and feeling that now my Mother has passed on back to where she came from. Most likely with Lance, my Grand Parents and a myriad of ancestors brightening up the stars at night watching down as I myself still turning the pages of these interminable lessons.
I am still in Munich for a couple more days dealing with a bureaucracy that has the script of a deepest nightmare one can imagine filled with frustration trying to obtain some legal and official documents. Will they ever let her rest in Peace?
Spirit is well taken care of in Texas. I will be moving him soon to Colorado Springs where more Friends will take care of him while I need to fly back and put an end to this chapter.
The weekdays are filled with appointments meaning a calendar and a watch. The weekends Museums to keep my mind occupied. BMW and Rolls Royce Museum, The Deutsches Museum. I did post many photos throughout these past couple Journal entries.
Thank You all for your kind thoughts and well articulated words I have been receiving.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal


New member
I don't know that I can add to the well-articulated words, but I logged on this morning to see your latest entries after a gap of a month or so and found something sadder than I had anticipated. I hope I can add to the kind thoughts and I certainly am thinking of you and wishing you only the best. Your writings and pictures have been a great source of pleasure to me over the past year or two and I want you to know that.

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