"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


I don't know that I can add to the well-articulated words, but I logged on this morning to see your latest entries after a gap of a month or so and found something sadder than I had anticipated. I hope I can add to the kind thoughts and I certainly am thinking of you and wishing you only the best. Your writings and pictures have been a great source of pleasure to me over the past year or two and I want you to know that.

Thank You deLabe for your kind words. They help. A process to go through again all too familiar from 10 years ago now.
I must return to Munich on the 19th and will be back on June 1st. Probably will have to go again one more time. The German Government is not making it easy to have her ashes and international certificate of death. The bureaucracy is incredible not allowing any closure for now.
You stay well, the Road will take care of us soon again.
Ara and Spirit


Expedition Leader
Yes! I had to deal with much the same stuff with my grandmother in France. There is so much bureaucracy in Europe that it becomes frustrating . I had to fix the family mausoleum because it had a leak in the roof.....and on and on.....By the time I buried Grand Mother I was totally tried!
We don't really understand how easy things can go here in the USA until we have to deal w/ another country.
I totally understand you problems. Hope you get the details done and get back on the road w/ your beloved dog!
I just lost one of my loved Basset Hounds.....she was 14 years old and I miss her dearly but I have my guy dog and he and I are partners now.....closer then we were.
You and your dog will be on the road again.....things will be fine......life goes on.....circle of life it is.


Yes! I had to deal with much the same stuff with my grandmother in France. There is so much bureaucracy in Europe that it becomes frustrating . I had to fix the family mausoleum because it had a leak in the roof.....and on and on.....By the time I buried Grand Mother I was totally tried!
We don't really understand how easy things can go here in the USA until we have to deal w/ another country.
I totally understand you problems. Hope you get the details done and get back on the road w/ your beloved dog!
I just lost one of my loved Basset Hounds.....she was 14 years old and I miss her dearly but I have my guy dog and he and I are partners now.....closer then we were.
You and your dog will be on the road again.....things will be fine......life goes on.....circle of life it is.

And it goes on. We will adapt. Yes.. Thanks for writing.


“Happy Mother's Day”. Tucson. AZ

The Journey runs it's course. The path is often a smooth trail, the colors bright, Mother Nature our guide from shore to shore, from the valleys to the peaks with the barren Deserts in between, anything and everything one could wish when filled with a luxury acquired over time called “freedom”. Yet, as the fabric of Life dictates, such “freedom” is sometimes only a pigment of our imagination when facing another path filled with obstacles we must surmount, the path of “grieving”. A not so foreign one for many, one we must adapt for the times to come if we ourselves want to survive it's consequences. It is “Mother's Day” today and ironically on the same date a month ago I was saying my good byes to my own Mother at this very time when her own path decided to end, that is physically as I know and believe strongly her “Spirit” will always continue on tucked in with us on this Journey for as long as myself will be allowed to do so. With Friends in Tucson today, on our way to Colorado Springs to fly back to Munich one more time for two weeks, this is where we are in the midst of a beautiful backyard filled with the colorful in bloom flowers one needs today. Moments are still mixed up, words are not lining up as they use to, my strength comes and goes, questions with no replies arise helplessly, the logic of it all has been set aside. It will not be till early June for the shade of the boulders I seek. In the meantime, one moment at the time with small and short tentative steps we move forward as we must.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



Turning Gears in and out of Munich. Again.

I suddenly feel as an International Traveler being back in Munich, I also feel as half of me has stayed behind as one more time Spirit and I are separated for what was going to be 2 weeks, now turning into 3 weeks.
It is a halt in the Journey, and yet maybe not as a Journey is the Teacher and I am learning much here from lessons thrown at me without any compassion for the departed through this ongoing Bureaucratic nightmare.
I feel more as I am buying a used car or a house or anything else for that matter. “Human Being”, “Mother”, none of those words appear throughout the daily demands.
Karma has however also placed some incredible new Friends on my path [Friends with many other Friends in common] who invited me to their Home over the last weekend, the right prescription to lighten up the mind and Soul. Today is the last day in this apartment which I will be giving up tomorrow and on invited again at my new Friends Home for the last week here till I return on the 8ht.
I have given up on the wait, on the daily hope, on the notion of bringing my Mother back with me. All hinged on “one” piece of paper. If it happens next week, it will be well, if not, I will need to come back one more time yet only when “ready”.
Such is Life, such is also After Life. Strange World sometimes I feel we live in.
Till next time...

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…


Expedition Leader
That is a very beautiful photo...both artistically and philosophically. One of your very best when held in context. Thank you for sharing it.
Hope everything is doing better then expected..... B Dog


That is a very beautiful photo...both artistically and philosophically. One of your very best when held in context. Thank you for sharing it.
Hope everything is doing better then expected..... B Dog

Thank You.


“Wasatch~Cache National Forest” [Utah]

The open roads once again welcome us lining the path toward those steps, the ones of grieving I will one by one climb surely as I have before. Two months has gone by which only feels as it has been as a blink of an eye. The fog of these past weeks is slowly rising to make way of a canvas “Mother Nature” and deserted roads are generous with for the tired mind and soul. Spirit is back by my side with now his bell on, a sound so sweet as he is himself. We are headed North, from Colorado to Utah and now in Idaho towards Portland where “Crusty” will be fitted with some new shocks much needed for off road riding in a bit of a smoother fashion. The Mountains at elevations above Bear Lake are a new find for us criss crossed by miles and miles of unpaved roads and welcoming camp spaces free for the taking. Peaceful, silent, everything we missed these past weeks is now again here adapting toward such an unexpected turn of events. “Adapting” being the key word as everything else in Life seemingly is. Much sleep, riding, cooking, seems all is on the menu for these present days.
More on the Journal.

Till next time...

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



Bruneau Dunes, Idaho.

The Journey is taking on some certain steps of continuity since I have been back, all at the same time dealing with an emptiness Mother Nature is offering to fill. Some days it works, some days not. The time spend at Bruneau Dunes I must say have been favorable to the senses with their vastness both on land and in the skies while being treated to storms and wind and rains. My favorite components. There was no choice but camping in the State Park, it was a quiet one and showers are always welcome as were the friendly faces of the locals. It is all around a vast network of unpaved roads as I call them “to nowhere”. The more “nowheres”, the better. It feels good to be out, breath the fresh air and just contemplate this World of ours go by forever now slowly without too much of a spin. A quick detour then on to “Priest River” camping and fishing with some good Friends and soon on back Eastward, most likely going for the “Stanley” area, trying to find an out of the way space for the Fourth of July, a time of the year always very populated.
More on the Journal...

Till next time...

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…



From the “Sawtooth Mountains”, Idaho

Two weeks we have not been here! “Sawtooth Mountains” and Internet do not mix very well even if I managed to paste a couple entries in our Journal. [can't help it, writing is my sound board]. There is “magic” here, no, “MAGIC”. A healing space comprising of probably millions of acres. I have not checked. Roads to the right and roads to the left, streams, rivers, ponds and I have started again fishing meaning catching my dinner. How long will we be here? Who knows as I cannot think that far ahead as these peaks and these valley luscious and green mixed with yet standing strong snow caps, all keeps me in this present so needed after these couple of months within the “Urban Jungle”. Spirit is also recuperating from our separation, our bonding is at new heights and his a bit nervousness of me leaving one more time is slowly vanishing. Poor guy! The weather is splendid, the night are literally cold, all is a big welcome from the past times spend in the South.
Enjoy the Photos...

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

7ht Year, the Stars, living under them…


Expedition Leader
Despite everything you wrote I respond the most to trout fishing. It has always been a therapy for me and the cooking of that catch, the flavor and texture has always been the culmination of the therapy. When I see the photos of your meals I totally understand the pleasure and calm. I am so happy that you are having such a nice reprieve from your troubles.
Summer is good!
bD.................Say hello to that dog for me.


Fishing can be very calming.

This thread is fully of emotional and thought provoking writing. The pictures are awesome too, both in subject and quality. Thanks for sharing.


Expedition Leader
Correction on 'that dog'.......I meant to say 'sidekick of yours'...... Or should I say 'wingman'?


Despite everything you wrote I respond the most to trout fishing. It has always been a therapy for me and the cooking of that catch, the flavor and texture has always been the culmination of the therapy. When I see the photos of your meals I totally understand the pleasure and calm. I am so happy that you are having such a nice reprieve from your troubles.
Summer is good!
bD.................Say hello to that dog for me.

Thanks for writing. Yes, it is a new therapy for sure and flavors for dinner. We are still here... upwards one step at the time.
Stay well. Ara and Spirit



“You can't fix stupid”... [Bozeman, Montana]

So I guess the thoughts as such a title for an entry have been brewing for a while. Camping in much deserted spaces to only then on mix in with the flow of others while moving on to point X brings on the details of a flow encountered with much concerns sometimes!

It is the balance of Life. Same with the “healthy and unhealthy”, “rich and poor” and on and on.
So we made it to the Bozeman area where we are running errands for a few days, taking a break as it was with much regret we left Idaho where we will stop again when on our way south. The smoke was a little too dense for us and so was the temperatures.

The next leg will be toward the "Glacier” area, I am curious about finding this little town north of it which runs on a generator and has this great Bakery.
All else is well, August is our hardest month on the road due to heat and the critters visiting us at alarming rates sometimes. I can however feel already the fall at night time. It won't be long.

Enjoy the past couple entries and finally a video, some photos also.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

7th Year, the Stars, living under them…

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