"The Oasis of my Soul"... a Lifelong Journey on the road...


Just ordered your book. I didn't know you lost your child. I'm sure I can't say anything that would help(*******). Kauai is here, and has the MANA to cure. That is Hawaiian for strength or spiritual strength. Life energy.

I don't think most of us will ever find our answers in life.

I need to go pet my dog...

Aloha, Blake


book just arrived. I only read the back cover. I went to cooking school as well. In Portland, Oregon.

I have a feeling your book is going to make me cry. Despite that I am looking foward to reading it.


I read just the intro pages and they are good! I feel like I don't know when to read the rest. Once I read it all the fun will be over. Like a little kid after they opened all their Christmas presents.

I don't want to feel like the story is over.


Thank You for all the kind words... There are some very funny parts though.


A Room with a View. Colorado.

This room is actually millions of acres. Free BLM land South of Salida and hundreds of miles of unpaved roads, mostly not on any maps that I can find. Perched at 9200 feet, it is sweater and wool hat time in the evening till morning when finally the rays slowly emerge from behind the eastern horizon and warm us up. No sense getting up too early.

I have finally learned the weather pattern here which starts with blue skies and by noon almost black at times the clouds play their odd particular shapes confronting each other with often a nice downpour to cool us of even more.

How are we ever going to leave this space?

On the Fourth of July we attended a wedding in Colorado Springs. Some dear Friends or ours tied the knot. We started then heading North. It did not last too long! We made a U-turn at Castle Rock and now again back here exactly where we started. Nothing unusual for us to change our direction in an instant. It is called the freedom of time.

The photos on our Journal will prove our logic! How could we not?

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"



Snowy Range Pass, Wyoming

It is thought that the most beautiful spaces in this country do not have Internet. It is true. We have plunged into this other world today in Laramie, Wyoming, the one where laundry can be done, provisions purchased and then on escape back up to Snowy Range Pass which has been our home for now a while. So here we are with a connection

Right! Our SPOT and SAT phones are our only lifelines "up there". Who needs anything more when everything else is provided? Miles of unpaved roads, more little lakes I can count, shade and cool weather while staying above 9000 feet. The birds singing, the smells pungent, another Paradise we had never explored in this beautiful country of ours. "Get to know your Backyard" I always say.

Here, at lower elevations, the heat is already making its mark. August coming up is always the worse month for us and that will include our friends the mosquitoes. But, September is right around the corner and WA/OR should by then be cooler. We are spending a few days traveling that month with our Editor. It should be interesting as we are both looking forward to it. I wonder if she will also correct my speech!

Very nice comments have come in regarding our book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash". Some have even already read it twice! I might even do that myself. If you have not, all the information to order it is on our Journal.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"


Almost done with the book. I'm slowing down. I don't want it to be done.

I feel as I have to read it myself again! Thank You always for the kind words.


Through Bear's Tooth Pass... WY/MT

We went up through Chief Joseph Hwy and set up camp on Bear's Tooth Pass with much anticipation and our heads up high. A few days later, the mosquitoes won and near by Ennis, Montana, is where we are. The problem was not while riding but the frustration at camp. Off fan, Skin so Soft, wrist band, camp fire, we have it all... Cannot use Deet.

On the banks of Madison river amazingly just a few of those non sense flying pesky intrusions. Spirit is happier, his freedom without a cry found again.

More destinations surrounds us including Gravelly Range Rd, the one I call "the road to nowhere". We are about 12 miles from town. Easy refueling and purchase of provisions.

Some day are good as these are considering we are only at 5500 feet and last night was around 45 degrees. Just the way we like it.

Just in case you order our Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash" we are not too far also from the Post Office! Hint... The reviews have been very favorable.

The skies are now clearing after much welcomed rain. It is time for some rides and more photos.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"


I just finished it. Your book really makes me think about my life. My past decisions and ones not yet made. I have had some good adventures but the last 13 years I have wasted. Not experiencing new things. Instead I drank and made excuses as to why I shouldn't do this or that. Self-pity and alcoholic BS. I recently quit drinking. It was surprisingly easy.

I hope you continue to write. As I read, realized more what will make me happy in my life. I too may be the last of my family name. I hope not. At 38 the thought seems very lonely. Who knows...

Aloha Ara and Spirit.



I just finished it. Your book really makes me think about my life. My past decisions and ones not yet made. I have had some good adventures but the last 13 years I have wasted. Not experiencing new things. Instead I drank and made excuses as to why I shouldn't do this or that. Self-pity and alcoholic BS. I recently quit drinking. It was surprisingly easy.

I hope you continue to write. As I read, realized more what will make me happy in my life. I too may be the last of my family name. I hope not. At 38 the thought seems very lonely. Who knows...

Aloha Ara and Spirit.


You are so young with so much Life ahead of you. Live it with passion. Good on the drinking. I don't. Never had a problem but I got tired of it... Nothing like confronting Life as it is. Thanks for writing and Stay well.


Montana! Gravelly Range Road and more…

Montana's roads and spaces are always exciting times especially when weather cooperating, none above 80.

Gravelly Range Road has been on top my list of favorites for a long time now and these days has been no exception. Combined with a new camping spot by Varney Bridge, about 10 miles from Ennis, and that does it for us spending over a week with a great base camp.

The sunsets have been exceptional. The photos are in the Journal. No doubt one can understand why it is here called the "Big Skies". They are indeed huge with a feel of being enveloped by them. This summer is continuing being good to us.

In the meantime I am also trying to let our Friends [you!] know about the release of our book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash". There are no funds for marketing, so doing the best I can and spreading the word will always be a plus. I actually received an incredible comment the other day:

"Could this book surpass the reality of "Ghost Rider"? Could it be the modern updated" Travels with Charley " and" Blue Highways"? Yes on all counts. A must read. Even more than once."

Of course as everything else, it is a matter of taste!

We will be pushing Northwest next week, we have to be in Portland by the 31st while we will be traveling a while with our Editor and showing her some of this beautiful country.

Thank You always for your support throughout this Journey of ours.

Till next time.

Stay well.

Ara and Spirit

8th Year, the Stars, living under them…

www.theoasisofmysoul.com The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"


"Could this book surpass the reality of "Ghost Rider"? Could it be the modern updated" Travels with Charley " and" Blue Highways"? Yes on all counts. A must read. Even more than once."

That is such a great comment! Although I to me you are more like Jack Kerouac and his book "On the Road"...


"Could this book surpass the reality of "Ghost Rider"? Could it be the modern updated" Travels with Charley " and" Blue Highways"? Yes on all counts. A must read. Even more than once."

That is such a great comment! Although I to me you are more like Jack Kerouac and his book "On the Road"...

Thanks for the compliment! But... I did not write it in three weeks, I was not on "Benzedrine" and I did use punctuation. I don't know if you ever saw his original script which was written on one long sheet of paper! 120 foot long! It is interesting...


Take care you two... See you in Texas this winter...

Ara and Spirit


Take care you two... See you in Texas this winter...

Ara and Spirit

We are about to go to the most eastern part of our journey - Newfoundland. I would send you a postcard, but… :) We'll tell you all about it when we'll camp in Big Bend in the winter! :)

O & B


We are about to go to the most eastern part of our journey - Newfoundland. I would send you a postcard, but… :) We'll tell you all about it when we'll camp in Big Bend in the winter! :)

O & B

Good deal. We will do "Black Gap Rd"... never maintained and "West River Rd", deep sand!!! I will bring my SAT Phone...

Ara and Spirit

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