Making a Home in Big Bend... Texas that is.
Where do I begin? as "The Oasis", here, once again works its magic in the center of this Texas Desert.
As the years have gone by on the road, the thought of the ones ahead of us has made its mark. Some day we will need a Home, it is inevitable, as a good Friend of mine wrote me. Where else could it be but here?
Sure, summers are hot [but dry] and the decision to have a roof here has turned into a reality. A 25 x 40 shelter, a little camper right next to a 10 x 14 prefab cabin. Much solar, 4000 gallons of water catchment, a powerful generator, some sort of a basic outdoor kitchen, [meaning just a long table!], better Internet, it is all taking shape all in photos in a couple previous entries in our Journal.
Now is however the time to walk away from it and once again balance out our time between Nature and those components that have been going up. I am realizing that it could be endless as the days here within this space which more than anything else feels as an Island for us. One that can provide all our needs present and future.
Big Bend Park provided its magic the other day. A breather from shoveling dirt or nailing some boards and wiring this and that.
I feel as this winter is going to fly by, lets see how much heat we can handle when Spring returns. Colorado is never too far!
Enjoy the photos. It is Life "off the grid".
Happy "Thanksgiving" day.
Till next time.
Stay well.
Ara and Spirit The Journal and Book "Freedom on Both Ends of the Leash"
9th Year, the Stars, living under them… The Photos