The other wonder mechanical genius my 88 Trooper


That all is getting yanked next month when i get my parts Trooper from Alberta. I was planning on getting it this month but i have to go visit my daughter and her man cub. OMFG I went and did the plugs wires rotor and cap .. and its running correctly :Wow1: I'm so stoked unfortunatly i have to go to Vancouver this week so I wont be able to truly test it out and see if its really cure but it looks like it is :bike_rider: so happy
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Well it's running and I like like that :bike_rider:. I pulled the plates off the ROWDAYO and transferred them into CHRISTINE . I took her out hunting I got one grouse from the covey we found. Due to too much scope the one I have on is a 9-24, all i was seeing was blades of grass and rose hips. I normally hunt with a 3-9 on my trusty Ruger 10/22. Thats what i did today , was take the .22 out to the range and swap the scope and plink away a few 100 rounds :ylsmoke: I also am working on a alum panel for the back door so i can use a butane stove there and not catch the liner on fire . 1/8" alum diamond plate and 1/8" for the door panel & flat for the bottom. Ill post up a few pics on that when i collect all the bits. I need some steel cable , bicycle cable or proper aircraft cable to hold it and a piano hinge for the fold ... some pop rivets .. boy this is getting complicated..

I'll be adding a 3rd cross bar to the top so i can put a platform on the top. then i can start to think about a rooftop tent or a hunting blind. Im looking at one of these one of my friends has one BNIB . im goona get it so I can chat with my friends as we smash our way around the woods i will have to add a cable antenna mount and go shopping on ebay/ amazon for spare battery and a few other bits but im getting it at a great price. and a few of my friends already have them so ill be part of that crowd. Just as long as they dont expect me to get a Jeep (SHUDDER):coffee:

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Made a stove table for the back of my Trooper II. & Got a free stove from my neighbors just had to replace a screw. — feeling accomplished.:chef:14355727_565399773661247_2610895651861021700_n.jpg






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done the stealth project for the stove. I may make it longer to hold a pot or something on the side but for now im good !

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Arts and craft time fellow enthusiasts of the Zoos.I got bored tonight and laid out my next mod of my Trooper II Christine. Ive got 3 cross body roofracks :D Now its hunting time its put more emphases to get it made and done but he big stalling point is $ . So without further delay, heres my next addition to my ZOO. a RTT or hunting blind depending on how I rig it. :wink: Base will be 1 piece of 5/5" plywood side a piece of 1/4 " plywood front and rear also made from 1/4" then a heavy tarp to act as the roof / weather break . Easily installed and removed put up and taken down. The childlike scribble you see is my list of ingredients
to make it and construction notes:chef:.




'm finally just knocking the rust off with a friend, hes not used to hunting with his new glasses he claims. Me i cant hit the broad side if a barn but il lower the roof on them . Thats 2 so far for me Chris none lol but we had a good day except for the fact i blew my egr pipe thats plugged at the far end off . So I have to close up the other end and be done with it. as I disconnected all that crap when doing the intake system. undo the nut / connector when it cools then weld a piece of 1/8 plate over it put it back together Ill have that done tonight :ylsmoke:

hunt 2.jpg


ahh well

rear.jpg so while out and about 1.5 hours away from home out hunting i heard a quick squeal and then a grinding noise.. well poop :Wow1: not much i can do here so i finished the day and got it home. Man i hate these calipers it comes with. Good thing I had watched Johnny 5ives video on the rears . they need that Rubiks cube brake caliper device to wind the calipers in, as opposed to the standard C clamp. this non standard style caliper added 1/2 hour to each side as i swapped thepads and rotor on one side and just the pads on the other. does anyone have a reason that this method is used? :coffee:


Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to show what came in the mail today. 2 Expedition portal t shirts and a functional igniter box...not shown the good one as i put it in and Christine my 88 Trooper II RUNS!!!14925419_590089921192232_2894754126767276673_n.jpg


Well i decided to take her to MR LUBE for the free oil change for Veterans. While that was happening they pointed out I have a leak probably from my dist.. well darn I have found the parts and a link on how to rebuild it. now to wait for parts to roll in . thankfully its not that bad probably take me 2 days to accomplish by myself . but its a weep so I'll still be driving her. Today is Remembrance Day ceremonies them off to the range.



well Its still alive I have a carb setup coming to me after waiting 3 months for the guy to get it off his wreck and get it to me ! Whoops now to order a weber 32/36 setup!:Wow1:



Well I got busy for me and did some things today. I stripped down the 2.3 intake in rep for me to mount the Weber 32/36 from Redline. Ill be contacting fox for block off plates

and had a look at the dist I have new rotor cap wires for this

and in other news i found a pair of googley eyes


New member
'm finally just knocking the rust off with a friend, hes not used to hunting with his new glasses he claims. Me i cant hit the broad side if a barn but il lower the roof on them . Thats 2 so far for me Chris none lol but we had a good day except for the fact i blew my egr pipe thats plugged at the far end off . So I have to close up the other end and be done with it. as I disconnected all that crap when doing the intake system. undo the nut / connector when it cools then weld a piece of 1/8 plate over it put it back together Ill have that done tonight :ylsmoke:

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What kind of scoped gun is that your shooting birds with? Never seen rifling for fowl before. Not criticizing, just curious. Looks like fun.


That one is a Ruger 10/22 with a 6-24 power scope on it and ATI stock with adjustable butt. I normally use a 3x9 and leave it on 3 power . i like it because i put one through the noggin and they dont go to far after that but some give it a good try. Up here in Canada the government has decided that the 25 rd magazines for these now are to dangerous to be used by us civilians and declared them prohibited . that means they fall into the same classification as fully automatic rifles machine guns and derringers . so I have switched to a GSG 15 made by GSG in Germany, its verrrry accurate for a semi auto and very ergonomic for me

20170125_214224.jpg heres the GSG 15 with the 6- 24 on it the scope is off ebay i use this scope off season to plink with, at the range

ruger 10 22.jpg heres a clearer shot of the Ruger with the usual 3x9 on it

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