The Road Chose Me : 50,000kms of ebb and flow


amazing blog, ive wanted to get up to alaska for a long time. ive just been waiting to get my truck to a point i can trust it, and i want some kayaks. how was it finding gas stations. my truck atm without any aux tanks has a range of only about 500-700k depending on the road.

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
amazing blog, ive wanted to get up to alaska for a long time. ive just been waiting to get my truck to a point i can trust it, and i want some kayaks. how was it finding gas stations. my truck atm without any aux tanks has a range of only about 500-700k depending on the road.

Hey Cody - I've wanted to get up to Alaska for as long as I can remember and it was everything I dreamed it would be. I'll be back one day, I know that for sure. You really need to get up here and see it.
Don't worry about trusting your truck too much, like someone else said, problems are just a reason to meet new people. There are plenty of parts and NAPAs around for domestics.
The farthest I've had to go so far without gas was only 240 miles (384km). I can also squeeze 600km out of a full tank and I'm sure I'll run out of gas sooner or later, but again, I'll just meet new people when it happens :)

Get up here man, you won't regret it :)



Dan, I envy you positive out look on life and this trip. I really want to make the trip to Alaska some day thanks for the trip report.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member

Congrats for the trip - I am glad to see I am not the only one enjoying a journey on this forum and posting updates...


i will look at your blog as soon as I can!!!! South america is hopefully the next destination for my Troopcarrier...


Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Had an awesome time hiking the Chilkoot Trail, from Skagway Alaska to Bennett, Yukon.

Full trip report and tons of pics as usual at



Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Epic... how lond do you plan on staying up there?

As long as it takes ;) haha

I have no plan, but I'm already moving south, albeit really slowly because I love it so much up here and I keep finding more and more adventures to get into :)
I'm starting to think I'll blast through the lower 48 more and more.


lemme know if your passing through vancouver and ill take you on some day trips / buy you a beer:smiley_drive:

PS. only around till august 13th, then i head back up to the charlottes for some SAR patrol

Dan Grec

Expedition Leader
Sorry for the down-time - it's fixed now.
Rest assured the adventures continue and I'll continue to make sure the site is online.

I've been living large Yukon Style! loving it!
as usual more pics and stories at



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