The Rolling Restoration & Customization Of My 88' Range Rover Classic


Farmer Jon
Hi everyone,

Update on the 6.2 Diesel swap. I had a bit of a hiccup with the transmission. Well, I say "a bit of a hiccup", really I mean the Allison 1000 is not going to work with the LT230, complete no go. I new I was taking a bit of a gamble and it looks like it didn't work out this time.

As you can see above, the front driveshaft CLEARLY is not going to work with the Allison 1000.

A closer look....

IMG_1719.jpgSo, moving forward...

I have had my mind set on a 6-speed and even looked an 8-speed for a bit. However, after researching and deliberating I bought a brand new 6L80E with a stand alone computer and some other extras. I got the package today and more parts will come in later. As it stands now, I have the 6.2, torque converter, 6-speed trans, the magic adapter, and an LT230 (and some Unimog 404 axles but that is for later or maybe never, still deciding). I haven't bolted everything together yet, but I am told they will all work together perfectly. I know the new trans, adapter, and t-case will go together perfect. We will see how the 6.2 and the trans mate up. I had to buy a special torque converter to go between the two (hasn't arrived yet). I will do my best to keep updating this thread as I move forward.


Farmer Jon
In other news...

My Land Rovers are multiplying. I had 1 Range Rover Classic, then a couple years ago I picked up a LWB Classic parts truck. Now, I am the proud but somewhat in shock, owner of 2 Discovery's as well. There will be more in the future on these, but I think I will be starting a new thread for them.

The 1st one, (the non-kitted Discovery) I got for $500 and is bone stock with 112k miles. It is a "Centre Edition". I tried googling it to figure out what that included but came up with nothing. Anyone know anything about that edition? It has a rough idle and a shuttering under power at around 50mph. Not sure what the shuddering is, so if you Disco guys can give me some advice I would appreciate it. And maybe some ideas on the rough idle (previous owner thought it was a fuel filter) I think that may be part of it, but it seems to idle really low (400rpm-ish) just want to die at the stop lights. Otherwise the motor seems pretty strong. All in all, it has been mistreated for sure, but it isn't in too bad of shape. I can definitely bring it back once I fix those issues and clean it up.

The 2nd one, is heavily modified and cost...MORE than the first one. Short bio: 97' Disco, 240k miles but 25K miles on completely rebuilt/redone drivetrain, 300 Tdi completely rebuilt and has an upgraded head, specially modified R380 trans, FZ80 Landcruiser axles, ARB lockers front & rear, lifted on old man emu springs, ARB awnings side & rear, ARB roof rack, interior sleeping platform, homemade drawer system, and a host of other stuff. BUT the body is beat...doesn't have a straight panel on it and the frame has signs of fatigue on the body mountings. It also has a "Death Wobble" at above 35mph, not sure whats causing it but I am eager to get my hands dirty and find out.

Since I bought both separately, at different times, and for different reasons it only dawned on me the other day that I might try giving it a go at making the two Discos into one really nice and heavily modified Disco....

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Expedition Leader
Whats the purpose of going with the 6 speed? I don't think you are going to see any benefit.

I had the 6.2 with a 700R4 and the stock gearing. I was constantly getting 20-25 mpg. I don't think you'll do any better, its still a big brick you are trying to move through the air. I understand wanting what you want, but it seems expensive especially since you are going to need a computer and all kinds of trickery to make it work right. I don't think that transmission will like the rattling 6.2 anyway. Its not exactly a smooth running engine.


Farmer Jon
Whats the purpose of going with the 6 speed? I don't think you are going to see any benefit.

I had the 6.2 with a 700R4 and the stock gearing. I was constantly getting 20-25 mpg. I don't think you'll do any better, its still a big brick you are trying to move through the air. I understand wanting what you want, but it seems expensive especially since you are going to need a computer and all kinds of trickery to make it work right. I don't think that transmission will like the rattling 6.2 anyway. Its not exactly a smooth running engine.

Howdy Sir,

I am going with the 6-speed because as I have read in many of the 6.2 swap threads (yours included), one of the main complaints is a lack of power. With the 6-speed the window for each gear is more focused on the power band of the engine. So it should be more fuel efficient in mixed driving which is what I do mostly. The 6l80e has a lower first gear so the engine isn't going to have work as hard coming off the line and then from there on it progresses a little more gently through the gears because the gears can be run in closer ratios, which will keep it on the power nicer. The 6th gear is also a little higher so it should equate to a little better fuel mileage. If it all works out, I should be right on peak power through all the gears and be as efficient as possible at most any speed. I am hoping to get 25mpg or higher, but it is all sort of a gamble/experiment.

I am in no way saying the 700R4 is a bad way to go. Its is cheaper, more straight forward, plentiful, DEFINITELY cheaper, and can be rebuilt DIY, but I have never really been known for doing things the cheaper or easier way. I want to try breaking some new ground and see how it goes. If I get good gains that are worthwhile then cool; if not, then oh well and don't follow my example, but as the saying goes "nothing ventured, nothing gained."

I guess the other reason I am going with the 6-speed is because I really want to stay naturally aspirated. I just don't want to deal with all the turbo stuff. I mean I will if I have to and I am building the motor so I can, but I just like the idea and simplicity of a the 6.2 naturally aspirated.

As far as the the rattling engine, I understand where you are coming from on that; however, I think the torque converter should help because it is technically driving the trans by fluid not mechanically driving it, so the trans internals shouldn't be shaken too hard. Again though, nothing ventured nothing gained, so we will see how it goes.
I have also been mulling over the idea of pulling the motor all apart and either having it balanced professionally (as well as a few other things done), or giving it a go myself, not sure yet which I will do.
I want to port & polish it as well, or at the very least gasket match everything and smooth the ports out a bit. Then make sure it is balanced very very well. I have got head studs and I am getting main studs and then I have the fluidamper for the external balance. Plus I have got a few other plans for it. The goal is to make it as efficient and reliable as possible. Then team it with the 6-speed and see where I end up.


Expedition Leader
For a good damper swap to a fluid-damper. Its the best way to fix that issue on a 6.2 or 6.5L. I haven't done it yet. Mainly because I got rid of the 6.2 for a 6.5 Center-mounted Turbo. The new engine is in much better shape so far. But maybe in the next year I'll add the fluid-damper to it as well. Its a bolt on piece of kit. I've heard a few before and afters with the damper and its pretty amazing. That might really help protect the transmission as well.

I stayed with the 700R4, because I don't think i could get anything bigger in the chassis. Its a tight fit. I don't know why land rover built the chassis so narrow. A 2" body lift definitely helped me have enough room for the engine and everything else.


Farmer Jon
Hello everyone,

I know I have been gone for a long time…again, but my life has unfortunately changed course. The first part is good the timing kind of sucked though, at least as far as the diesel swap was concerned. We bought a new house with 24 acres instead of 10 and it is a beautiful house and wonderful land. There are no out buildings but that is great because we can start fresh and do it right the first time because there were so many issues with our last place I constantly felt like I was in a Holmes on Holmes special. The part that kind of sucks is that I had just put a 10k lbs. car lift in my shop in anticipation of doing the diesel swap (I had enough welding while laying under the Rover when I did my long range tank…I still have burn scars lol). I also bought nearly everything to start doing that damn diesel swap.

Side note: if I am repeating some of my previous posts please bare with me, I am having memory issues and I am not really ready to go back through my thread to jog my memory because it would be too depressing right now.

So where was I…oh the house and the swap. Basically I finally got all the parts together, all the tools together, the car lift, and I was chomping at the bit to do it. Then I found a Disco(s) to add onto the list to give me all the time I would need to do the Classic diesel swap. Then this house popped up on the market and it was everything we had been looking for over the last couple years and…it was 200k BELOW our budget. We jumped on it, and thankfully we got it.

So….the vehicles would have to be put on hold for a little while while we were moving and having our outbuildings built. Well……..that was the grand plan…..

My 35th birthday comes in August and everything seems to going great! Even my families birthday curse didn’t get me!

Another side note: There is a coincidence/jokingly referred to as a curse….that on around one of our birthdays one of the males in my family ends up in the hospital for something. I held the record even before this year. I almost broke my hand on my 16th birthday. I had a traumatic brain injury around(memory is fuzzy on the specific day) my 18th birthday, I dislocated my hip at my 25th birthday party, etc….there are more but like I said I am having memory issues and can’t remember them at the moment. I think you get the picture though.

Ok, back to it then. So my birthday comes up and passes and I think I am in the clear, well…..the day after my birthday the lovely wife and I out on a fine Saturday morning; I had to do a quick job for work, so there was a freon tank in the car. We stop at the place I need to do the job at, I do the job and had barely gotten on the freeway, the get stuck in traffic waiting in a line of traffic.
We are there at the end of a long line of traffic sitting still. My wife and I are talking. In the middle of a sentence I hear “OH SHI….!!!!”, right then a vehicle(Honda Civic) slammed into back of our(her) brand new 2018 Honda CRV at 60+mph. No one died, my wife came out with I think only neck and back pain, I am not sure what the other driver suffered but she was able to get out of the car and sit down against the center divider; however, I didn’t fair quite as well. I bent the seat frame, snapped one of the legs on the headrest (and bent the other one), ripped the seat belt loose, and caved in the dashboard.
Oh yeah, and that freon tank….well, see we have dogs and no kids, which means the backseats are always down in the flat position. So that freon tank was launched forward at 60+ into 2 things. 1 was the headrest and the other was the base of my skull right where the top of my spinal cord attaches. Yeah it hurt really REALLY bad.
I kept the headrest because it saved my life. I am not sure how I wasn’t killed or turned into a quadriplegic, but I made it through alive and able to walk. I was definitely out of it for a little bit of time and couldn’t get out of the car immediately.
An ambulance ride, emergency room visit and a lot of scans later they found I had a concussion, whiplash, and something with one of the discs in my back that hurt like hell. Plus, knees and hip, and well…basically everything hurt like hell. I was released awhile later, and put on bedrest.

About a month and a half later I was back in the emergency because I almost died again…this time from internal bleeding from the meds I was being told to take. One surgery I have no memory off later and 4 or 5 days in the hospital and I was out again on bed rest….again…
I spent the next months anemic from blood loss and trying to survive and recuperate. I eventually healed kind of enough to go back to work on a trial basis. After 3 week’s and a couple of increases mistakes that caused injury to myself I had to go back on medical leave and now it looks like I am going to lose my job. Basically, I have Post Concussion Syndrome along with other physical issues, that are causing me lots of problems and make it so I can’t work.

Now, the crash is bad...really messed things up, but the timing…..oh the timing…I am not sure someone could F+*^ things up more if they had listened in on my life and found the most pivotal time to do the most damage and cause the most stress. Because, 2 days after the crash we received the keys to our brand new(new to us) house.

There we are with two houses, barely enough to support both, and the old one needed a bunch of renovation….and I was pretty much useless. Thankfully, family and friends came through and got the house done. Unfortunately, because I wasn’t able to help and get it ready in the summer window of peak house sales.

Anyway this story is too long as it is so I will try to wrap it up a little quicker. As of now, we are hurting financially, own two farms, I am out of commission work wise, not sure when I will recover or if I will recover fully, that lovely wife is busting her ass to support us(because I was the bread-winner), and I am having to sell a bunch of stuff to pay bills. Trust me there is way more stress and drama, but I will leave it out.

As I said awhile back, my life has changed course now. I am going to do everything I can to keep my classic and the diesel stuff but the Disco(s) are going to have to be sold as is a great many other things.
I am operating way below my normal capabilities right now and I am trying to get the most money for my stuff but I am kind of torn with the Discos, one is pretty nice but no mods. The other looks like ******** but has a TON of mods including a 300tdi with a custom r380 trans. I am not sure if I should just cut bait and sell it as is (it has a death wobble right now) or figure out someway to make 1 fantastic Disco out of 2 flawed Discos.

I will be honest, I have maybe $800 total including the price into the cleaner nicer one. I have about $12,750 into the other one. Do you guys think it would be worth it to build one out of the 2? It end up being pretty much a fully built Overlander with a clean low mileage body/interior/frame, and killer drivetrain with only 28k miles since being completely rebuilt. I keep going back and forth…what do you think the different scenarios would be worth?
I should mention I am currently between my old shop and now in a she with a couple conex boxes with my stuff crammed in them. So I am not in ideal shape to do the work nor do I have the ideal work area. It would still potentially doable if it could sell for enough to really make a difference.

I also have a set of complete 404 Unimog Axles with disc brake done on one of them and parts to do the other as well as the pinion conversions too. I am going back and forth on selling. They have been sitting out in front of my shop since the crash because I can’t move them so they have some surface rust but are otherwise in good shape. I paid a little over $4k for them so if anyone is interested on those let me know.

Anyway it has taken a lot out of me to write all this, but I have been putting it off for months. I figured I owed you guys an explanation for being gone so long when I was so close to doing the swap.

If I am capable of doing it later on down the road, or if I can manage to get enough friends together, then I promise I will post it here. I may do video updates though because I am having trouble with, memory, confusion, words, etc. So video would be easier for me to film and post. Over the past months I have been healing I have toyed around with starting a youtube channel…not sure about it, but maybe.

Anyway, I hope you all are doing well and had a wonderful new year. I will catch you all later.

Have a good one!


Please forgive grammar and spelling errors I can’t bring myself to proofread this whole thing, it will just turn into a jumble in front of my eyes.

Also here are some pictures of the crash. It may not look like there is that much damage to the CRV but it was comprehensively totaled. the fact that it held up so well is a testament to Honda and the fact the other driver walked away is another testament to Honda. I am not sure my Classic or the Discos would be able to provide the same protection.


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Ray Hyland

Expedition Leader
Damn. That is brutal. I am sorry to hear about all the stuff that sucks. But I’m happy to hear you are alive.

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I was super excited when I got the alert for a new post in your thread.

I’m really sorry to hear about the accident. Good luck with recovery.

Clean Discos are starting to become valuable. Not sure it’s worth combining the 2. I would look st pricing on Bring a trailer.


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Farmer Jon
Damn. That is brutal. I am sorry to hear about all the stuff that sucks. But I’m happy to hear you are alive.

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It has definitely been rough and I still haven't seemed to get a break in my luck yet. I ended up with another concussion by accident not too long ago on my brothers birthday in December just before Christmas.
I hope I heal faster than I did when I was 18. It took 5 to 6 years to feel fairly normal after that particular TBI (Traumatic Brain Injury).
Interesting note: I bought my Classic when I finally started feeling kind of normal and started rebuilding my life while I was rebuilding that Rover. It is one of the reasons I love that Classic so much, because it helped bring me back. Hopefully it will again, because I still really want to work on it.
Thank you, sincerely. I am glad to be alive too, I am definitely counting my blessing because it could have been a lot worse.


Farmer Jon

I was super excited when I got the alert for a new post in your thread.

I’m really sorry to hear about the accident. Good luck with recovery.

Clean Discos are starting to become valuable. Not sure it’s worth combining the 2. I would look st pricing on Bring a trailer.


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Hi Mike,

Thank you, genuinely. I really appreciate it.

Its been awhile. How are things with you? Your Classic doing well? I am sorry for posting the downer of a status update, but I will work on stuff as and when I am capable. I have been thinking about at least doing some kind of engine test stand to work the kinks out, not sure. I even bought a welding table in preparation for making crossmembers, brackets, etc. So I could make the engine stand in a comfortable seated position. It would definitely make it easier on my back and neck to have easy access from all sides. It would be good to check for leaks or other issues as well.

I never thought about looking on BAT for pricing help. Thanks!

I hope everything is going well with you.

Have a good one,


Hi Mike,

Your Classic doing well?


My Classic is a sad tale of woe, and all too typical. It sits halfway through a project with little time. New house, kid, new job. We have a Tundra with a flippac, so we are getting out, but I really miss the classic.

It’s at my old house , and is actually getting some love as I need to move it. Deadline is a trip in March. Let’s see if we can both work through life through our Rovers.

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Farmer Jon
Hello everyone,

So small update and a bit of a plug (hopefully it is not inappropriate). I am still healing, haven't been able to pick up a wrench really. More issues from the car accident. I am on the mend physically, but the brain issues are still getting worse and because of that I cannot work. So I am having to sell off some of my projects to produce some money that will help pay for medical bills and hopefully get other things done so that I can sell those too.

I could honestly give you all a master class on being properly insured. I will give you the short version: Underinsured/Uninsured is possibly the most important aspect of your insurance these days, make sure you have very high coverage, which you can get if you raise your deductible. If you raise it from something like $250 to $2000 or higher you will take a huge amount out of your monthly payments which will allow you to put that saved money toward the more important higher limits that really matter.
Let me put it to you like is WAY easier to come by $2000 in the middle of a ******** storm than it is the $250,000 to $500,000+ that medical bills/being out of work will cost.
Spend some time to let that one sink in, SERIOUSLY, take some time and think that one through. It CAN happen to you! You, your significant other, and children all in one car...that is a huge amount of money in medical bills...then think about how much money you could blow through if you and your significant other were out of work at the same time and your kids needed to be taken care of too. AND pain and suffering comes out of the same amount....soooooo if you are hit by someone whose uninsured or more likely, is gonna come back on YOUR insurance.

So insure yourself like your would want the other person to be insured, because if they aren't insured properly....its coming back on your insurance.

One more thing to think about, I am no longer able to do the work/field I trained years for and have spent the last decade working in. Now, I am on a hiatus and may have to change careers. Let that sink in too, how much money could you burn through if you were in my situation...broken, brain issues, and looking at maybe not working at all or switching to a new career path. We are talking about ludicrous amounts of money for the average guy, which I am and you probably are too.

Alright I will leave it at that, enough downer stuff for now. Just wanted try to help you all out with a bit of advice from someone who is currently in a ************ situation.

I will make it through and will be stronger for it. I am just thankful that I was the one that took the brunt of it all and that my wife came out much better of then me.
I am working very hard at trying to get healed up. So I hope next time I will have a good post with some actual work getting done.

Anyway, have a good one guys,

Here is the link to a set of 404 Unimog Axles I am selling. Could really use the money if you guys know anyone that needs them. Thanks
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