The Rug Road, Arizona April 23 - 26, 2010

Number 7

We had a great trip over the weekend, camping at Turkey Creek Friday night, then taking The Rug Road over to Copper Creek for some exploring, and out to Mammoth Sunday afternoon.

Click the 1st Picture to link to Pictures & Trip Report:


It was a great adventure!

Enjoy, d


Tim and Kelsey get lost..
Nice pics! I miss Paco. He's good people for a dog. That David guys alright. :elkgrin:


New member
Passer by says hello

Hi, Just thought we would touch base with you. We were the group with the CJ2A/trailer and Cherokee coming up the road.

Wish we could have ran in to each other at a better spot! Would have liked to introduce myself. I figured it had to have been an expo crowd when I saw the other trailer.

We were trying to make a big loop from Oracle down to Wilcox mainly offroad. We were really delayed on Friday after running in to about 5 different locked gates. It's so hard to know what roads exist/are open vs the maps.

Glad to hear you guys had a good time!

Hope to see you again.

Scott & Brenda

Number 7

Hey Scott & Brenda, thanks for posting. That was a bad spot - also sorry you had to momentarily stop near the top of a hill. Glad there was enough room for everybody to pull over.

Some of us on that trip are over here as well as the organizing site. Expo Portal is just a good all around place to for learning about and posting trips

I just realized that this picture thread was started in the wrong catagory, bummer.

Take Care,


Hi, Just thought we would touch base with you. We were the group with the CJ2A/trailer and Cherokee coming up the road.

Wish we could have ran in to each other at a better spot! Would have liked to introduce myself. I figured it had to have been an expo crowd when I saw the other trailer.

We were trying to make a big loop from Oracle down to Wilcox mainly offroad. We were really delayed on Friday after running in to about 5 different locked gates. It's so hard to know what roads exist/are open vs the maps.

Glad to hear you guys had a good time!

Hope to see you again.
Scott & Brenda

hey Scott & Brenda, nice to meet you "virtually" after bumping into each other on the trail! i was the guy in the black grand-cherokee tailgunning... thanks for letting us all get by even though you guys had right-of-way! bummer you couldn't finish your expedition quite as planned - we also had planned to make a couple different loops that we found out had locked gates now :(

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New member
Wish we could have ran in to each other at a better spot! Would have liked to introduce myself. I figured it had to have been an expo crowd when I saw the other trailer.


meeting on the rug road

A special THANKS goes out to you and your partners for moving out of the way so we could get by. The trip was put together by offroadpassport. A fun bunch and good people. Wish we would have had more time and room to talk.

UPATREE & Assoc.
The other trailer


New member
We ran it druring Rodeo break, great area. Hats off to those who toted trailers, not something I would consider enjoyable..

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