The S T I N K !!!!!!!


Expedition Poseur
spressomon said:
Yes...when its not in fridge/freeze mode ALWAYS leave the lid open. I just wad up a clean rag and put it between the lid and the great...doesn't rattle.

Same applies to insulated coolers, home refrigerators/freezers, etc.

I keep my coolers and out of service home fridges and freezers closed...with lightly wadded up news paper inside. That has always kept the stink at bay, and the inside clean (my garage is the site a numerous projects which always lead to dust from grinding steel, etc---making it a good idea to keep everything closed).

As for the stinky fridge in question.....I haven't a clue how to rid it of the stink.

Brian McVickers

Staff member
articulate said:
Aren't you a bachelor? Your stink threshold is much higher than the rest of us chumps.

You know, I thougt my bachelor appartements stank from time to time, then I encountered diapers!!!!
And now I have encountered the S T I N K !!

:Wow1: :Wow1:


Supporting Sponsor, Overland Certified OC0004
I have found 3 things that help get rid of stink:

1 - Washing the offending object with cider vinegar...better to smell like pickles than...well...old baby you know what. We do this with our rental trailers that have fridges.

2 - Limes. When making margaritas, I always stuff one down the disposal and all is right in the olfactory the world

3 - Ground dark roast coffee...I know this sounds weird but it works. Takes the stuffiness right out of the old truck cab.

Okay, one least you'll know what the stink is! PU!!!!!

Mc Taco

American Adventurist
Ok. Note to self. DO NOT BUY FRIDGE FROM mcvickoffroad when it shows up in the classified forum next month! After you get it all cleaned up put a small open container of baking soda inside. Should absorb any foul odors.


Expedition Poseur
articulate said:
Aren't you a bachelor? Your stink threshold is much higher than the rest of us chumps.

Actually, my stink threshold is pretty low. I don't like stink. I also don't like a mess either. Which explains why my garage is always clean and organized (the attached house is also kept pretty clean....)


Expedition Leader
My sister keeps a chest freezer in the basement, it got accidently unplugged...It was full of venison. It turned itself into a big stew kettle. I've never smelled any thing like that before. I bet it beat most of the katrina fridges hands down.

I'd try putting an open box of baking soda in your fridge during storage, good luck.


I had the upright freezer in my garage pop the breaker about two summers ago. It started stinking. I dug around in my garage for a week trying to figure out what died. Then I noticed the OOZE. There was this jelly funk rolling out from under the freezer. Much like the release agent used in a can of spam. Not quite liquid not quite solid, kina a pinkish color. So, me being the appropriate ************** that I am reached up and opened the freezer door... Woke up in a pool of my own vimit on the garage floor. I instantly grabbed the trusty hand truck and pulled the offending appliance out of the garage. Had my brother come over to help me load it up and hauled it straght to the dump. Paid the disposal fee and dumped it, still full of rotting contents, amidst the giant pile of appliances. Kinda felt bad for the poor guy at the dump who caught the first wiff of death coming from that thing. I woulda been afraid to find a Dahmeresque cache of body parts in there.

Took 2 weeks for the garage to finally quit stinking. Lesson learned on this one... no more fridges or freezers in the garage. PERIOD.


Expedition Leader
The most amazing anti-stink thing I have found yet is Oda-ban. Sold at Sam's. It is concentrated, so dilute appropriately and it can do magic. Learned this from a rental unit i had that wound up being much abused. Added this stuff to the carpet cleaner and *presto* the stink was gone.

Christian P.

Expedition Leader
Staff member
it reminds when we were young(er) and stupids, we hid a dead fish in the back of my friend's old Ford Escort... under the spare wheel...took him weeks to find it out...the smell was horrible...



Stink is like radiation

What is the half-life of your stink? It sounds like you have not reached it yet. :shakin:

Seriously though, if it was fish, lemon juice works good on hands, maybe it would work if you left some lemon juice sitting on the contaminated surfaces for a few minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, or years, depending on the stink's half-life.

One caution, though. Watch out for ants. You may be trading one evil for another. :sport_box

Like others before in this thread, Sometimes I wish I had your problem, as owning a fridge would be cool! No pun intended.

Colorado Ron

Sorry to bring up an old thread but I now have the same problem. Remembered reading this thread and went searching.

I have had mine closed for about a month in the off position. The burb is under the knife getting a cummins conversion. I just happened to open the fridge in the back today and about fell over! YIKES! Out it came and Im going in tomorrow! Wish me luck!

Brian McVickers

Staff member
Ugh! You had to remind me!

I took mine completely apart. Every screw I could find came out. I took the insides down to the insulation foam and bleached it all, lettingit soak.

The smell is gone but the wire basket insert seems to be cursed forever.
It has a few dings and nicks in the plastic coating and the STINK crawled all the way up into them. I pretty much just use the fridge without the basket.

Good luck!

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