89s rule
You'll need a time delay relay for #4 (and possibly #5 too)... I found one here for my heated super duty mirror project: http://www.wolstentech.com/products/timedelayrelay/timedelayrelay.php
relatively cheap, simple to wire and nice quality.
#6 is possible but it'll require a little thought. A lot of those fancy functions in cars are done with microcontrollers and logic. It can be done...there are aftermarket solutions for this stuff...but it isn't going to plug 'n' play for a van.
Thanks I figured you might have a few ideas. I will check into that web page. Looks like it will take care of several things I am wanting to do. I am fine with no straight plug an play but trying to figure out custom wiring with resisters, etc I get lost quick. Following a writeup
There was a thread on a ranger forum about the auto up and auto down windows, but no instructions.
Did you pull your turbo off to get at the back of your fuel bowl???
My 95 had a fuel leak. I rebuilt the bowl, and replaced the pump. Could not figure out how to get at it without pulling the turbo.
Now have a minor oil leak. No idea from where. Will have to address it this spring.
Interested to see how you like the TS chip. Since I have the same motor I will be following your thread closely!!!
Just looking to get mine leak free and reliable. The high idle function on the chip looks nice for cold weather starts and a bit more hp would be great as long as it does not have any impact on reliability and engine life!!
I did not pull the turbo to get the fuel bowl off. I am pulling the turbo to get the side intake plate off since I dropped a hose clamp in one side. I think you have to pull the turbo if you are doign the pump. Is yours a mechanical pump like mine. (In the valley)? I did have a small leak on the down pipes but other than that I don't think I had any major leaks. Idle and cold cranking are my main concerns for now. As much crap as was in the bowl and screen for the FPR I hope that clears up a good bit.
Unfortunately on the TS chip they didn't offer the high idle through XDP for the van. I am not sure if this is an OBS / Van thing or a standard tune thing or what. I may try to change tunes in the future, but for $200 I felt like it was going to be hard to be beat. DP does offer a high idle, but cheapest I have seen them is $300.
On the accessories: I came from late model vehicles and missed all that stuff too... For a month or two, then I forgot all about it. Locked my keys in the van half a dozen times because I was used to keyless ign. Maybe what seems important today will pass?
I am actually used to minimal extras, but some are just nice to have especially if they can be had for a relatively inexpensive price.
Also forgot to add another one:
#7 - Keyless entry and remote start.