SMEV sink
SMEV glass top sink with drainer, model number 8306.
I went with the glass top units for the utility, not for the looks, although the clean look is a good byproduct. With the glass tops I will have a large flat surface to work on when loading film and looking at maps. A chart table of sorts.
The drainer part of the sink will be in the corner of the countertop, while I will be losing countertop space with the drainer design, I feel the drainer will be more useful when cooking, and when not cooking the glass top makes it a moot point.
This was bought from Ebay when the former American distributor was clearing out stock. At this point I can not find a source for them in N.A., this is too bad because they are high quality units. There are a few places in Europe that have them available, best place I have found is I have ordered some SMEV parts from them and they are good to work with on shipping an order to North America.
I ordered an angled drain fitting for the sink. Best place I could find is noted above.
My sink does not have a faucet, future post will cover those plans.