The Wanderers build


Update time. Life has been obstructive, but been plugging along (also the parts-wait hasn't helped)
the adapter arrived for the turbo


the hole is still there - so say I've over-engineered would be an understatement, but oh well.

there is the possibility that I'll put a 20 gallon tank here so there is that... I also freely admit that it was not easy cutting a hole in the side of the truck


You are a brave individual. There is no way I could cut a hole that size in the side of my Burb. I have issues with just screwing things to the interior panels.


Expedition Leader
Can I suggest an accumulator on the water pump? I wish I would have put one in (and likely will add one at some point!) it should really help when not running the pump at full tilt, keeps it from pulsing so much.


Can I suggest an accumulator on the water pump? I wish I would have put one in (and likely will add one at some point!) it should really help when not running the pump at full tilt, keeps it from pulsing so much.

it's a good idea, and it is addressed in the design. The pump is lower then the top of the tank and the outlet is actually lower then the pump. It works just like a siphon as the weight of the water going uphill is less then the weight of the water on the downhill side.


Expedition Leader
it's a good idea, and it is addressed in the design. The pump is lower then the top of the tank and the outlet is actually lower then the pump. It works just like a siphon as the weight of the water going uphill is less then the weight of the water on the downhill side.

I think I see what your saying. But What I was meaning is an accumulator tank, they are a small tank with a bladder, it gets pressurized when the pump runs, then can supply a bit of water pressure without the pump being on. IE


You are a brave individual. There is no way I could cut a hole that size in the side of my Burb. I have issues with just screwing things to the interior panels.

wait until you see what size hole I'm cutting in the roof for the air conditioner - this is how I'm feeling about that



a bit of paint


and air conditioning/heater parts arrived....

it's possible that I'll be done with this soon.... possible, except paint... but who needs paint?


but for one fitting, it's done (the water system)
water pump is in place

this is overkill, but I have a bunch of these heat-shrink water clamps... might as well use them

filter in place

tank in place

there will be shelves above this, but there it is (oh and insulated to make it 3 season-proof





We join them now as they wander (what else?) down a pleasant blacktop back country road, with no particular destination in mind.

Carl rolled the window of The Whale down, and spit (spat?) a gob of tobacco juice out into the windstream. A fine brown spray added to the tarnish on the side of the huge Suburban, making it gleam like the back of a 300 year-old sea turtle. The wad of tobacco nailed a roadside sign slightly off-center.

Emma sighed. "Carl, I do wish you wouldn't do that. You got the side of our truck looking like a mobile swamp."
"Okie-dokie, honey pot. I'll park the chew for a while and have me a couple of stogies instead. Hand me that box up there near the rifle rack... the brown one... and get me a few of those El Garbonzo Coronas. Yeah, those are the ones."
Emma made a sour face. "Carl, these things are the size of flashlights. If you light one of those up, you'll probably kill every mosquito in a 20 mile radius, as well as make me gag."
"No problem. I'll just keep the window down, and leave both of the air conditioners on full blast. That'll keep all the smoke going out the window."

Carl fired up the huge green El Garbonzo Corona and sighed with satisfaction. A billowing cloud of gray/brown smoke rolled out of window and followed The Whale like an oil derrick on fire. A cow in a nearby field sniffed the air, coughed, and promptly threw up two pounds of freshly chewed grass.
Emma aimed three air conditioning ducts directly at her face and stifled any complaint she may have been considering. "Carl? Where are we heading? I'd like to do something different for a change. When's the last time we did any fishing, for example?"
"Hey, good idea! I wouldn't mind dropping a line or two in the water and catching us some fresh trout for dinner. Get out the map and see if there are any lakes nearby."
Emma fiddled, folded and floundered with a few maps until she found the right one. "Here you are, dear. Ten more miles up this road, we take a left and head back about six miles. It's called Big Trout Lake. Sounds like a natural."

A half hour later, the lake popped into view and The Whale pulled up to a little grocery store/gas station with a few older men playing checkers on milk crates in front. Carl ambled over. "Hi do there. Don't mean to interrupt your game, but we're lookin' to catch us some fish."
The man with a CAT baseball cap on laughed. "Hellsfire, man... then you better head into town to the supermarket. All we got in this lake is a couple of butt-ugly carp and blue-gills the size of peanuts."
Carl looked puzzled.
"Then why do they call it Big Trout Lake?"
"Some Indian guy with a weird sense of humor gave it that name right around WW Two. Sold the lake and the land around it to some dumb city slicker for a fortune. Guy went broke and now the county owns it. About the only thing it's good for is when it freezes over, everybody goes skatin' on it. You want to catch some fish, you gotta drive back in the woods a good piece up to No Fish Lake."
Carl looked confused. “Why would I want to go to a lake with no fish?"
"Naw. That's just the name of it. Same Indian feller figured nobody would mess around with his favorite fishin' spot when he tagged it with that name. And it worked, too. Only the locals know about it. Lottsa trout up there and some good smallmouth bass. 'Course, the road leading up there is on the cobby side. I wouldn't even try it with that motorhome you got there."
"Motorhome? Why, that's a full-sized Chevy Suburban four wheel drive real died-in-the-wool off-road vehicle!"
"Then what's all that crap hangin' off the top and such? You got a boat on the roof, motorsickles on the bumpers, awnings and satellite dishes and lord knows what all else. A real off-road vehicle is a Jeep with a machine gun mounted on the hood, like we had back in the Big One, WW Two."
"Jeep? Why would anybody want to drive one of those antiques? Especially one from the 1940's. It wouldn’t get out of its own way with a good tail wind. You show me an old Jeep and I’ll show you an ugly Jeep. So don't tell me, Bub, that …”
The old man interrupted. "How'd you know my name?"
Carl looked puzzled. " I don't know your name. Whyzatt?"
"Well, sonny, my name is Bub. Bubba Joe LaRue Honker. You got a name, or did your parents leave you out on a doorstep?"
"The name is Carl, and this here's my wife, Emma. Listen, Bub... I didn't mean to get on you so hard about them old Jeeps. Why, I betcha you got some fond memories of those things."
Bub smiled. "Better 'n that, sonny. I got me a real WW II Jeep out back, in perfect runnin' condition. Want to come out back and see a genuine off road rig?"
"Sure. It's been a while since I seen one of those things."


Bub opened the garage doors, and there in the middle of an immaculate shop, all short and squatty, sat a genuine, real, honest, no-bull, authentic World War II Jeep. Carl's eyes popped wide open! The Jeep was so real that it still had a machine gun mounted on the hood... a BIG machine gun! And another one was mounted on the rear, pointing backwards. A bazooka was attached to the right front fender, and a flame thrower was bolted to the left fender. The rear section was filled with ammo boxes and what appeared to be real hand grenades. A .45 pistol in a holster hung over the windshield post.

Bub thumbed open a can of beer. "Well, whaddaya think, sonny?"
For once, Carl was speechless. Emma walked around the heavily armed Jeep, jaw hanging. "Gosh golly, Mr. Bub. What do you do with it?"
"Call me plain Bub, little lady. Well, I pretty much do anything with it that I want to. You ought to see when I take 'er into town for groceries. Nobody cuts me off, or fights me for a parking space. And once about three years ago, some guy robbed the hardware store just when I was gettin' in the Jeep, and I gave chase and caught him."
Carl looked stunned. "What was he driving? A horse?"
"Nope, sonny. He was in a hot-rod Camaro or Fireburst or something like that."
"How'd you catch him with that thing?"
Bub smiled. "Easy. Ran a few hundred rounds through his tires. You can't go real fast when you got your wheels shot off."
"You mean that's all live ammo in there? Isn't that illegal?"
"Mebbe. I don't really care. This ain't exactly the big city out here, and the closest law enforcement is about 35 miles away."
Carl whistled. "Amazing! How does that thing haul this load... this arsenal ... around with a teeny-weeny little six ¬cylinder motor?"
"Six? Sonny, don't you know nuthin' about Jeeps. This here is a 1942 Model MB Military Jeep. It's powered by a four cylinder engine, not one of those new-fangled sixes. This one here is a real honest-to-gawd L-head motor. It's got a six volt electrical system and a split windshield. All the good stuff."
Carl shook his head from side to side. "Wow! I am impressed, Bub. Makes me want to mount a rocket launcher on the front of The Whale. But how does it run off-road? Can it get along through the woods and trails?"
"Hah! It'll go jist about anywhere. Not real fast, but good and steady. In fact, if you want, I'll lead you on up to that lake. It's been a while since I dropped a line in the water."
Carl beamed. "Sounds like a plan, Bub. You want to bring your missus along, too?"
"Yeah. Why not? Won't hurt her to miss a day of school every now and then."
"School? Uh, how old is your old lady, Bub?"
"Eighteen. She'll graduate from high school this year."
"And if you don't mind my asking, how old are you?”
"Eighty-two, goin' on '83. I keep myself in pretty good shape, though. Had to, to outlive three different wives, ya know. I owe it all to drinkin' good whiskey and drivin' my Jeep and good home cookin'."
Carl let out a heavy breath. "Hoooeee! Well, Bub... what say we regroup and get ready to head for the fishin' spot?"
"No problem. One thing though I gotta warn you about. There's some troublemakers up in the woods. Calls' themselves Dirt Firsters, or Earth Firsters, or somethin' like that. We ought to take some extra ammo in the Jeep, just in case."
Carl looked at Emma; Emma stared at Carl. They both had wide eyes and slack jaws. Just what were they getting in to? Could it be that Carl and Emma will have a run-in with a bunch of eco¬-radicals next time? Spooky times ahead! Stay tuned.





Last time, Carl and Emma met an 83 year-old Jeep fanatic named Bubba Joe LaRue Honker, or Bub, for short. Bub's World War II Jeep had two machine guns, a bazooka and a flame thrower mounted, as well as dozens of other vintage weapons. Even stranger, Bub had an 18 year old wife. Bub offered to show Carl and Emma the way back through the woods to a good fishing spot, and warned them that there were some eco-freaks out in the woods.


We join them now as they're parked in front of Elvis Presley High School, waiting for Bub's wife to get out of class. People walking by do double-takes at the huge Suburban, with two trail bikes, a boat, satellite dish and awnings mounted, then do a triple-take when they see Bub's Jeep, looking like something out of a low-budget Road Warriors movie.
A cluster of students left the building, and a spectacular blond, who made Dolly Parton look like a pool cue, shrieked happily and ran up to the Jeep. "Bubba, honey! How nice of you to pick me up from school. And who are these nice people?"
"Well, this here's Carl and Emma, and I figured we'd take 'em up to No Fish Lake and maybe catch us a few lunkers. Folks, this here's my wife, Bubbles."
Bubbles bubbled-over and giggled. "Pleased to meet you. Hope you don't mind me bein' all sweaty and such, but I just got done with cheer-leading practice."
Carl shook hands with Bubbles and stared at her stunning bosoms, which were restrained underneath a Mutant Ninja Turtles T-shirt that was several sizes too small.
" Uhh, same here, Boobies... I mean Bosoms... I mean ... that is..."
Emma gave him a short shot to the ribs with her elbow. "Don't mind him, dear. Ex-Navy men just seem to have no manners. I'm very pleased to make your acquaintance."
Bubbles beamed. "Ooooh, another military man! I just love soldiers and sailors. That's one of the reasons I married Bubba. One look at him in his uniform, and I just melted. I met him when I was working as a waitress at the local VFW."
Bub smiled broadly "Cuter'n a bug, ain't she? Well, enough jibber-jabber. Let's head on up to the lake and git us some fish before they go to sleep for the night."

Carl was amazed at how skillfully Bub drove the Jeep down the two-track dirt roads, dodging rain ruts and rocks easily. And when they took a side road off through the deep woods, Bub slipped cleanly between the trees, hardly disturbing a leaf in the process. Carl, on the other hand, was forced to listen to the sounds of branches scratching his paint, as the huge Suburban tried to fit in spaces made for Jeeps.

They drove to the top of a hill, and Bub parked the Jeep. "Thought you might like to see the view."
Everyone got out and stretched their legs. Down below them, was a beautiful little lake, surrounded by pleasant groves of trees. Even from this distance, they could see a few ripples in the water from fish feeding.
Emma opened up the picnic basket and passed around some sand¬wiches and potato chips. They all sat there, enjoying the sur¬roundings, when the sound of metallic hammering broke through the air.
Emma's eyes widened. "What on earth is that!"
Bub sighed. "I was afraid of that. Sounds like those damn tree-spikers at work. Earth Firsters, they call themselves."
Carl stuffed half a sandwich in his mouth. "Whyyiupphh ith thiff gorpppph baffff …”
Emma looked disgusted. "Carl, please don't try to talk with your mouth full. How many times have I told you that?"
"Sorry dear. I tend to forget. What I was wonderin' about, is just what is a tree-spiker and an Earth Fister?"
Bub shook his head from side to side, sadly. “Earth Firster, not Fister, but that's probably a better name Here's the deal. The Forest Service comes up here about once year and marks some trees out for thinning, local folks bid on it, and harvest the trees. They sell them to a lumber company and make a few bucks. These people don’t like that."
Carl looked confused. "Why not? Anybody who knows anything about woods knows that thinning is good for trees. You cut some of the big ones down and it lets the little ones get some sun¬light and turn into big ones. And these woods look pretty good to me."
Bub sighed. "Yup. And the folks around here have been har¬vesting trees as far back as I can remember. These woods don't look any different than when I was a kid. But these idiots are stomping around in the woods, spiking trees that are marked for harvest."
Emma frowned. "What's tree spiking?"
"Well, they pound a bunch of big long nails into the tree, then cover up the gouge marks with some mud and wood chips. Then when the logger goes to cut the tree down, his chain saw hits the spike and all hell breaks loose. We had a half dozen of local folks hurt; one of 'em is still in the hospital. It's gittin' so we're scared to walk in the woods nowadays."
Carl got real red in the face and bit his cigar in half. "Who are these people? What are they? Commies or something?"
"Most of 'em is long-haired hippies who don't work. Some of 'em is local college kids with more time on their hands than brains. Ain't nuthin' that thinks they know more than a pimply-faced kid whose Daddy is payin' for his schooling. It's worse in the summer when they ain't goin' to classes. They camp out in the woods, smoke dope all day long and play guitars all night. Then about once a week, they go into town and pick up Daddy's check at the post office. Sad state of affairs."
Carl's eyes nearly bugged out of his head. "Well, what inna hell are the authorities doin' about this?"
"Not much. First, you gotta catch 'em in the act, then when they do catch 'em, some slick lawyer has 'em out on bail the next day. They don't carry any ID, give the judge a phony name, and jist jump bail and move on. And they's another one to take his place. Anyways, enough of this talk. Let's go catch some fish, what say?"

An hour later, Emma had already caught three nice-sized trout and lost another half dozen. Bub had a string of small-mouthed bass and a huge blue-gill. Bubbles had her limit of trout and two bass, while Carl still had an empty stringer. He did catch one tiny blue-gill, which Emma made him throw back. Bubbles caught two more bass in less than a minute, right next to where Carl was working a shallow spot off the bank.
Bubbles was all smiles. "That's it for me. I'm all fished out. Emma, would you like to take a trail drive with me, and I'll show Lovers Leap. That's where Bub and I went on our first date. You boys see if you can fill up the ice chest. Me an Emma are gonna take a drive and talk some girl talk."
Bub expertly tossed a line under a branch. "Now you take it easy with my Jeep, ya hear? See you girls back in an hour so, OK?”

A half hour later, Carl got a big bite and yanked hard on his line. A small trout flipped up out of the water and sailed over Carl's head, into the woods behind him. "Well, looks like I got me a keeper if I can find him."
Carl pushed his way through the thick brush, looking for the trout. Before he had gone ten feet, he saw a cluster of people standing there, looking very hostile. Carl stayed calm. “Hi do there. Any of you guys seen a trout fly in here?"
The group of six men stared at Carl. They all had long hair and were scruffy looking. Three of them were bare-footed and the others had sandals made out of tire-tread. The biggest one spoke: "You have just violated the rights of this fish. We're putting it back in the water."
Carl bristled. "Like hell you are! That's the first decent fish I caught today, and I am going to eat that sucker. After I cook it, of course."
The smallest one piped up: "It's wrong to eat any animals. Animals have the same rights as humans. In fact, they have more rights; they were here first."
Carl looked confused for a second, then brightened: "Then howcome it's OK for fish to eat each other? Answer me that, hippie?”
The smallest one stopped cold, jaw hanging. "Well... uhhh that is... uhhh.”
The big one stepped in. "Never mind all that double-talk. This fish goes back in the water and you and your friend get out of here right now. And walk out. Your gas-guzzling truck has four flats."
Carl nearly exploded. "No it don't, you pencil-necked geek. It's sittin' there right in front of your dirt-encrusted face. Maybe those rings in your ears have infected your brain cells."
The big one gave an evil grin. "It WILL have some flats in a bit. Boys, get the spikes out."
With that, three of them whipped some ten inch nails out of a cloth bag and stomped through the brush toward The Whale. Carl started to protest, but two of them drew out wicked-looking knifes.

The group barged through the brush, with Carl in tow. Bub figured it out in a flash. "Don't make any sudden moves, Carl. These are them Earth First loonies I was tellin' you about."
The big one got down on his knees and pounded a spike right through the sidewall of the right front tire of The Whale. Air hissed out and the huge Suburban slumped to the ground. The spiker grinned, and walked around to the other side.
Steam was coming out of Carl's ears. "You dumb *~$$*))&$##$%&, that's a $200 Gumbo Mudder with only 6,000 miles on it."
The big one raised the hammer again. "Not any more it ain't. I figure it's worth nothing except to be made into sandals now."
A moment before the second spike drove into the tire, a rattling round of shots ripped through the air. "Don't move, you maggot-infested hippies'"
Carl looked up. It was Emma and Bubbles. Smoke was coming out of the front machine gun and Emma had the bazooka aimed at the guy with the hammer. She had a hard look on her face. "Make one move, buster, and I'll put a hole through you that won't heal until the next ice age arrives."
Bubbles ratcheted another belt into the machine gun. Should I kill 'em, Bubba, or just blow their knee caps off?"
Carl held up his hand. "No. Let's be reasonable this." He then took the hammer off the big one, calmly walked around, and tapped each one of the terrorists on the forehead with a loud dull thunk! Soon, all six of them were on the ground, eyes glazed, out like the proverbial kitchen light.

Hours later, the sheriff was thanking them profusely, and the Earth Firsters were behind bars. "I don't know how y'all managed to capture all these freaks, but it's a job well done. Congratu-lations."
Carl beamed. "No thanks need, Sheriff. After all, me and Bub here are both military and had the situation under control from the git-go."
Emma and Bubbles exchanged looks, then Emma spoke up firmly:
That's OK, but guess what? You boys are cleaning the fish."


first a garage door height check

then carry on with plumbing

misc. fittings, I ended up using a pvc threaded adapter, a reducer and a brass knurled fitting

fitted in place

did some wiring


next up is a/c then propane and the stove


moving forward.... roof rack cut

no going back from here

sitting in place

outside view

bird's eye view

so to finish it - there will be gear boxes on either side that are open(ish) for wet stuff and for ropes/etc. On the passenger side will be ski-stowage.
Inside I'll add another brace and move the brace that's in the way back then add another on the front. It seems well-sealed - and I will double check that when I pull the unit back off to install the heater (that I forgot to put in initially).
I still plan on an internal, propane, external vent heater and I will be adding insulation around the water tank. On top of that, I plan on running propane to the motor for that added boost when needed (it's a 25% increase in power and torque)

thanks for looking

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