Hi guys, let me tell you a story about my Patrol and friends of fields.
After a moment of sunset and a night full of stars and long rides…
Next day in the morning, while my friends still sleeping, I go to hunt some gophers.
And the show begin
- “Guys, there’s someone watching us.”
- “Ehhh, I see it. Look like take some pics!”
- “What?! Who?! Where?! Picsss?! I want it. Wait a minute to put my beard.”
- “Helloooo, mister! How do I look?”
- “What? To fix it a little?”
- “Hmmm. What will be the big white thing?!”
- “Is it me, or I don’t see well!…”
- “Wawww, a Patroool. Guys come quickly to see a Patroll!”
- “What Patrol?, Where? I don’t see anything!!!”
- “Bro, what a big wheels!!!”
- “Waw, how big it is!!!”
- “What are you looking at? Did I miss something?!”
- “Hmm, dumb gophers! What do you know about 4x4! Big deal, a Patrol.”
At one point I hear whispered:
- "Mister, I’m watching you over an hour ... You really did not find anything interesting at me?"
We set the coordonates for next sunset, and go...
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