Tilting rooftop solar panels


nomadic man
I did a tilting setup for my panels.
I have a Lazy Daze RV, it has a one piece aluminum roof, so the less holes added to it the better.
I used angle brackets and put a piece of VHB tape on the bottom to attach to the roof. Over that I put a piece of Eternabond tape.
I inserted some nutserts into holes I drilled in the panel ends. Then I went to the hardware store and bought some plastic knobs to match the insert.
While there I got two 4 foot piece of flat stock aluminum and cut it into 4 pieces and drilled holes every couple of inches for different angles.
It's worked great for 8 years, recently I saw a couple of the Eternabond pieces have cracked with age and stress of being tilted.
So today I went up on the roof and recovered the brackets with another piece of Eternabond.
This is a no tools needed to tilt setup, which I like.
solar panel bracket.JPGsolar panel mounts.JPG


Well-known member
Anyone know of a durable (or DIY) way of mounting solar panels on a roof that could be tilted? I would not mind turning the truck if needed so a single direction tilt would be ok.

Check the angle of isolation for locations you expext to be at then check the max tilt angle of the mount.

We're at 49 degree North. From Oct. to March our panels go up at 60-70 degrees. Nothing off the shelf worked and I wanted mounts that tilted 4 ways.

A greater number of watts makes tilting worthwhile. In winter our 4x330w roof top panels go from zero output at horizontal 30% tilted.

It's ideal to tilt all the panels especially if the panels are connected in series.

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