Great stuff. One of the best things that you can do to improve your writing is to read often.
That is critical. I often read works from writers in a wide range of genres. Anthony Bourdain is my favorite, and possibly the best writer of our generation, regardless of whether or not you like his barbed wit and heavy snark. The guy is a literary savant.
I have been lucky to travel with several of the best journalists currently in the business. One writer from the Wall Street Journal always has a huge ragged paper journal at her side, one crammed so full of extra pieces of paper, post cards and other things that the binding is hopelessly blown out. She'll hear a word or turn of phrase in passing and quickly jot it down. Or, she constantly records interesting details, the kind that are easily lost in our lousy memory banks.
If you write enough, eventually your personal lexicon gets boring, over used, and uninteresting. It has to be continually evolved and having a place to jot down fleeting words and ideas is key to that process.