Was just an offer to keep him from spending any money, but your solution is much better- oops, what solution?!... Besides, a few of us have used both for say the last 40 years, and prefer no air lines, switches, compressors, etc to potentially fail when needed- but that is another discussion for another time...
To OP, no harm or intention to take advantage intended, hence a public post in lieu of a PM which could have been construed as malice.
To keep him from spending any money?? And yourself you might ad!! Just seems shady to offer an inferior product for a premium product.
I guess what bugs me most about this situation is you are a seasoned guy here. A business owner, and profit from members of this community.
You my friend are held at a higher standard than the rest. In the spirit of what this forum is, we are here to help the "new guys" with problems that arise. Had you made the offer with a financial compensation to make up the difference, there would have not been a comment from me. I'm just looking out for the newbs, all of us at some point were new to this.
To offer 3rds with stock gears and trutracs with a combine value somewhere around $1,200 for arbs with 4.71 and pegged for a combine value of somewhere around $4,000 , seems really swarmy.
If you have a gearing issue with your defender , I have a solution (as you so well put it!) I have some 32's on stock hurricanes I can swap for your 36's? It's real easy , I can come over and talk you through it. I'll pay the shipping on both if you like? This should solve both of our problems?
See how it looks ??!! Any seasoned guy knows your getting the short end!! But then again if you really want to do the swap , I'm game!
I believe as seasoned guys on this forum , it's our responsibility to nurture the new members and help when we can, not try and take advantage. Again, if you had offered money on top, you would have not heard a word from me, but you didn't. I will always look out for the guy who doesn't have the knowledge (we were all there at some point)