The RTTx: Why 'another' Roof Top Tent?
Let's chat about this. The roof tent market we know of is saturated with products. Tents everywhere. There are hard shell, soft shell, hybrids, mechanized, some that sleep 2, some that sleep 4-5 and so on.
So...why do this?
Not a single tent on the market today has taken into account the very basics of vehicular mounted items.
Those are:
- Aerodynamics
- Weight
- Profile / closed height
From the very beginning of this idea - these three important design factors have been the core of this project.
Let's talk about each.
Aero - Save a very few hard shell tents out there, virtually all have very little to no built-in or designed-in aerodynamics. All are essentially bricks with flat faces with many hard corners, etc. This directly impacts the MPG's of your rig. More MPG's means more $$ in the pocket, simple as that.
RTTx Fun Aero Fact: The sloped nose of the RTTx is a composite based material that can be removed or cut to fit virtually any style LED light bar. From the small 6-8" models to the widest being approx 50-52".
Weight - This one is significant. Almost all existing roof top tents on the market today are well over 130 lbs. Many excede 150 to 200+ lbs. This is not a good thing for lifted off road vehicles. Having that kind of weight, up there, above your head, will effect how your vehicle responds to approach angles, slopes, and steep obstacles.
RTTx Fun Weight Fact: All the prototypes weighed in at approx 115-117 lbs. With our custom designed aluminum profiles, we will easily reduce that weight below 100 lbs. Resulting in the lightest roof top tent on the market.
Profile / Height: All roof top tents available today range in height from the low of 6" to 14" and more when closed. This closed profile directly correlates to aerodynamic resistance. The lower, the better. The less resistance, the better. The RTTx achieves the lowest possible height of 5.25" while still maintaining a usable interior storage. Lastly - The RTTx will still fit in a standard garage door. (7'6" to 8' depending on the vehicle, of course.)
RTTx Fun Height Fact: The RTTx paired with Nemo Equipment's 50L Cosmo insulated inflatable mattress provides maximum storage AND excellent comfort.
The low profile and Aerodynamic nose:
Interior room to spare: