RTTx Update: Product testing is winding down.
-- RESULTS! --
The RTTx has been tested in some of the harshest weather conditions imaginable. From hail to monsoon rains, high winds, and of course hot conditions, the RTTx has done its job brilliantly.
MPG results - numerous long trips have been completed. We have logged results with a 2016 4Runner Trail (modified). Average mpg's from 4 trips (loaded) have been 16.5 to 18 mpg. (results varied due to hills, weather, and traffic).
The prototype mounting solutions have worked out tremendously well. The older vehicles with direct mounting were the lowest, while the 4Runner's mounting has been simple and allows the vehicle to maintain it's stock accessories (Ex: Sat radio antenna).
The RTTx has been designed to work with off-the-shelf rack mounting systems from Rhino Rack. Namely - the Rhino Rack Backbone. All modern / present day vehicles utilizing this system will do so moving forward. It presents an easy, yet solid solution and works extremely well.
For those running older vehicles: The RTTx will be a custom option, specific to your vehicle. Vehicle examples include older FZJ80's, 100's, etc. The tents will be direct mount ONLY to provide the lowest profile / lightest solution.
Rack mounting: The RTTx has been designed to be a lightweight, low profile RTT solution. Therefore, while rack mounting is possible, it will not be recommended. Accessory mounting will be available directly on the tent itself. (Awnings, Maxtrax, etc). Reasoning - the rack alone adds substantial weight above the COG as well as preventing the slipstream airflow....which in turn lowers your MPG's.
Bed Racks: The RTTx will work perfectly with bed racks. More to come...
We are aiming for 3 options of mattresses. We are presently testing custom foam, NEMO Equipment's Cosmos and the Exped MegaMat inflatable. Each would represent a Good, Better, Best scenario and will be an individual choice at purchase.
We have determined the fabric tested is overkill for what the tent actually needs. Simply put - a RTT does not need to be a Poly-Cotton canvas. Why you ask? Modern Poly-ripstop fabrics are lighter, more robust and offer the same amount of ruggedness. Having 32lbs of just fabric makes little sense. Look for future updates we move forward on this.
The framing will now be an anodized silver with white panel infill. Reason - silver anodizing will result in a longer lasting finish, and the color will be a better reflector of heat. If a custom color is needed - vehicle wrapped vinyl is recommended.
Fabric colors: Custom rainfly color options will be available down the road. For the immediate future, the rainfly color will be standard.
That's all for now...more to come soon.