Live in south OC and have or thought I had all the repeaters in the area programmed in. I've never run accross a trash talking repeater here behind the orange curtain. There is one up in the San Fernando valley I ran accross a few years ago. Description of that one would be exactly the same as the one described above - nasty, horrible, bigoted, racist, foul language, you name it, they did it for what little I listened in on.
I'd have to say that repeaters and talk like that are very few and far between and not representative of the majority of hams. As usual...leave it to a few idiots to spoil the whole thing so to speak!
Sorry your first foray into ham was not pleasant! I'll have to check my programmed repeaters and make sure I DON'T have that one, or if I do, to remove it.
I like listening to CLARA (don't have the frequency handy-Claremont Repeater Association). They are a very nice bunch to listen to and very respectfull of FCC rules and regs. I think a lady by the name of Shelly owns/operates it from the listening I've done and she's on air frequently during my morning commute. Kudos! It's listed as a private repeater on TASMA, but they've broadcast their PL code on nets in the past and encourage guests so long as courtesy is followed. I think motto is service first, courtesy always or something along those lines - nice.