Here would be my most recent experience with HAM operation in an emergency. 2 rigs had gone up to the Rubicon Trail at Loon Lake to check out the Cantina for the Con fundraiser for the RTF organization. It's a great event. We headed home, westbound on Wentworth Springs rd towards Georgetown. Roughly have way in a right hand bend there is a lady standing on shoulder opposite of me and her car on my shoulder -- she's flagging me down.
She was standing next to motorcycle rider that had called for help just loud enough for them to hear while driving by. I had the 2nd rig back up for traffic caution as we'd expect to see others come our way from the event. The rider lost the front wheel from out and went off the road about 25 yards into thick manzanita. Compound fracture to lower right leg. Helmet and full armor on. No foul play of others or himself. He dragged himself up the embankment to get within shouting distance. As I got out to meet, he was 1 foot off the pavement. We talked to assess immediate condition, very alert and conversational.
By this time, about 3 people were attempting cell phone call. We were just east of Uncle Tom's Cabin a few miles (3 to be exact, however I though it was 1). I kept asking if anyone made connection yet even though they said, "I have a signal." Well, 1 person about 1/4 block away did make contact and relayed condition and location to her. For the heck of it, I pulled my HAM out just in case she would lose connection. Took me a few attempts but raised someone on the 805 El Dorado. The connection made it to EMS quicker b/c of he knew to route directly to the local sheriff --> dispatch, whereas 911 is still determining location/region to then determine routing (chp/sheriff/forest service/etc.).
EMS arrived from Georgetown, which was maybe 30-40 minutes iirc. Helicopter was brought in to flight out. He remained in good spirits the entire time up to being loaded.
Since Saturday I've heard that he's had 2 surgery's.
Everyone on scene was alert and interested in obtaining HAM license. My wife is encouraged more b/c I would have been able to do routine check in with her during the day. I had our 2 kids with us...and no cellphone for another 1 at least (was after 8pm to start going again). She was not happy initially as every mother should be, but it's all good now.