You all know it, drive fast you break fast, drive slow, you break slow. So we arrived after some bumpy roads and when Tom was checking the truck he noticed the airbags had shifted. Fortunately we found a mechanic Huaraz and they managed to identify the problem and replace the airhose which seemed to have be sliced. I am sure it was the speed bump Tom hit and not me.
Checking Nissan Out
Bad Air Hose
I got the speeding ticket and of course the radar gun showing me my speed. Well we talked ourselves out of that and I am quite sure that I was not going that fast and it was a scam.
We drove up into the Andes and from sea level to over 13,000 ft in a day, a beautiful drive.
We met some fellow Swiss overlanders in Chan Chan. They told us their trucks could not go over 13,000 ft because of loss of power. They had to be towed once they reached that height
Safe travels always
You all know it, drive fast you break fast, drive slow, you break slow. So we arrived after some bumpy roads and when Tom was checking the truck he noticed the airbags had shifted. Fortunately we found a mechanic Huaraz and they managed to identify the problem and replace the airhose which seemed to have be sliced. I am sure it was the speed bump Tom hit and not me.
Checking Nissan Out
Bad Air Hose
I got the speeding ticket and of course the radar gun showing me my speed. Well we talked ourselves out of that and I am quite sure that I was not going that fast and it was a scam.
We drove up into the Andes and from sea level to over 13,000 ft in a day, a beautiful drive.
We met some fellow Swiss overlanders in Chan Chan. They told us their trucks could not go over 13,000 ft because of loss of power. They had to be towed once they reached that height
Safe travels always